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1st game of 9th...

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50 power
1 SP+ chief apothecary+ ToT+ gift of foresight w/JP
1 librarian+ chief libby

5 DC w/JP bp/chainsword x4 bp/power axe x1
3 aggressors boltstorm and frag launchers

assault squad w/JP
2 flamers
2 bp/chainswords
1 chainsword/powersword

4x autobolters
1x AGL
1x bp/chainsword

tac squad
2x boltguns
1x plasma cannon
1x plasma gun
1x bp/chainsword

2x stormbolters
1x ironhail
1x icarus ironhail

1 big 3 legged 3 armed HQ
1 warden or something
1 plasmamancer? with 2 bodyguards

3x 3 legged choppy bois
3x 3 legged choppy bois with another weird thing that gave them a buff in melee at the risk of killing them
1x tall 4 legged thing

2x 10man warrior with the double barreled guns
1x 10man warrior with the single barreled  guns

he obviously won on points by round 3, but i said keep playing i'm not done killing and i was tabled by turn 4
my first 9th game, and first BA game since 3rd, so i had to relearn the army completely his first game with necrons.

some of  the loss was down to bad rolls for me, good rolls for him, and calculated risks just not paying off.

move tac squad on high ground on some rocks in some woods center right of the board.
impulsor flies over the rocks into the canyon area, and the intercessors and libby disembarked.
moved aggressors up a bit.
plasma'd 4 wounds off his big 3 legged HQ.
aggressors wiped an entire squad of warriors shooting.
libby did one mortal wound to a body guard with blood lance.
that's all that happened of note.

he shot some of my intercessors up using his big HQ a the tall thing.
he charged my libby which i placed poorly hoping to get some big mortal wounds with his abilities with his choppy bois, and killed him.
charged my intercessors with the other 3 choppy bois  and killed them.
stratagemed on warrior from the destroyed unit back to life and consolidated his choppy bois into my impulsor

made more attempts to plasma his big HQ, none of them worked.
dropped all my JP units on 1 of 3 objectives (calculated risk) as close to his blob of HQs/bodyguards as i could
think a flamer managed 1 would on someone. idr.
DC failed a 9" charge
assault squad failed an 11" charge

he chopped up my impulsor destroying it.
rolled reanimation protocols for the dead warriors and a dead 3 legged boi
got them all back...and consolidated 3 choppy bois into my aggressors, and 3 choppy bois towards my JP units

some shooting that didn't do much except some how the pistols in assault doctrine actually did more than almost anything else.
aggressors shot up the warriors again.
JP units failed their charges again...

he moved his warriors to capture the mid-field objective
he charged pretty much all of his HQs and 3 choppy bois into my JP units taking the objective with his dynasty trait.
charged my aggressors with 3 choppy bois, killed an aggressor, lost a choppy boi
chopped the assy squad to hell. killed 3/5 DC as well.
i did finally kill another of his choppy bois
killed one of the body guards.
reanimated the choppy bois and body guard, and consolidated them into the priest.

priest resurrected a DC marine.
tac squad did :cuss all
aggressors rekilled that same choppy boi.

he shot my tac squad off the table.
he chopped my aggressors down.

by turn 4's start he had 17 points to my 10.

dropping all the jump troops on one objective was a risk i knew it, but by the emperor we're the sons of sanguinius and we wanted to fight the biggest baddies on the table, not some lame warriors, or sit uncontested on some objective.

also 2/3 or his warriors were completely out of the fight almost the entire game due to poor deployment positioning.

so ya poor placement of my libby after disembarking hurt, 2 rounds of failed charges didn't help, and a calculated risk that blew up in my face lost me the game, but my aggressors were by far the MVPs killing the same choppy dude twice in melee and wiping out 1 1/2 squads worth of warriors.

also i forgot about stratagems like grav pulse and transhuman. 

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I would have your friend check the Reanimation Protocols and how he is using them. You mentioned he reanimated a lot of his Skorpeth Destroyers and that is very very long odds to happen. It takes x3 5+ rolls to bring one back. Generally if you loose two or three you can sometimes get enough 5s to bring one back, but that doesn't happen multiple times in a single game. A first game for both of you is a tough go and likely you both missed a lot of the rules but from your report I'd say it's pretty sure his reanimations were done incorrectly.
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I would have your friend check the Reanimation Protocols and how he is using them. You mentioned he reanimated a lot of his Skorpeth Destroyers and that is very very long odds to happen. It takes x3 5+ rolls to bring one back. Generally if you loose two or three you can sometimes get enough 5s to bring one back, but that doesn't happen multiple times in a single game. A first game for both of you is a tough go and likely you both missed a lot of the rules but from your report I'd say it's pretty sure his reanimations were done incorrectly.

ya he got 6 5+s one turn to bring two back.  

it was a combination of me having some bad rolls, particularly with my DC (think i managed 3 6s for a total of 10+ wounds), him having some particularly good roles, and again my poor placement of the libby, and my gamble not paying off.


what i think should be nerfed is living metal, make that like 4+ or a 5+, and get rid of the stratagem that allows a destroyed squad to bring one dude back, and it would be more reasonable...being able to have fairly tanky elites and HQs that regen wounds every turn automatically, and being able to bring a model from a completely destroyed unit back for CP seems broken as heck to me.


like i said his big HQ was brought down to his last 2 wounds and because of one turn of not being able to manage any damage, and then him being in combat so my best shot at killing him couldn't target him, suddenly he's back up to full health by the end of the game.


another issue was my stubbers and my bolters seemed to always be rolling 3s to wound when i needed 4s or 5s.  just bad rolls, it happens mathhammer is based on averages, and some times you roll below average.


hopefully next time i play my aggressors will perform just as well, and everyone else will perform better, but i probably wont gamble away a free objective grab ever again like i did today.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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If you like your units to be able to come in from Reserves and then make a charge, try the combo of a Chaplain with Icon of the Angel relic (reroll charges) and Canticle of Hate litany (+2" to your charge distances). It is an aggressive combo but worth it if you want to get in your opponent's face T2.
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What stratagem allows a dead unit to come back? I have never heard of that. Once a unit is dead, it’s dead, except that Necrons can resurrect a character


Also not to be a downer but your tactical squad loadout is illegal, they can take one special OR heavy weapon per 5, not one of each

Correct, there is a strat that lets Necrons bring back a dead character on a 4+ (Infantry Noble and Crypteks only I believe) but there is nothing that lets a completely destroyed unit bring back a single model.


Living metal is stronger in small games but once you get to 2K its effects are pretty minimal.

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What stratagem allows a dead unit to come back? I have never heard of that. Once a unit is dead, it’s dead, except that Necrons can resurrect a character


Also not to be a downer but your tactical squad loadout is illegal, they can take one special OR heavy weapon per 5, not one of each

oh :cuss, my brain must have misread it assuming tac squads were the same as i remembered them from 3rd. my bad thanks for the catch.


What stratagem allows a dead unit to come back? I have never heard of that. Once a unit is dead, it’s dead, except that Necrons can resurrect a character


Also not to be a downer but your tactical squad loadout is illegal, they can take one special OR heavy weapon per 5, not one of each

Correct, there is a strat that lets Necrons bring back a dead character on a 4+ (Infantry Noble and Crypteks only I believe) but there is nothing that lets a completely destroyed unit bring back a single model.


Living metal is stronger in small games but once you get to 2K its effects are pretty minimal.


ok, i'll talk with him and see what strat he used and check it out for myself or head over to the necron side to make sure it was used properly.

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What stratagem allows a dead unit to come back? I have never heard of that. Once a unit is dead, it’s dead, except that Necrons can resurrect a character


Also not to be a downer but your tactical squad loadout is illegal, they can take one special OR heavy weapon per 5, not one of each

Correct, there is a strat that lets Necrons bring back a dead character on a 4+ (Infantry Noble and Crypteks only I believe) but there is nothing that lets a completely destroyed unit bring back a single model.


Living metal is stronger in small games but once you get to 2K its effects are pretty minimal.


seems like the more multi wound models the worse it would be...

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holy :censored: i forgot about the painted rule...my army was fully painted his wasn't painted at all....i actually won 20-17! lmao


I dont think anyone "really" plays that casually, to be fair. Or rather considers it "a win".  

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What stratagem allows a dead unit to come back? I have never heard of that. Once a unit is dead, it’s dead, except that Necrons can resurrect a character


Also not to be a downer but your tactical squad loadout is illegal, they can take one special OR heavy weapon per 5, not one of each

Correct, there is a strat that lets Necrons bring back a dead character on a 4+ (Infantry Noble and Crypteks only I believe) but there is nothing that lets a completely destroyed unit bring back a single model.


Living metal is stronger in small games but once you get to 2K its effects are pretty minimal.

seems like the more multi wound models the worse it would be...
Yes and no. In 2K games you're generally looking at units that are either left alone or completely wiped out. Also adding 1 wound to a squad is generally little more than chip damage. Don't get me wrong, it is nice, but mostly it's there to offset how bad reanimations are for multiwound models. The only time it really swings games is when the wound regen moves a vehicle up on a damage bracket.


I'll make two points on the matter and then leave it alone:


#1. Necron meta lists don't build around living metal or lean into it. Necron players don't complain about or sing the praises of it. Of the opponents I've played multiple games against with my Necrons, none of them have even mentioned Living Metal being a thing that frustrates them.


#2. You've had your first game of 9th and from the sounds of it there were a lot of things that happened way outside of average roll results. Don't be too quick to declare something in an opponents army needing nerfed after a single data point.


Necrons are a tough opponent for Marines. It will take a little bit of practice but you'll get there.

Edited by Bonzi
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holy :censored: i forgot about the painted rule...my army was fully painted his wasn't painted at all....i actually won 20-17! lmao


I dont think anyone "really" plays that casually, to be fair. Or rather considers it "a win".  


rules are there, i got the 10 points.


also the misuse of the stratagem is what led to him taking the the midfield objective, so that probably wouldn't have happened otherwise.

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holy :censored: i forgot about the painted rule...my army was fully painted his wasn't painted at all....i actually won 20-17! lmao


I dont think anyone "really" plays that casually, to be fair. Or rather considers it "a win".  


rules are there, i got the 10 points.


You're... entitled to that. But realize that that scoring metric is incredibly divisive. So take the win if you want to, but I wouldn't bring it up in person. That's an excellent way to get a bad reputation in a playgroup.

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You're... entitled to that. But realize that that scoring metric is incredibly divisive. So take the win if you want to, but I wouldn't bring it up in person. That's an excellent way to get a bad reputation in a playgroup.

I agree, if it is only a friendly game then it doesn't really matter. It sounds like mistakes were made on both sides as you were both getting to grips with the new rules. My advice would be chalk this one up to experience and don't worry too much.

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holy :censored: i forgot about the painted rule...my army was fully painted his wasn't painted at all....i actually won 20-17! lmao

Huzzah! painted models! 


we're almost in the same boat I've only played 3 games of 9th so far. I figure the first 5 to 10 are all about learning or relearning and becoming competent enough to know what's going on. 9th is a little weird. 



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holy :censored: i forgot about the painted rule...my army was fully painted his wasn't painted at all....i actually won 20-17! lmao

Huzzah! painted models!


we're almost in the same boat I've only played 3 games of 9th so far. I figure the first 5 to 10 are all about learning or relearning and becoming competent enough to know what's going on. 9th is a little weird.


well :cuss, at this rate I may never actually know how to play my army this edition this year lol Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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