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Space Wolves Kill Team - A forray into the heresy.


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Having recently come across the fan made Horus Heresy Kill Team rules by Twothinquotes over on Instagram here on the forums I've decided to make an attempt at the ancient era of the 31st mllenia for the first time. The choice of the Space Wolves was an easy one for me, of the novels Prospero Burns is by far my favourite and I actually had a Grey Slayer Forgeworld kit lying around, an old birthday present from the missus which together with a Mk III box and some bitz found at the local club made a good base.


My last go around at making my Iron Warrior Kill Team having a thread here gave some accountability and actually saw me finish the project, so hopefully it'll work a charm the second time as well. To try and challenge myself I've decided to try and work without the "magic" of acylic washes this time around, to push myself as a painter a bit as well as potentially try out oil based washes later on.


So far I've a single Grey Slayer to show after two evenings of some work. I've recently been working with drybrushing the big bare spaces of space marine armour to create some interest and depth to the colours. Looking at the photo I may need to try and up the contrast of the colours on his necklace to some degree as the bone colour appears to blend into the grey of the armour plates a bit too well.


I've some decals I intend to put on next, as well as try and decide on a base for the team. Any suggestions on that front would be most welcome. After which I'll see if I dare to risk it all by trying out the oil wash over it all. I also look forward to trying to forge some narrative around the team and the characters in it as I work on and finish the miniatures.



Edited by Torbenos
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Spent the evening putting together the next addition to my pack. Knowing I wanted one marine with an Auspex and lacking any good Mark III arms to hold it I went into the depths of my box to try and assemble a whole set of Mark VI, which I largely managed although I've not the keen eye for every power armour piece some of our resident experts have. Also dug out the Devestator Sergeant powerpack to represent both the Comm specialty that I expect this model will end up having, as well as a Astartes-Vox. Last was addition of the groinguard and ritual knife as he is otherwise entierly lacking in Space Wolf iconography.


I am aware the Mark VI armour wasn't produced until the end of the Horus Heresy although I do not know exactly when that is, but I suppose this has set my force squarely near the end of the conflict in the timeline through its inclusion.




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