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Salamanders and Iron Hands are out in the wild


Don't suppose you could point me in the right direction, or PM the info?


Its the Salamanders stuff I'm eager to see

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Anyone with a better memory of the Phase 1 Traitor stuff want to work out how difference these rules are?

Having only seen the thousand sons stuff that was posted here:


-the minor arcana used to cost 15 points, now its free

-the psychic discipline used to cost 20 points for ICs, now it's 15

-Pavoni now additionally ignores difficult

-Raptora is now capped at 4+ invul, instead of 3+

-corvidae now lets you choose the first model to be allocated to, instead of precision strikes and shots 5+

-athanean now subtracts leadership from an enemy unit for shooting, instead of granting your unit leadership

-Pyrae now gives your unit hammer of wrath (2) that count as flame, instead of a bonus of strength to all flame and melta, bonus strength to units profile, and hammer of wrath (1)

-aether fire went from STR 5 with force (boost up to STR 10) to STR 6 with achaen force (boost up to STR 8)

-achaen force exists as a way to prevent tons of double strength things from happening.


Looks like a mixed bag tbh.

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Salamanders and Iron Hands are out in the wild

Don't suppose you could point me in the right direction, or PM the info?


Its the Salamanders stuff I'm eager to see

In particular whether the characters are definitely gone
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That Thousans Sons unique reaction is hilarious! I love it.

Unsure if it’s broken or just very funny. Or both.


Both. Definitely both


it's once per game...

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I'll be getting the box and will be painting half the force as Iron Hands and the other half as Sons of Horus. I'd like to run intro games using the models in there but I'm not sure what the best split would be to make an even game as the Spartan and Dread definitely aren't in the same ball park for output, I'm thinking:


Iron Hands:


20 Marines

5 Terminators





20 Marines

5 Terminators



Stacking 10 Terminators on one side doesn't seem particularly fair as they seem to be very tough. I'm not too sure so would appreciate input :sweat:

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I'll be getting the box and will be painting half the force as Iron Hands and the other half as Sons of Horus. I'd like to run intro games using the models in there but I'm not sure what the best split would be to make an even game as the Spartan and Dread definitely aren't in the same ball park for output, I'm thinking:


Iron Hands:


20 Marines

5 Terminators





20 Marines

5 Terminators



Stacking 10 Terminators on one side doesn't seem particularly fair as they seem to be very tough. I'm not too sure so would appreciate input :sweat:

As beautiful as it is, I don’t think that Spartan is going to go in introductory games - it’s too many eggs in one tough basket. I suggest 5 terminators one side, contemptor the other, and leave 5 terminators and Spartan off the table to begin with. I guess the booklet in the box will have some other ideas.

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Summary of Valrak's prices:


June 4 preorder/June 18 release


Wave 1

Box                £180/225 euros/$300

Liber books   £40/55 euros/$65?

Kratos           £ /100 euros/$135-150? ---- Less than a Baneblade

Rhino.            37 euros

Map.              22 euros


Transfer sheets on GW site

All primarchs for preorder on GW site then (temporarily)


Wave 2


MK III box 62.50 Euros

MK IV box 62.50 Euros

MK VI box 62.50 Euros/$80 (used AoS prosecutors as baseline)

Ahriman.   24 euros

Geigor.      24 euros

Terminators 67.50 euros/85 Dollars? (Start Collecting! Stormcast for AoS, Gladiator tank for 40k)

Dice (from FW) 32.50 euros


Their website was having trouble for a bit, so I stopped doing conversions as I was working and only did it for the ones I was most interested in.


Edit: And as he mentioned in N&R of course, take it all with a pinch of salt. There's certainly some interesting prices there, the Terminators are a bit funny in 10 man boxes after their most recent significant pricing.


Further edit: Don't know what wave 2 means btw besides that it's another grouping. Could mean July, could just mean two weeks later. They usually like to split it up so that you get another paycheck basically between some of it. Also, current Rhino/Razorback is 40 euros I think, so the Deimos one is somewhere between an Invader ATV and the Razorback kit in price if these numbers aren't false.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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I'll be getting the box and will be painting half the force as Iron Hands and the other half as Sons of Horus. I'd like to run intro games using the models in there but I'm not sure what the best split would be to make an even game as the Spartan and Dread definitely aren't in the same ball park for output, I'm thinking:


Iron Hands:


20 Marines

5 Terminators





20 Marines

5 Terminators



Stacking 10 Terminators on one side doesn't seem particularly fair as they seem to be very tough. I'm not too sure so would appreciate input :sweat:

As beautiful as it is, I don’t think that Spartan is going to go in introductory games - it’s too many eggs in one tough basket. I suggest 5 terminators one side, contemptor the other, and leave 5 terminators and Spartan off the table to begin with. I guess the booklet in the box will have some other ideas.


I thought that might be the case, as you say it's definitely a bit overbearing in starting games! :sweat:

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So immortals gained heart of the legion when used in their RoW....they are really going to be immortal.


Also volkite charger cost dropped back to 2pts, image quality is low res but looks as though they have 2 attacks base now as well. Awesome.



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That was in the leaks. Their cost came down as did the chargers, making them less overpriced. Gorgons, however, picked up stubborn, and are especially solid.


IF phalanx warder special rules and Stone Gauntlet Row






Immortals and Breachers not getting melta bombs is such a major oversight imo

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That was in the leaks. Their cost came down as did the chargers, making them less overpriced. Gorgons, however, picked up stubborn, and are especially solid.


IF phalanx warder special rules and Stone Gauntlet Row






Immortals and Breachers not getting melta bombs is such a major oversight imo


breachers get breacher charges though, whatever that is, and the sarge gets meltabombs.

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