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State of the Union (Heresy)

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IDK how I had missed Primarchs now having LA: (X) and thus now benefit from those rules. Huh, neat. Can be a nifty depending on Legion.

Didn't notice that at all, huh, that's...different. Opens up most of the legion unique reactions to them as well that way I think.


Wondering if this means the primarchs benefit from their own 'sire of the x' rules, or at least the ones that don't specify infantry - for instance Russ gives all 'legiones astartes (space wolves)' in the same army as him +1 str on charge.

Edited by Aeternus
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Deathshroud terminators have 3 wounds and battle hardened. Add a character with toxin bombs then they would melt any non +2 save unit that charges them.

character can also have rad granades ,meaning those scythes are insta gibbing almost anyone,lol, since you will be T3 if you are charged or charge them...it's really ridiculous...

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Anybody know what the rules 'reach' and 'shell shock' are?


I'm pretty sure Reach(x) grants a bonus to initiative when using that weapon (x being the bonus), while Shell Shock(x) makes pinning tests caused by the weapon to be taken at -x ld, or -1 if nothing is specified.

Edited by Aeternus
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Going through the organized legions males me feel better about the night lords fear bomb. There's a lot of army wide stubborn being handed out by rites and primarchs, or other leadership bonuses. Mortarion straight up counters it, word bearers can never be reduced below LD 6, Dorn gives all fists his leadership, various warlord traits grant immunity from morale, etc...


Means I'll actually have to include stuff that can kill with their weapons lol. At least, once my opponents start to reach the leadership stuff in.

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Great content here, I'm very thankful to read about.


Are there anywhere datasheets of Breacher Squads, Contemptors and Cataphractii?

Not sure any generic unit rules beyond the playtest have leaked yet (despite apparently being in the same books as the legion rules)

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Great content here, I'm very thankful to read about.


Are there anywhere datasheets of Breacher Squads, Contemptors and Cataphractii?


Since I assume there'll only be minimal changes between Phase 3 playtest generic stuff and the released generic units, here's a link which has the generic units in (though obviously any loyalist/traitor rules are now out of date since we've seen the print releases). 

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Would be nice of one of the leakers to at least look over the generic units though, *looks into camera, winks* im still hoping we arent forced to put sponsons on everything for example. :) 

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So now that I have had more time to chew on it.


I think the EC might actually have somehow gotten alot weaker in terms of elites.


Phoenix Guard are completely incapable of dealing with their peers outside of desperately hoping for 6s.


Palatines do a little better if you get them on axes but are now just super-vulnerable foot sloggers that you need to send after termies that dont have AP2 ranged weapons and to start praying your opponent doesnt just bomb them into oblivion.


I love both units and I will keep fielding mine but I think the EC as of right now have elites that you are better off sending to hunt rank and file while dealing with enemy heavy units will require drowning them in assault squads or artillery. 


Skill Unmatched sounds nice but it is going to be pretty useless unless you find something with WS 5 that isn't wearing artificer or terminator armor. It really only seems useful for dealing with 3+ hordes or as a desperate gambit if you got outplayed and are trying to stave off more competently-armed terminators or artificed things. 


Sending them against anything in terminator armor is just overpriced suicide. 


Although weirdly enough, I guess Phoenix Guard are bizarrely effective against mechanicum stuff with the strength boost to spears.


I can't really say I like this at all...

Edited by StrangerOrders
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So now that I have had more time to chew on it.


I think the EC might actually have somehow gotten alot weaker in terms of elites.


Phoenix Guard are completely incapable of dealing with their peers outside of desperately hoping for 6s.


Palatines do a little better if you get them on axes but are now just super-vulnerable foot sloggers that you need to send after termies that dont have AP2 ranged weapons and to start praying your opponent doesnt just bomb them into oblivion.


I love both units and I will keep fielding mine but I think the EC as of right now have elites that you are better off sending to hunt rank and file while dealing with enemy heavy units will require drowning them in assault squads or artillery.


Skill Unmatched sounds nice but it is going to be pretty useless unless you find something with WS 5 that isn't wearing artificer or terminator armor. It really only seems useful for dealing with 3+ hordes or as a desperate gambit if you got outplayed and are trying to stave off more competently-armed terminators or artificed things.


Sending them against anything in terminator armor is just overpriced suicide.


Although weirdly enough, I guess Phoenix Guard are bizarrely effective against mechanicum stuff with the strength boost to spears.


I can't really say I like this at all...

I guess the important thing to remember is that the confluence of the new WS to hit chart and sonic shriekers means against WS 4 both these units will be hit back on 6s, and can achieve the same thing against WS5 with Perfect Guard.


I’m not super enthused about phoenix spears losing AP 2/1 either, but them picking up extra strength (all the time), instant death and breaching offsets this a bit. I’m not in panic mode just yet.

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So how many of the 40 marines in your first box will become special or heavy weapon marines?

I’m currently at 20… I love devastators, what can I say.

(I hope the weapon boxes are released same day as the main box).

10 heavies but I'm also going to do 10 assault. See how well the kits can handle it.

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So how many of the 40 marines in your first box will become special or heavy weapon marines?

Probably none.

Going to make 10 Despoilers.

Might trade off the other 30 or help some friends build their Legions

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