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Hard to even guess :P With how DE are going I also think Tyranids are more likely to see a model converted to plastic. Lictor would be my first guess also as most likely, not just because I have my Biovores :lol:

Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord seems highly unlikely given the newness and quality of the current plastic kit. I'd say either a Lictor box with a new unit alt-build or a Biovore/Pyrovore dual-kit. I'm still holding out hope for a plastic Hierodule though...

Shrikes seem likely to me.

Their most recent datasheet was in Index Xenos 2 at the start of 8th edition.  However they didn't appear in the 8th ed codex, and their points costs started appearing in the forgeworld section of chapter approved books (which sort of makes sense, as their models were originally sold by forgeworld despite always being a codex unit in earlier editions).


As of 9th edition, Index Xenos 2 is no longer applicable.   However GW didn't move them to legends. They simply have no current datasheet.


I'd think GW would have put them in Legends if they had no plans to bring them back.

Since they didn't do that, it suggests to me they might be going to bring them back with a plastic kit in the next codex.

I doubt it would be a tyrant. Whil the kit isnt that new (2010-ish?) it still holds up well. The oldest kits in the range would be Termies and hormies - the sprues are so badly laid out compared to modern kits like the necron warriors. Redoing these would save a lot of shelf space, however I think a gaunt redux would have to be accompanied by a wider range revamp. 

I just bought a lictor. lol


I was thinking maybe swarmlord? hive tyrant? but i guess they are both solid kits?

Ah, in that case it is all but guaranteed to be the Lictor? :laugh.: For extra spite they'll make sure it's a far superior model :tongue.: As noted the Tyrant plastic is fine and relatively modern by nid standards (important quantifier, alas...), I've yet to get mine but it is on the list eventually. Gaunts feel like part of a more "renewal" approach I agree, as more than one box and being a core unit perhaps the same as how Guard infantry will be handled one day?


Shrikes is an interesting one, it would be great to see a "new" model and GW could easily make it a bit different to just a flying Warrior (I'd imagine they would, as a prime opportunity to flex design muscles). Feels like this would be part of a box set release first for some reason, but it would surely be a great way to get a lot of sales as most nid players don't have them :wink:

I’d love to see a proper centrepiece model, most factions have one already (Imperial Knight, Wraithknight, Baneblade etc)


I’d be a little annoyed if it was a new Tyrant/Swarmlord kit as I feel there are kits we need more.


If they brought back Shrikes that would be awesome! I think a lot of people would like to run an all Warrior build.


I can see them giving the Lictor kit a revamp as they move away from the resin range.

I’d love to see a proper centrepiece model, most factions have one already (Imperial Knight, Wraithknight, Baneblade etc)


I’d be a little annoyed if it was a new Tyrant/Swarmlord kit as I feel there are kits we need more.


If they brought back Shrikes that would be awesome! I think a lot of people would like to run an all Warrior build.


I can see them giving the Lictor kit a revamp as they move away from the resin range.

Wasn't the Trygon supposed to be the Tyranids' Knight-equivalent? Not that I want it to wind up in the LoW slot because that would be awful, I'd kind of rather see 'nids stick to the "soldier-ants swarming a lion" thing they had going on in the fluff when it comes to Knights/Titans.


If I were wish-listing ... I really like how a lot of things in the 'nid roster are scaled-up or scaled-down versions of other things. Trygons are scaled-up Raveners. Exocrines are scaled-up Biovores. Take away the goofy shoulder guard wing things and a Hive/Tyrant Guard is mostly a scaled-down Carnifex. The Tyrannofex is a big Termagaunt if you squint hard enough. I also think the "I fight first" thing that Toxicrenes and Venomthropes have would be a good thing to be able to spam harder, so with that in mind a "Venomgaunt" would be a really nice addition. Maybe a 'Venomthrope Prime' as a stretch-goal.


I’d love to see a proper centrepiece model, most factions have one already (Imperial Knight, Wraithknight, Baneblade etc)


I’d be a little annoyed if it was a new Tyrant/Swarmlord kit as I feel there are kits we need more.


If they brought back Shrikes that would be awesome! I think a lot of people would like to run an all Warrior build.


I can see them giving the Lictor kit a revamp as they move away from the resin range.

Wasn't the Trygon supposed to be the Tyranids' Knight-equivalent? Not that I want it to wind up in the LoW slot because that would be awful, I'd kind of rather see 'nids stick to the "soldier-ants swarming a lion" thing they had going on in the fluff when it comes to Knights/Titans.


If I were wish-listing ... I really like how a lot of things in the 'nid roster are scaled-up or scaled-down versions of other things. Trygons are scaled-up Raveners. Exocrines are scaled-up Biovores. Take away the goofy shoulder guard wing things and a Hive/Tyrant Guard is mostly a scaled-down Carnifex. The Tyrannofex is a big Termagaunt if you squint hard enough. I also think the "I fight first" thing that Toxicrenes and Venomthropes have would be a good thing to be able to spam harder, so with that in mind a "Venomgaunt" would be a really nice addition. Maybe a 'Venomthrope Prime' as a stretch-goal.


I don't think the Trygon was ever the Tyranids knight-equivalent. It has always been a fair bit smaller and weaker than a knight. I certainly wouldn't consider it a centerpiece model, when there are larger plastic kits in-faction (Harpy/Crone, and Tyrannocyte are significantly larger. Tyrannofex/Tervigon are around the same size.)

Hierodules are the closest things tyranids have to knights in terms of their rules. They're much more comparable.


I kind of agree on how many of the models are scaled up/down versions of others. Although would debate some of those specific examples.

I don't really see much of a Termagant in the Tyrannofex.  However the Tyrannofex is actually a near perfect match for a scaled down Hierophant.

Biovore vs Exocrine, kind of in terms of appearance. Although in terms of role the scaled up Biovore should be the Dactylis, which is an old Epic unit that was like the heavy mortar to the biovores light mortar. Maybe we'll see it make the transition to 40k someday.

  However the Tyrannofex is actually a near perfect match for a scaled down Hierophant.

Biovore vs Exocrine, kind of in terms of appearance. Although in terms of role the scaled up Biovore should be the Dactylis, which is an old Epic unit that was like the heavy mortar to the biovores light mortar. Maybe we'll see it make the transition to 40k someday.


That would be wild. Wasn't the Dactylis the slug that had big chicken legs that threw spore mines?


One short Google search later...




Considering the Trygon was also a big slug tank thing I bet the Dactylis would have a huge makeover. It would be pretty cool to have a bigger spore mine chucker.


Personally I'd be more interested in seeing the Dominatrix return as a new kit. I'm more inclined to think that they will create the Lictor/Deathleaper kit that others have suggested. There is a Rumour Engine picture that looks like a Lictor's tail.

Edited by Magos Takatus
Yeah lots of tyranid creatures back then were big slugs. Exocrines and haruspexes also looked like that. So the dactylis would almost certainly look quite different if we ever did get one.


A dominatrix would be cool. Although I'm not sure we'll ever get one, as I kind of think GWs modern marketing department would see it and be all 'You want to call it WHAT?'.

Quite possible they would still make it and just give it a different name though.


There have been two recent rumour engine pictures that look like they could be from tyranids.

The first one could be a Lictor tail like you say.

That second one is very similar to the tail on the old Red Terror model, with the central spike in the middle of the pincer.



I had also expected to get a fortification- a digestion pool or spore chimneys. I thought everyone was going to get a fortification, but the DE didn't get one; they didn't even put the CWE webway portal in the book, which would have been pretty easy to do. No longer certain.

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