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State of the Union (Heresy)

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HH is the same game mode where you can take squads of 10 lascannons so I fail to see a real issue here. Especially if it becomes the meta early on everyone is just going to load for bear to drop it the second it peeks out to do anything. Plus IIRC (I am not at home with the leaks atm) there is a reaction that lets you shoot in your opponent's turn which really would let you bring the hammer down on it if it's a problem.

...which will cost about 275pts. 75 less than the armor 14 Transporter, which takes up the same FOC, can't be pinned, boltered down, get stuck in CC.

I'm not asking how to get rid of it, i'm asking - why do that? Was the Spartan that bad before that? No!


Yes, you can indeed return fire as a reaction. Good luck, if the Spartan has a flare shield.

Point stands: being able to bring absolute disgusting amounts of firepower is a feature, not a bug of HH. The key is the community isn't bent on building for what is the most competetive so lists tend to have a good balance of things and can present counters to a wide range of options standard.


Look, I get competetive 40k has gotten people wired to knee-jerk react to how "broken" something is but we're talking about a game that is almost exclusively built around narrative play, not competetive play where people tend to self-regulate a lot more as well.


And unlike 9th ed, that tank is working with firing arcs and an inability to split fire unless it keeps it's defensive heavy bolter. Plus an all lascannon Spartan can't overwatch because it lacks defensive weapons so is weak to melee, even if it's strong at shooting.




There is also Reactions to take into account here. Spartan uses those Lascanons on a target that can hurt it back and it is liable to be hit back, even if the initial target is destroyed (I think?).


And jump pack equipped folks with melta bombs and maybe heywire grenades also that added charge range from their movement stat 8-10" average charge range, depending on the jump pack rules

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Sadly, Assault Squads can't take Meltabombs anymore. Atleast in Phase3.


It's not about getting that thing off the table. That was never a problem, it's about the alpha strike potential. It's about just casually getting twice the amount of firepower plus other benefits for merely the cost of a Terminator.

Seems I am the only one, who thinks of it as unnecessary and undercosted.


Well then, i don't want to stretch it out any further since you all seem to be ok with it. 

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Also - if the weapon stats from the 'reference-sheet' are truly the same as the full ones, then we are looking at a 4 shot lascannon array. So 8 shots Lascannon from a single Spartan... as much as i like it, i despise it. That would make abolutely no sense and other tanks pretty obsolete.

To be fair, the Spartan has gone up 50 points in the new edition, and the lascannon array isn't twin-linked.
Yeah, and it also got a Hullpoint, additional Transport Capacity, and seems to be immune to the effects of the shaken result, thanks to "Reinforced Vehicle".

50pts for that, plus 4 lascannon shots is completely out of proportion.


In what world is it ok for a transport to be able to kill of an entire multiwound terminator squad in one shooting face?


Edit:...outside of a lord of war slot.


Judging from the Batrep I just watched you'd have to have a leprachaun jammed up your kiester to actually wipe out a Terminator squad in one go.

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Hmmm, those new Beakies do look good as Ultramarines!


Plus there's not a truckload of Gold, which for me is always better for Ultramarines (less gold, more blue)

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Just realized I didn't give my grumpy commentary on the last two painting vids.


World eaters was good up until the full gem effect eye. More than a little odd, as that's a very high-skill/practice technique to pull off with any grace. I wasn't a fan of the blood, but that was more on the execution side of things. If he was going to be covered in blood splashes, then his hands or bolter should have a significant amount to reflect the source of the rest of the blood. Other than those two things, which are really not picks, it was really well done.


The ultramarine was just a 40k ultramarine. Double edge highlight, eye reflection, gold, no dust. Terrible "get into 30k for all" style imo.

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Random question, is the 25% LoW cap still in place in the new rules, at least the leaks?

Yeah, it's in the full rules. Primarchs and Lords of War can only make up a certain number of points, there's a chart for various point size games.
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Logos Lectora actually useful now!?


Edit - assuming the restrictions have been removed and not just left out for the preview…

There's still restrictions. In the phase 3 leaks the restrictions are:


-Must bring additional HQ that is a Master of Signal or Damocles Command Rhino

-Must take an additional compulsory troop

-Cannot use infiltrate, deep strike assault, subterranean assault, or flanking assault

Edited by ShadowCore67
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Logos Lectora actually useful now!?


Edit - assuming the restrictions have been removed and not just left out for the preview…

There's still restrictions. In the phase 3 leaks the restrictions are:


-Must bring additional HQ that is a Master of Signal or Damocles Command Rhino

-Must take an additional compulsory troop

-Cannot use infiltrate, deep strike assault, subterranean assault, or flanking assault



As ever, that last restriction is a deal breaker.

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