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Hi everyone. I'm going to be painting a variety of different models over the next year in an effort to improve my skills and wanted to make sure that I could be held accountable by my new friends on the internet, so decided to consolidate it all in a new thread rather than shoe horn it in to the Know No Fear one.

I’ll be concentrating on one mini at a time, so this is going to be a slow thread; updates will be sporadic, and occasionally I’ll go from sub-assembly pics to fully painted if I manage to get a good run going and don’t want to stop to take pictures.

It won’t all be space marines, or in fact 40k. For everything that doesn’t fit on this forum, I’ll be maintaining a sister plog on Cool Mini Or Not, and I'll mention here if I put anything new up on there.

In terms of what will turn up here, I have a long list models waiting for me to get to them:

  • The entire contents of the Indomitus box
  • 3 more Bladeguard, from the new box
  • 10 more Assault Intercessors
  • The Captain, Ancient banner bearer and Inceptors from Know no Fear
  • The Death Guard half of Know no Fear
  • Typhus
  • 4 more T'au Pathfinders (different schemes)
  • 1 Eldar Farseer (planned conversion)

Since Space Marines are the coolest, I’ll be concentrating most of my attention on them. Some of the others might pop in from time to time when I need a palate cleanser, but it’ll mostly be the marines. I'll be painting each one up as a member of a different chapter.

Here’s my completed Marines so far as well as the one Pathfinder:


And an actual Work In Progress! A Blood Angel. I wanted to get as close to a super clean style as I could, but now I’m thinking that I might take a different approach and shade the red with a blue and see where that takes me.


Let me know what you all think so far, please leave some C&C on the Blood Angel.

Edited by _GingerBat_
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You've done a great job so far on the various Primaris you've painted. I especially like the Exorcist, Gatebreaker, and Scythe of the Emperor. :tu:


Curious to know what your plan is for the yellow and black areas on the chainsword that the Blood Angel is holding? 

Great work here - I especially love the Sythe of the Emperor and the dark-grey/bone one I think you've also adopted as your avatar. Loving the yellow and the chest plate on the Blood Angel. Also not sure about the two-tone chainsword. I'd be tempted to change it to hazard stripes with the same yellow as helmet and go metal on the hilt - but maybe that was the plan anyway?

You've done a great job so far on the various Primaris you've painted. I especially like the Exorcist, Gatebreaker, and Scythe of the Emperor. :thumbsup:


Curious to know what your plan is for the yellow and black areas on the chainsword that the Blood Angel is holding? 


Great work here - I especially love the Sythe of the Emperor and the dark-grey/bone one I think you've also adopted as your avatar. Loving the yellow and the chest plate on the Blood Angel. Also not sure about the two-tone chainsword. I'd be tempted to change it to hazard stripes with the same yellow as helmet and go metal on the hilt - but maybe that was the plan anyway?

Thanks guys. Originally the plan with the chainsword was to paint it all yellow, but halfway through I had this idea to make it look like the yellow paint had chipped away, leaving the black underneath. Obviously didn't really work out right! Think I'll revist it and either do hazard stripes or black flames similar to the artwork below. If I do go the flames route, coming up from the hilt or in from the chainblades?


Sorry! I think it might partly be because the yellow paint was still on the “business end”. Flames would be cool but either way will be difficult - a few long thin ones or many short ones? Maybe the black knee should have the flames instead as/well? That might help “sell” just a few flames coming from the hilt - sort of a continuation.

Sorry! I think it might partly be because the yellow paint was still on the “business end”. Flames would be cool but either way will be difficult - a few long thin ones or many short ones? Maybe the black knee should have the flames instead as/well? That might help “sell” just a few flames coming from the hilt - sort of a continuation.

No worries! Thought about what you said and after going back and forth between the image and my little guy I decided to go with chevrons on the chainsword and take more direct inspiration by putting the flames on the leg instead.

I also got carried away doing the red and I think it's done. Probably needs tidying up in some places but I'll do that after I've finished everything else. Took the photo on my phone as I was in a rush so it's not the best representation but it gives the general idea.


Next session will be fixing the metal areas and finishing off the black, then it's he home straight! fairly happy with the way he's turning out but boy was that red a pain to get through!

On a side note I've started an entry for the Miniature Painting Open, you can follow the progress on that here if you want.

Thanks Lamebeard.

I actually managed to finish him off over the weekend!


Fairly happy with the overall result; he looks a bit plain as I didn't add any accessories, but since it's just a test model for some techniques I'm not too worried. I'd like the armour to be better but that's what learning is about! Do understand why people don't like painting red though, definitely wasn't a pleasant experience... Quite happy with how the chainsword turned out, much better idea and application than the previous attempt so thanks everyone for your input.

Not entirely sure what I'm going to do next. I've got another T'au primed and ready but I want to practice my leather painting for the Miniature Painting Open entry, so maybe something like the Judiciar or Bladeguard Ancient? I'd want them to be part of the Chapters project though so might not have time...

Comments and Critique on the Blood Angels sergeant welcomed and encouraged :smile.:

Decided to use the Judiciar model as I really want to practice the leather. But, I've kitbashed it to be a Lieutenant instead as it's just goofy lookin' (to me, I know some people like it). Sticking with the Sons of Dorn as well, had considered the Patriarchs of Ulixis because I really like the idea of making a Musketeer marine, but really couldn't face Red again so soon!

Here's a really quick colour test, pretty set on the pose but let me know if you have ideas on the scheme. Undecided on whether to do the traditional Lieutenant stripes or a stylised laurel on the helmet (similar to Mengels own Son of Dorn here).


Edited by _GingerBat_

I think the pose is ace, a definite improvement. I think the hourglass, flattened sword and facemask are all just too much on the judicar model. When it's new to the lore, it's not so easy to sell, unlike say, a chaplain, where going crazy with skulls and purity seals doesn't hurt.


Is it just the lighting, but the black looks a bit brown? Is that how it's meant to be for a Son of Dorn?

I think the pose is ace, a definite improvement. I think the hourglass, flattened sword and facemask are all just too much on the judicar model. When it's new to the lore, it's not so easy to sell, unlike say, a chaplain, where going crazy with skulls and purity seals doesn't hurt.

Is it just the lighting, but the black looks a bit brown? Is that how it's meant to be for a Son of Dorn?

Think it's just the lighting in the picture, it was a real quick photoshop job. The black on Tyler Mengels Sons of Dorn is of a blue persuasion so that's the direction I went in.

Still loads to do, I'd say the coat is probably the only thing that I can call done.


Thanks space wolf! I know some people like it but it just feel like a missed opportunity to me, the model itself is so detailed but the position of the arms just lets it down. This way feels much more natural to me.

I've finished him, got in the zone towards the end and just powered through. Messed up the laurel on his shoulder pad a couple of times but I'm ok with it now, I'm not going to get it exactly perfect at my current level so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I was going to do the traditional Lieutenant's skull with halo marking, but when I saw that this exact iconography is featured on the belt I decided to do some personal heraldry instead. There is a very subtle (thirded? trisect?) colour shift behind the design but the camera's washed it out.

Also, If you ever find yourself considering doing the Imperial Fists badge freehand, don't!


Really loving the Lieutenant, managing such crisp lines and clean whites and blacks right next to eachother would have my sweating. The freehand, as much of a pain as you make it sounds looks excellent. Also a good photo setup you have going.


He makes for a striking miniature.

Thanks guys, really glad you like him.

Urauloth, I used one of the new Bladeguard box arms for the sword and the other is from the Intercessors box. I was originally looking for a pointing or grabbing arm similar to the Librarian, but quite liked the combination with the relaxed sword arm so used this instead.

Not much updates at the moment, I'm mostly working on the competition entry (you can follow the progress here if you're so inclined) whenever I get some painting time. I'm also exploring the idea of painting up the entire Necron contingent from the Indomitus box in one go, but I'm not sure yet. Do have a scheme sorted though:


And I tested it out on some Scarabs:


  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it's been a while!

Got some painting/modelling done over the last few weeks, mostly snatches here and there really but I've made a start on the next marine, a Silver Guard:



No real conversion work here, just one of the marines from the Indomitus box. The base is already done though, had a bit of fun with that.

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