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So after a long break (approx. 10 years) Covid lockdowns made me break out my hobby supplies again. Decided to dust off (and strip) my old baby blue Space Wolves army and start fresh. Found my old account on this great site and decided to share my progress with some of you.

Since then I've learned that there's such a thing as a divide between "firstborn" and "Primaris" Marines. The latter getting all the cool new toys, but the former having all the history of course. Don't know much about the new lore, or the new rules for that matter, so I'm just painting for the fun of it. And just kitbashing stuff together with stuff I have lying around.

First up is my first new Pack Leader, Lleif. He's in charge of a pack of Grey Hunters, which are my first painted Space Marines in forever.


And here he is, together with his full pack. I've just a whole range of different bits, including some from Chaos Space Marines, to give every member of the pack an individual feel to it. Please don't mind the mess in the background. Still waiting for some snow to finish the bases and then I'll probably reshoot the picture.


So the good thing about those Firstborns is that their vehicles are still cruising along with two tracks in the dirt, the way Russ intended. Next up, my first (of two) Predators. Still working on the sponsons, but they will be magnetised to swap out the weapon options. Also have an Autocannon turret lying around, so I'll probably paint that up as well.




Since I'm basing my Space Wolves on Egil Iron Wolf's Great Company we clearly need more tanks. And we shall get more tanks.

WIP Vindicator. The very old Forgeworld upgrade kit. With some extra bits and homemade extra armour.


Another Predator and a Rhino are about to join the action.


Also had an old Forgeworld Dreadnought lying around (really glad I didn't throw any of this stuff away).


Built some bikers for the fun of it and because I had the bits for them. These will probably double up as count-as Thunderwolves when I might actually play a game. These were great fun to build and with all the extra bits on them, they'll also be great fun to paint I imagine. There's individual pictures in my gallery too if you want a closer look at them.


And finally what is currently on my desk


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Thanks for the kind words. They are pretty much the opposite of those baby blue Wolves from the 90's.


The recipe for the armour is quite easy really. 

It's black primer followed with a basecoat of The Fang. It doesn't have to cover completely, I'm going for a dirty look to the armour.


The next coat is The Fang mixed 50-50 with Space Wolves Grey. Yes, I still have a pot. And yes, the paint is still okay. 

This also doesn't have to cover completely, but just make sure you leave some of the basecoat showing in the recesses. 


The last coat is a edge highlight with pure Space Wolves Grey, but only where the light would kinda reflect naturally. Not like they do at the Eavy Metal team. 


Follow this all with a wash of Nuln Oil to darken the look and blend the colours together a bit. 

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