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State of the Union (Heresy)

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The rumours came from the same people who confirmed the sprue situation for Mark VI over on Discord and have seen a little bit of the other product releases - including shots of the Spartan and Mechanicum book. Can't really cite beyond that for reasons™ I'm afraid.


They did mention that the Arlatax still has rules in the Mechanicum book, though, despite not having a model.

Any chance you could PM me the discord link id like to join :) Edited by BladeOfVengeance
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So, how are you all planning to take down contemptors in 1000pt games

Meltabombs remain a good option; kraks are a bit worse off but you might just want to bring a dread of your own with a chain fist and hope you punch theirs out before theirs does yours.


Also, Haywire remains effective yet vs dreads.

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So, how are you all planning to take down contemptors in 1000pt gamesS

There`s so much weapons with rend now, i don't think, that will be a big problem.

Also, Plasma is way better against him - wounds and breaches (ap2) at a roll of 4. I'll admit, that there will probably be less plasma on the field now (not in my lists though).

Edited by MichaelCarmine
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Ended up the loyalist praetor. A bit weird, but he's growing on me, just like the other one.


I want to make a Stormwing force eventually, so at the end of the day, any unique sculpts that can become a Centurion and look good enough are fine.

Think he'll look fine for some Raven Guard as well.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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Well, the bare head on that Praetor is vile.


Fortunately you got two helmets to choose from in the box. :)



...but seriously, he's begging to have a hipster-hairdo with that beard, instead of the plume...

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Rotate the right arm down a bit, then give him the sword and MK VI helmet from the 40k Dark Angels upgrade sprue and he'd be doing pretty good.


I like the bonding studs especially, I paint those metallic and then throw Blood Angels red contrast paint on it and it gives DA this nice red metallic studs, which is cool.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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So, how are you all planning to take down contemptors in 1000pt gamesS

There`s so much weapons with rend now, i don't think, that will be a big problem.

Also, Plasma is way better against him - wounds and breaches (ap2) at a roll of 4. I'll admit, that there will probably be less plasma on the field now (not in my lists though).


With plasma's "end-all-be-all" status hindered a bit. I'm hoping there's finally the points reduction to be able to take plasma outriders in 3-6 man squads. I've been dying to use them since I made them, but damn are they far and above a REALLY points inefficient unit. So much as to be in the "Can't reasonably take them via the 'for fluff sake, take it in your list' excuses without an apothecary on bike to attend them, at minimum"

Edited by Dark Legionnare
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Way to busy.

Size creep. 

Helmet looks terrible, as does the non-helmeted head with the crest atop it (and I normaly love grizly bearded veteran heads).

Stole Zephon's sword.

Looks more like an AoS model than a HH model.


Hot piece of garbage.

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Swap out the arms, give him a different head and power pack then he's good to go as just about any mark of armor you want to use (4,5,&6)


Both are pretty busy but Word Bearers are almost the definition of busy models when it comes to ornamentation and details.

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With plasma's "end-all-be-all" status hindered a bit. I'm hoping there's finally the points reduction to be able to take plasma outriders in 3-6 man squads. I've been dying to use them since I made them, but damn are they far and above a REALLY points inefficient unit. So much as to be in the "Can't reasonably take them via the 'for fluff sake, take it in your list' excuses without an apothecary on bike to attend them, at minimum"

Of course it's subject to change in the final project, but while Outriders have been nerfed down to T4, their plasma has gone from 25pts each to 10pts, and the cost for extra riders down by 10pts. So I'm glad the special weapons have dropped so much Edited by Darkwrath121
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Spent too much time on it last night- haywire, massed heavy weapons, massed plasma/melta, or multiple chainfists are the best answers to 3rd revision dreads.


MBs don't really cut it anymore because they're hitting on 5s and the units with them are capped out at 10 models without invulns. You'll lose guys before you can attack and you stand a good chance of being swept over the next few combat rounds. Kraks auto hit, but even 20 models will only strip off a wound so enjoy your gravis power fist sandwitch.


Rend and breaching on a bunch of stuff outside of plasma has uphill problems too, they either still need to wound a T7 dread or you're fishing for 6s.


Anyway, I've come around to hoping they come up with a way to make dreads a lil bit more vulnerable in the later revisions.

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I was looking at the force org charts, is there a way to bring more than 6 troops choices? I kinda wanna build 2 3500pt forces to fight each other, but I want lots of troops, 6 troops choices seems light for a 3.5k game, but crusade is the most troops choices I could see of any force org?
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