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Hi everybody!

Me and my best man discovered Kill Team as a cool method to build and paint some of our favorite 40k models without having to buy huge amounts of miniatures. Or so we thought. Of course, it sort of backfired and I bought a lot of miniatures again. xD
But what's so special about that story? Nothing, that's for sure, so without further ado, I'll start talking about models instead.
In the last few months, I slowly started getting back into the hobby. If it hadn't been for Juan Hildago's beautiful Iyanden Eldar, which - I swear! - I watched only because my TV's Youtube app suggested it, I might just have sold the entire hobby corner three months ago. But because of his video, I bought an Army Painter paint set and decided to give it another go. Then I stumbled across catgutpainting's coconut crab tyranids - again by accident - and had a closer look into his tutorials. This is where I found the dune devil scorpion tyranids - and knew I had to give it a shot.
The first tyranid I painted was this little bugger:

Hormagaunt A

And because it went so well, I immediately painted two more of his kind and added a slightly converted and minimally kitbashed warrior:

Krieger WiP A

Krieger C

Krieger A

Along with two termagants:

Termagants A

And a rather heavily converted genestealer:

Stealer WiP B

Stealer A

Stealer E

Stealer B

This is my team so far, with 7/12 (or 13?) nids done.

Gruppenfoto 3

I'm especially proud to say that catgutpainting himself commented on the warrior, liking it very much.
Also, I just received a "love it" from The Army Painter's official IG account on the genestealer. Not to brag, but that made me happy. :smile.:

One final thing: I made a few videos on painting and sculpting. You can see them - if you're interested - by following the Youtube link in my signature.

C&C much appreciated - and if you have a name for my team, I'd be happy to hear it! :smile.:


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All I see is xenos scum that I want to kill - but seriously, they look great - I got some KT nid stuff myself that I planned to convert and never, ever will.

Something about the colour palette reminds me of the RT tyranids that looked like termagants, and the shades are quite muted, natural, and organic - I have never been a fan of brightly coloured poison arrow frog type schemes so I really like these.

All I see is xenos scum that I want to kill - but seriously, they look great - I got some KT nid stuff myself that I planned to convert and never, ever will.


Something about the colour palette reminds me of the RT tyranids that looked like termagants, and the shades are quite muted, natural, and organic - I have never been a fan of brightly coloured poison arrow frog type schemes so I really like these.

Awww, that's so nice. We want to kill you, too. And we'll throw in a little extra something: we'll eat you, too! :smile.:

I had to do a quick google search on RT tyranids. Don't think I've ever seen them before. These are incredibly weird! :biggrin.:


What's keeping you from building that team? It's surprisingly fun and easy.

Thanks a lot! I have to say, I like them both ways. The muted and natural ones as much as the shining neon ones. It just depends on the color combinations - some work out, some look like Bayern München fans. :biggrin.:


Really great :biggrin.:

Thanks! Appreciate it!


Great looking team! Love that standing termagant.

Thank you. :smile.:

He's actually sorta jumping, as it's a hormagaunt body. And I noticed way too late that the two types of bodies differ in more than their armament. ^^


Looking good! I really dig your tyranid scheme.

Thank you! I immediately fell in love with it, too. It's just so different with the slow blending into red. :smile.:

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