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Can BT's take 2 crusade relics with Relic of the Chapter


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Hello Brothers!


I'm a scrub.


Now since I've got that out of the way - while setting up one of my first BT's list my colleague pointed that I cannot take 2 Crusade relics by using the Relic of the Chapter strategem.


His logic whas that the strategem mentiones "Chapter relics" not "Crusade relic" (so I can take for example The Honor Vehement). However my ragument is that the Index states "These are considered to be Chapter Relics for all rules purposes.". Doesn't this open up both of the relics lists excluding the first one I chose for my warlord? 


Similiar situation for the Hero of the Chapter strategem, can the secon Warlord trait be drawn from the Codex and Index or only from the Codex?


P.S. I will post some goodies from my army this afternoon so stay tooned :wink:

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The whole point of them being considered chapter relics is so that things like that strategem expressly works on them. You can pick your normal relic from any of the two lists and the stratagem also allows you to take a 2nd weapon from either of the lists.

Edited by Banjulhu
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is your "colleage" a newbie too?  Because if they are a veteran player, they are just taking advantage of your newness and you should execute the Emperor's Justice on him/her. 


He does not play astartes but otherwise has some games behind him (I have "1" game) ;)


So what is the point of the Crusader Relics strategem from the Index? Only to give small artifacts to sergeants potentially giving him a powerfull weapon?


Also is there any FAQ or mention about this?

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Crusader Relics stratagem allows granting BT-specific relics to Sergeants, which normally isn't possible as it's Characters only.


Relics of the Chapter allows additional BT-specific or general Marine relics. Just like for every other Chapter, Ultramarines can take Relics of Macragge or Codex relics, etc.


Maybe your friend is getting mixed up with Crusade Relics in the Crusade game-type (Narrative play), where relics are awarded differently. Unhelpfully they have the same title as our Chapter-specific relics, but they're not the same!

Edited by Brother Kraskor
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I think we came to a conslusion in the end that I can take two Crusade Relics, but for that match I used 1+1 and it was ok. Got rolled over anyway but learned a lot (that was my 2nd game). The alpha strike in this game is brutal and I'm not sure how to deal with it.

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