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State of the Union (Heresy)

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Terrible is a bit harsh. Not amazing sure, but decent enough I think? Wish they'd done more with the face.

It's just my opinion. Like usual, the eavy metal style does not work very well, especially for the transitionary Emperor's children. The sculpt might be amazing, but the angle and paintjob make it, in my opinion, look terrible.

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Article also mentions Knight armies and ‘other things’ so Daemons and Militia/Cults are also likely.

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Lol that reference sheet pic just resulted in a whole conversation getting deleted by the admins on crusade and heresy. They're really losing their stuff over there. Only some early pics of the rules are allowed and don't spoil the head admin. Or something.



As for the psychic phase/perils. There's no more phase, and far fewer powers. Each discipline gives you a weapon and a power. The weapons are either used in the shooting or melee phase and need a LD test to activate (similar to 5th and earlier). The actual powers go off at varying times, and most don't actually need a test to activate; making them stronger does require a test. For example, telekine some is used your movement phase instead of moving, and projects a 6+ invul bubble for as long as the psyker stays still. But, he can juice it with a test for a 4++ instead.


Perils happens when you fail a test. The unit takes d3 wounds with no armour or damage mitigation allowed. This means you get invuls, and the psyker model doesn't have to take the wounds; it can arc off to the squad.


This sounds really ace. As someone who left 40k in early 5th, coming into Heresy with things like armour value, templates, terminator armour meaning something, and now this slimmed-down psychic are giving me a nostalgic thrill. :smile.:


As for Lucius, the angle makes it look like he's got a longsword and a dagger but I think that dagger is meant to be the Blade of the Laer? From the xenos-looking design. There's a bit too much stuff on him, the leather between chest and waist, the things hanging of his belt, the gloves, all a bit much for me.

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Yea I really like the new psychic system. It's an extremely unobtrusive set of rules that actually have a use. Instead of it being "hope you can roll a good divination spell and that it can go off without being denied; have fun against thousand sons and word bearers."
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I wish they had given Lucius a more actiony pose, we've had a lot of looking heroic poses lately and if anyone should have a actiony post it should have been him.


He does look like a easy conversion into a centurion/praetor though.

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Terrible is a bit harsh. Not amazing sure, but decent enough I think? Wish they'd done more with the face.

It's just my opinion. Like usual, the eavy metal style does not work very well, especially for the transitionary Emperor's children. The sculpt might be amazing, but the angle and paintjob make it, in my opinion, look terrible.



Think we can all agree that having the only angle show basically head on to one of his weapons was a strange choice, yeah. 

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Terrible is a bit harsh. Not amazing sure, but decent enough I think? Wish they'd done more with the face.

It's just my opinion. Like usual, the eavy metal style does not work very well, especially for the transitionary Emperor's children. The sculpt might be amazing, but the angle and paintjob make it, in my opinion, look terrible.



Think we can all agree that having the only angle show basically head on to one of his weapons was a strange choice, yeah. 


GW's images always seem to be based around showing the most details of the model, not the model's golden angle.

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Just to nip it on the bud before it hits on here- there are some pictures and notes from the box set rules going around. It is tough to decipher what might be an actual change in the rules vs completely ignoreable box set rules. So don't put any stock into them.
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Just to nip it on the bud before it hits on here- there are some pictures and notes from the box set rules going around. It is tough to decipher what might be an actual change in the rules vs completely ignoreable box set rules. So don't put any stock into them.

Kind of a surprise since the box set has the entire core rulebook in it.

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The upgrade sprues allow the one infantry kit to cover a lot of ground (tactical support and heavy support), so it's weight is reduced due to that.


I'm glad off the bat we're getting vehicles moving out of resin, I think that's a good move.


I wouldn't be shocked to further see the Land Raider come up sooner rather than later.

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I wouldn't be shocked to further see the Land Raider come up sooner rather than later.

Oh I hope so (and for all the variants) as my favourite is tbe MkIIB but appreciate a lot of people love the Proteus.

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  • Contemptor's are now W5, and the Power Fist is now S7 and has lost Murderous Strike.
  • Lascannons lost Sundering.


Huh, does that go for all power fists, or just the Contemptor one? (I would assume so, it would be strange for marines to hit at S8 and dreadnoughts at S7). If so, it would help solve the problem of power fists being the best general-use power weapon, since you can't just take it and ID dudes.

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