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State of the Union (Heresy)

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I wonder when we'll see our first 'campaign book' in HH 2.0.

There were rumors of MK II. Maybe they'll revisit Istvaan for a bit?


I could see them running both some early and late campaigns.

I imagine there will be campaign books focusing on various legions and new kits and boxes will be released with them, if I had to guess.

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Re: Logos Lectora - ouch. Yeah, the first two aren't too bad but not being able to use any alternate deployment abilities is tough.


I would guess the idea is that you start with a bunch of tacticals with bayonets on the board, run them up, etc. but who knows.


The big thing is that it's army-wide so unless all your infantry are generalists at least some of them are going to spend a turn being worse.

Edited by tinpact
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Re: Logos Lectora - ouch. Yeah, the first two aren't too bad but not being able to use any alternate deployment abilities is tough.


I would guess the idea is that you start with a bunch of tacticals with bayonets on the board, run them up, etc. but who knows.


The big thing is that it's army-wide so unless all your infantry are generalists at least some of them are going to spend a turn being worse.

I'm surprised people seem to be so turned off by that restriction. Maybe it's just my play style but I rarely use those alternative deployment abilities. I get it's a tough restriction but it's not like it's impossible to play around at all.

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it's actually kind of clever the loctorus as it locks in really well with the Ultramarines special rule. There are some negatives floating around mainly to do with shooting when moving etc..but if you get a unit close enough, or tag a unit to kick off the +1 to hit you've sort of evened out the negative to the run/charge pump up sort of thing. 

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Re: Logos Lectora - ouch. Yeah, the first two aren't too bad but not being able to use any alternate deployment abilities is tough.


I would guess the idea is that you start with a bunch of tacticals with bayonets on the board, run them up, etc. but who knows.


The big thing is that it's army-wide so unless all your infantry are generalists at least some of them are going to spend a turn being worse.

I'm surprised people seem to be so turned off by that restriction. Maybe it's just my play style but I rarely use those alternative deployment abilities. I get it's a tough restriction but it's not like it's impossible to play around at all.

I can get not using some of them in 1st, though some of the strongest units in the game arrive via deepstrike.


In 2nd though, with charging from outflank and deepstrike? That's a very powerful set of options to set aside. Even losing infiltrate sucks, meaning you can't counter deploy units with scouts and their much-touted sniper rifles.

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I guess you either build an infiltrate/deepstrike list around a different RoW, or you build a non-infiltrate/deepstrike list around Logos. You can't have your cake and eat it, it seems.
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Re: Logos Lectora - ouch. Yeah, the first two aren't too bad but not being able to use any alternate deployment abilities is tough.


I would guess the idea is that you start with a bunch of tacticals with bayonets on the board, run them up, etc. but who knows.


The big thing is that it's army-wide so unless all your infantry are generalists at least some of them are going to spend a turn being worse.


This isn't the only rite with questionable removals of alternate deployments. The P3 leaks for the new version of Day of Sorrows prohibits Blood Angels units from deep striking, subterranean assaults, and flanking assaults even though it makes Crimson Paladins, which can Deep Strike, line troops. It's not necessarily the end of the world if it makes it to the final edition - I'm planning on running a lot of Land Raiders and a Spartan for this list so my units can still get the charge for +1 wound and deploy Assault Marines normally since they're quite - but it's the same issue where your units may not trigger their key rule for much of the first round.

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Tell me I didn't watch a death guard video with double edge highlight, three eye colours, and no real weathering.


I thought it started out really well; the base colours were what I would have chosen, and the wash was fine (though I think I would have done contrast thinned down instead). Maybe contrast red the eyes. All that was needed was sponge/drybrush the highlight colour and then browns for the chips and some rust/oil. Stuff the technical paints would have been perfect for.


But no, the most weathering that happened was the wash on the white armour, and some oil/rust/whatever subtly on the metal. The ankles and feet didn't even get a wash of dark brown to tie it into the mud. I just don't understand.

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It was definitely a different take on Death Guard, especially the base colour.  I won't knock it as it may appeal more to some than others.  I have to say that I prefer the original FW DG paint schemes for all the early legions.  The double edge highlighting and lack of weathering feels too clean or almost cartoony now for me personally, I leave that to the 40k models :)

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Not the biggest fan of the Death Guard one, but whatever. Some of their earlier videos where they handled some quick weathering (Dark Angels, etc.) I thought were much better.


For eyelenses, I wish they stayed consistent. Painting them like a dark grey, then a strip of white, then contrast red/green/etc. is a very quick and pretty good looking way to approach it.

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For eyelenses, I wish they stayed consistent. Painting them like a dark grey, then a strip of white, then contrast red/green/etc. is a very quick and pretty good looking way to approach it.

You are right, but not everyone wants to buy a whole big pot of contrast paint just to do a few tiny eye lenses, so I don’t mind them showing the old-fashioned way too. I’m sure people can take the best bits from more than one of these videos.

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I think its better to change up the style across all the Legions to show a variety of techniques someone could use, they possibly could have used some of them more appropriately (Like doing the weathering on the Deathguard) but something like 18 identical-but-for-colours eye lense jobs feels like a waste. 

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Valrak was mentioning that he might have prices tomorrow, will be interested to see that.


Maybe most of the kits drop with the box? Will be an expensive weekend.


I'd expect the box, rule book(s) and maybe the IF & SoH upgrade packs to drop at the same time. But I think more than that would go against GW's general method of spreading a new range over a couple of weeks to trick us all into thinking we are spending less that we are?

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I'm thinking if they've had delays, they may have condensed the schedule.


Would make sense that the Liber books may drop then, given the amount of marketing they've done prior on what legion, vs letting you discover through the core rulebook.

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I'm thinking if they've had delays, they may have condensed the schedule.


Would make sense that the Liber books may drop then, given the amount of marketing they've done prior on what legion, vs letting you discover through the core rulebook.

I’m expecting the Liber tomes to be available on or very near day one. I can’t see a situation where GW lets a good chunk of the player base without rules to begin building their lists and playing the game right away.

Edited by Cris R
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I'm thinking if they've had delays, they may have condensed the schedule.


Would make sense that the Liber books may drop then, given the amount of marketing they've done prior on what legion, vs letting you discover through the core rulebook.

I’m expecting the Liber tomes to be available on or very near day one. I can’t see a situation where GW let’s a good chunk of the player base without rules to begin building their lists and playing the game right away.


This post will either age extremly poorly in a week or so (more than likely)...or blessedly well (hopefully)! 

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Libers need to be a launch item so HH can hit the ground running. If they are not I question that decision makers professional competence in their job.


Like the 8th ed drop with the indexes! "Here is everything we've had rules for, now piss off for a while". 

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