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 I decided to rebuild, redesign, and rewrite my old space marine chapter of Dark Ravens.

 If you would like me to add the fluff to them here, please let me know )


The chapter know as the Dark Ravens, is a Chapter that follows the direct orders of the Inquisition, primarily Inquisitor Espexius who took command of the Chapter. In many years of service to Inquisitor Espexius, Dark Ravens started to take note of his radical decisions, such as capturing Aeldari elite soldiers (Banshees) to experiment on them, and later lobotomizing and making them his personal bodyguards. Due to a shady past of the chapter, which the Inquisitor known of, a deal was struck between the Chapter Master Nikolos and Espexius to keep the knowledge shared between them a secret, which left many Dark Ravens unhappy, in particular Captain Steamius. 

 In time, Captain Steamius would speak up about the actions of the Inquisitor to his Chapter Master, and beg him to end this lunacy. On one of the missions, Captain of the Dark Ravens even stood up to Espexius and denied him to take in to captivity more xeno Aeldari to experiment on, and executed them in from of the Inquisitor. These actions lead to a trial, in which Espexius demanded execution of Steamius for treason against the Empire, while Chapter Master Nikolos had other ideas. In the end, it was decided that Steamius will now be sent on missions of at most important to the Inquisitor, and should obey his orders at all costs, which would lead to a feud among the members of the Chapter.

 Many marines started to openly speak about radical methods of the inquisitor, and thus the Inquisitor devised a plan to send Captain Steamius, with an army loyal to him on a skirmish war against a Necron invasion. The numbers that were sent, were to little to withstand the Necrons, and they should have had died in that battle as was planned by the Inquisitor if not for an unexpected turn of events. In the middle of the fight, a portal opened in the sky and sucked in every one who was under it. Captain Steamius and some of his loyal brothers ended up on a unknown Desert planet, with no knowledge of what happened on the battlefield and the rest.

 They quickly noticed that the Necrons that were sucked in with them were missing, and so where some of their brothers. With no apparent way out, Captain Steamius decided to dedicate their time and try and find out more about the planet they were stranded on. Every night a sand storm would engulf them, and beasts that lurk under the ground would attack them. The survived will rename them selves the Desert Ravens, due to the environment that have to leave now. With no way to repair their damaged power armor, they started using the bones of the dead beast to create weapons, use their fur to create shelters, and their skin to hide from the sand storms. In time, Steamius would understand the reason why they were sent in to that Battle, and swear revenge on Espexius.


  Seargent of the Alpha Squad is built. All the wars and betrayals turned a formerly stubborn and hot headed marine in to calculative and cool blooded Seargent.

 Took me 5 hours to do all the green stuff on him. And just for comparison, his old self on the photo.







 Leviathan Dreadnought, former Seargent of the Delta Squad. Was a strong candidate for the lieutenant role, but due to suffered injuries in the Battle of the Betrayed, was saved from death by becoming a dreadnought. Due to the outmost respect of the Second Branch, was allowed to ware the fur mantle of the beast, symbolizing his former status. 






 Need your opinions here. Pointing pose, or Bad ass pose?

 Building the chaplain for my Desert Ravens, and honestly cant decide on the pose. Firstly I envisioned him pointing, but then kinda got called with the idea and decided to give him a more simpler one.
 Not gonna write the entire fluff here, but just to give you a feel for this character, he is very brutal towards his enemies, doesent show any mercy what so ever. Loyal to the "Chapter Master" of the second branch. Strict and harsh with units under his command. Leads his charges head on, and loves to execute the enemy HQs.
 To add more, I will most likely replace his head and right arm for the second pose. Also thinking of making the blade smaller. And as with the rest of my chapter, he will have lots of additional green stuff decorations added later, such as a wolf mantel, chains, skulls and etc.
Edited by steamius
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Looks like you're off to a good start! I'd certainly be interested in a link to the fluff at least, seems like each model is going to get a characterful conversion so would be helpful to see what their backstories are.


For the models themselves, I'm liking the Sergeant and Chaplain so far. The basing is looking great too! Personally I'd go with the "arm down" version of the Chaplain, just looks like he's standing there looking for his next target.

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Looks like you're off to a good start! I'd certainly be interested in a link to the fluff at least, seems like each model is going to get a characterful conversion so would be helpful to see what their backstories are.


For the models themselves, I'm liking the Sergeant and Chaplain so far. The basing is looking great too! Personally I'd go with the "arm down" version of the Chaplain, just looks like he's standing there looking for his next target.

 Thanks man ) I will try and write a short fluff story, and post it here ) I am also leaning more towards that pose, but will see )

 As for the bases, I painted the 1st base to see how it will look like. And recorded a tutorial for those who are interested. Me personally, I am really pleased with it ) 


I agree with GingerBat. Arm down staring at the target looks much more menacing. Save the pointing arm for a captain or sergeant.

 Thank you )


Cool stuff .

 Cheers ) 

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@steamius Beautiful work here! I am really taken by the kitbashing and your work with green stuff! That sergeant is my favourite. That pose is great

 Thank you man ) Glad you like it.


 Chaplain of the second branch of Desert Ravens, also known as the Albino Crow, ruthless, fearless, dedicated. After the Battle of the Betrayed, he is leading an expeditionary squad in hopes to find his missing brothers, that went missing after the teleportation happened. Every day he, and his squad face the wild inhabitants of the planet, but yet to find a single clue that would lead to believe that their brothers landed on the same planet, or even worse, are all dead, but the Chaplain does not give up hope.










Edited by steamius
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I like it, but my ONLY complaint is the exposed bare Marine head on the Leviathan, as that's completely counterintuitive for a heavily armoured dreadnought :laugh.:



Some fantastic work there, really excellent poses. I do agree that a bare head seems counterintuitive for a Leviathan.


Dont care ) It looks awesome, + he is now went down to T7, so that makes sense :biggrin.:

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Great work. Love the care you took in putting character in each model. The fluff is appreciated as well!

 Thank you ) Glad you like them.


 I added fluff to the 1st post. Feel free to leave your thoughts on it. I deliberately left out some part of the fluff on Dark Ravens, as we are following the Desert Ravens. 

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What started today as a normal marine built, turned in to a new Sergeant. 


 Avalius, Sergeant of the "Grey Wing" squad for the Desert Ravens. One of the first marines to join the chapter of Dark Ravens. A loyal Marine of the newly reborn Desert Ravens Chapter, humble, cool headed, collective and a good strategist. 

 Never aimed to become a Sergeant, but the circumstances demanded him to take the role. The former squad leader, who was mortally wounded and placed in to a Leviathan Dreadnought, asked Avalius o take his place as the new Sergeant, and to lead their squad, and to find the truth behind the betrayal that led to what has become of them. 

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Avalius is excellent, an interesting pose and very nice greenstuff work.

 Thank you ) I am also glad how he turned out ) And I noticed that I can only work on this army when I have the inspiration to do it ) 


Some really nice work! I look forward to a fully painted Desert Ravens army facing off against your gorgeous Red Corsairs someday.

 Cheers man ) I fear that it will take couple of years before they see any paint ) And currently, my main army are the Ynnari ) 

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I sat down to rebuild the strongest marine that has ever existed, Bobar, or just Bob. But the more I worked on the model, the less he reminded me of Bob. Instead he started to remind me of another model in my old army, the very first 40k model I have built. Even thou the two models dont look alike, its the old fluff that I wrote for the army, that reminded me of this models character. 

 Xeveren, one of the first marines to join Dark Ravens Chapter. Since the day he joined the Chapter, he was assigned in to the tactical squad led by Sergeant Velisius. After the tragic event that befallen the newly formed Desert Ravens, he requested to join the Alpha Squad, where his close combat skills will suit the Chapter better.








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