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State of the Union (Heresy)

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There is lots of artwork of beakies elsewhere in the heresy, and a lot of notable characters are often depicted as wearing it? I think Khârn wears MKVI right?

No, it's MKV.

The thing is: for ten years it is lore that MKVI was only seen in a couple of legions and now they force that stupid armour down our throats because they want to sell it. It is so obvious and that's the big Deal about it. They should have made it MKV. Everyone could use these without any problems but no it HAS to be a mark only a fraction of players would have choosen. And please stop calling people salty because they don't like this armour. It's a matter of taste that's all.


I would have loved MkV, but I expect we'll see MkV later like how Prospero brought out MkIII while Calth tapped into MkIV. MkVI is the best choice for GW as a business to make this launch as successful as possible since 40k has a lot of beakie fans. It may not be what everyone in Horus Heresy wants, but GW has to do what makes them money first and foremost.

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There is lots of artwork of beakies elsewhere in the heresy, and a lot of notable characters are often depicted as wearing it? I think Khârn wears MKVI right?

No, it's MKV.

The thing is: for ten years it is lore that MKVI was only seen in a couple of legions and now they force that stupid armour down our throats because they want to sell it. It is so obvious and that's the big Deal about it. They should have made it MKV. Everyone could use these without any problems but no it HAS to be a mark only a fraction of players would have choosen. And please stop calling people salty because they don't like this armour. It's a matter of taste that's all.


Exactly. I can see all legions having a small amount of Mk6 as part of a wide test bed (logical to have a wide test pool rather than a limited test pool, hell the Death Guard and the Salamanders both would have a amount of it from the first tests) but with the Raven Guard conducting the full field testing. But pretty much replacing Mk5 with Mk6 during the Heresy is just a sales tactic to prey on those who like the Mk6 for the beakie vibes.


Thing is when talking about legions of hundreds of thousands of people there is plenty of room for a couple hundred suits of any kind of mark of armour in an army.

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Yeah i would be deeply surprised if they arent working down the popularity list of the various armours converting them to plastic. Id actually expect Mk2 next though based on that. I did think you could do an excellent Mk5 upgrade sprue to put over or replace bits on the mk6 but really by that point it may as well be its own kit.


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Speaking if marks I've been lured into the Night Lords thanks to the siren song of ADB's writing and been putting heavy consideration into playing them but have been waffling if I'd want MkIV, MkVI, or MkVI with the skull helms from FW.
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Speaking if marks I've been lured into the Night Lords thanks to the siren song of ADB's writing and been putting heavy consideration into playing them but have been waffling if I'd want MkIV, MkVI, or MkVI with the skull helms from FW.

They look excellent in MKIV and the FW kits were designed for that but a launch box full of Beakies will (should) prove a more cost-effecient option since Calth isn't available anymore.

Warhammer Community article had a Night Lords paint job and it looked pretty good.

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Speaking if marks I've been lured into the Night Lords thanks to the siren song of ADB's writing and been putting heavy consideration into playing them but have been waffling if I'd want MkIV, MkVI, or MkVI with the skull helms from FW.


Mix everything you like, they use whatever they get their hands on, and it's not like you can't paint a skull face upon a MkVI for variations sake... :whistling:



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Speaking if marks I've been lured into the Night Lords thanks to the siren song of ADB's writing and been putting heavy consideration into playing them but have been waffling if I'd want MkIV, MkVI, or MkVI with the skull helms from FW.

Red Warden minitures does a BUNCH of skull beakies, including some NL specific ones, which are great for MKVI. Also spiked ones and such.

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Not going to dig too deep into the back & forth over MK6, but I will say - "there are plenty of reasons your army might have MK6, just use your imagination!" isn't really a slam dunk, if anything it reinforces that no tweaks, changes, retcons, or whatever you want to call it were required. It was always possible to reason out some background for why your army had all MK6, the reason they've changed the emphasis in the official material is purely to explain away why almost everyone's armies - assuming we get as big an influx of new players as GW clearly hope for - are using it. If anything that suggests we won't see other marks, new or revamped in the new scale, any time soon, since if MK5 were right around the corner there would be no reason to de-emphasize it.

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Not going to dig too deep into the back & forth over MK6, but I will say - "there are plenty of reasons your army might have MK6, just use your imagination!" isn't really a slam dunk, if anything it reinforces that no tweaks, changes, retcons, or whatever you want to call it were required. It was always possible to reason out some background for why your army had all MK6, the reason they've changed the emphasis in the official material is purely to explain away why almost everyone's armies - assuming we get as big an influx of new players as GW clearly hope for - are using it. If anything that suggests we won't see other marks, new or revamped in the new scale, any time soon, since if MK5 were right around the corner there would be no reason to de-emphasize it.

I mean if the Night Lords, who where being heavily censured can have enough suits to equip four companies chapters with Mk VI, then people building an army of less than a hundred Astartes I'm pretty sure anyone who wants to jump in with all MkVI without issue. 


Seriously, this is such a non-issue it's rather insulting that this horse is still being flogged.


EDIT: Chapters, not companies. I blame 40k for that mistake.

Edited by Fulkes
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For me, the green recruits/ some vet/specialist units like seekers for Mk VI. For my IW's, thinking HSS in Mk VI because Iron Havocs aren't around I guess, so the new guys are replacing them. I don't mind using the mk III and IV, even if they are smaller. The lore didn't even need to change much, simply saying new recruits were given the new mk VI, some vets would have been enough. Then just talk about these new formations like, old officers leading troops that have only known legion v legion war vs against xenos etc. Accompany with some recent Mk VI art like those massed red mk VI (WE ? WB ? ) and it would be fine. The changes went a bit too far in the rectons IMO

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The changes went a bit too far in the rectons IMO

The only retcon was ever claiming that "only" certain groups had MkVI in the Heresy, something that was repeatedly overruled by other lore.



And here's ArbitorIan explaining how the entire Heresy used to be MkVI ONLY and that all other lore that suggested otherwise is a retcon: 


So for the love of the Primarchs can we please stop with these nonsense claims about MkVI and the lore when the very lore people are trying to use as a "but beakies weren't common in the lore" defense says the exact opposite already? No one is forcing people to like things they don't like, but friggin' heck I for one am tired of people making weak arguements about "retcons" to try and make their opinions sound more objective instead of shrugging and moving on like a more well adjusted person would at this point.

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Man, I didn't realize there's been so much drama online over the armor for the new boxset. If somebody doesn't like the new beakies its their game, likewise if somebody does let them roll with it. Obviously GW wants to sell us stuff so they're gonna make some narrative tie in.


I think there's a deeper discussion if this was GW retconning old fluff to make it more appealing decades later, like Lucasfilm putting phones in the hands of CIA agents in ET, but it's nothing like that.

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Speaking if marks I've been lured into the Night Lords thanks to the siren song of ADB's writing and been putting heavy consideration into playing them but have been waffling if I'd want MkIV, MkVI, or MkVI with the skull helms from FW.

Red Warden minitures does a BUNCH of skull beakies, including some NL specific ones, which are great for MKVI. Also spiked ones and such.



There are also some really cool weapon options also for NL! Check out these Chain Glaives! 11x Roto Glaive: Nightmare – Pop Goes the Monkey

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Anyone have ideas of how to build Charnable weapons? There are three different ones in second edition as it seems.

Just gunna assume more baroque looking weapons. I shaved down a sabre myself to be more scimitar-like as I don't quite like the curved fencing blade in the normal special weapons kit.

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