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State of the Union (Heresy)

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Marshall Mittens - not sure, pre-3rd edition though, when the metal marines came with plastic arms.  I have a few of those sprues kicking about still (I have quite a lot of bits kicking about apparently), had the chainaxe too which is one of the reasons I re-found them a few years back to add to one of my Death Guard 30k models.


Chaeron - Indeed, from my collection of 3rd ed beakies that was put on hold pending motivation to turn them into 30k Raven Guard to things like rhinos, dreadnoughts and sanguinary guard still untouched in case I find them new purpose (HQ models, Whirlwind Scorpius conversion or more dreads just because).  I find that by the time I reach a project, I have to re-invent the wheel and re-learn what equipment a given model needs or can even use in some cases, very frustrating.  Best thing about owning a lot of older metal models including dreadnoughts is that I can strip and break them down and re-create them to whatever rule updates are going on at the time lol.

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Something that just occurred to me this second is that they seem to be inverting some of the aesthetic, tech wise, between 30 and 40k. It used to be that the HH stuff was more advanced and technological, and 40k was dilapidated and insane. With these new models, combined with things like the new Squat look and all of the primaris stuff, they seem to be moving towards HH being more baroque and reminiscent of the unification era, and 40k is looking more like it’s moving into the future.

That's just the difference between the late Crusade-early Heresy as seen in FW's Black Books, and the late Heresy-Siege of Terra madness which is the turning point where 30k becomes 40k. It's an actual plot point in the last SoT novels.


Primaris stuff has already gone back to the baroque with Indomitus and the BT release, and the stories featuring them are as grimdark as ever.


The problem from my PoV is GW leaving the pseudo-historical/realistic military modeller aesthetic that defined 30k until Crusade or so. It has become more cartoony and fantasy-like.



I low-key miss the old military style and influence. Hopefully it comes back in some form, even if not the paintjob since its being rolled into a mainline Gw, I think. No more pigment powders, airbrushing. All edge-highlights from here on out!


Also going by ADBs NL stuff, it’s all scavenged and mismatched anyway, so follow your bliss!

ADBS' NL stuff is nearly 10,000 years later, or about 800 years for the characters in question.




Speaking if marks I've been lured into the Night Lords thanks to the siren song of ADB's writing and been putting heavy consideration into playing them but have been waffling if I'd want MkIV, MkVI, or MkVI with the skull helms from FW.

Nightlords look great in mark 6. I remember this old piece of art from I think 4th edition chaos book? Shows a Nightlord in mark 6 looking totally uncorrupted like he'd just walked straight out of the heresy and to me that's how I've always viewed them since.


Found it, and yeah that looks pretty good actually.



Man, how have I not seen that piece of art? It's great. 

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spartan or contemptor reveal soon, if you want to guess now is the time

4 Thursdays in April, 4 Heresy reveals, they are just checking off that boxset in quarters

Dont get you hopes Up, could easily be dice and templates.

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I think it'd have to be the Kratos that I'm most interested in, simply because we've not seen one before properly (we know what Spartans and Contemptors look like, albeit in resin, though I'm sure there'll be tweaks in the transition to plastic).

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I think it'd have to be the Kratos that I'm most interested in, simply because we've not seen one before properly (we know what Spartans and Contemptors look like, albeit in resin, though I'm sure there'll be tweaks in the transition to plastic).

I imagine we will just see the launch box set stuff first, and get like a month of sales of thr launch box, before they show off other stuff.

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I'm betting this week will be the other character in the box.

That's the second time I've seen more characters mentioned - what's the rumour?

The leaked pics show the two we've now seen officially but nothing more than I can make out and I can't seem to find a source.

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I'm betting this week will be the other character in the box.

That's the second time I've seen more characters mentioned - what's the rumour?

The leaked pics show the two we've now seen officially but nothing more than I can make out and I can't seem to find a source.

I mean they didn't give us a full range of images for the SoH character so my assumption is that they'll used him to pad out these articles.
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I'm betting this week will be the other character in the box.

That's the second time I've seen more characters mentioned - what's the rumour?

The leaked pics show the two we've now seen officially but nothing more than I can make out and I can't seem to find a source.

I mean they didn't give us a full range of images for the SoH character so my assumption is that they'll used him to pad out these articles.

Gotcha! Some other thread someone said there were four characters in the box and I (in a fit of unrestrained hope) thought you were referring to that.

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I hope it's the Contemptor, I want to know about weapons given the resin ones have now gone but the Legion bodies remain.


Will all the options still exist?

No cheap Contemptor Mortis anymore, but it can be "rebuild" within the normal Contemptor entry. Edit: with all the known Weapon-options.

Atleast according to PlaytestRules 3...

Edited by MichaelCarmine
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