The Woodsman Posted March 30, 2021 Share Posted March 30, 2021 I was actually giving it some thought the other day... maybe this isn't the proper thread for it, admins let me know if it's the case... but I was kind of at loss to see what could/should/I wanted to see change as far as our model range was concerned. To me the Terminator/Paladin kits are really cool as is, with lots of weapon options and quite a few customization options and extra goodies. Same goes for the standard power armored Marine kit. A character kit or individual/specific character models for the Brother-Captain, Grand Master and Brotherhood Champion would also be very much appreciated... I mean if we're being honest the "Brother-Captain" and "Brotherhood Champion" models are really just the Justicars from the old metal sets. Other than that though, and without creating a whole unit(s), I was kind of stumped. Maybe a specific Purifier box, with more detailed armor (something along the lines of Guilliman's armor if you see what I mean) and flaming weapons or something? Any thoughts? Again, specific to the model range itself, not rules-wise. techsoldaten 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
techsoldaten Posted March 30, 2021 Share Posted March 30, 2021 I was actually giving it some thought the other day... maybe this isn't the proper thread for it, admins let me know if it's the case... but I was kind of at loss to see what could/should/I wanted to see change as far as our model range was concerned. To me the Terminator/Paladin kits are really cool as is, with lots of weapon options and quite a few customization options and extra goodies. Same goes for the standard power armored Marine kit. A character kit or individual/specific character models for the Brother-Captain, Grand Master and Brotherhood Champion would also be very much appreciated... I mean if we're being honest the "Brother-Captain" and "Brotherhood Champion" models are really just the Justicars from the old metal sets. Other than that though, and without creating a whole unit(s), I was kind of stumped. Maybe a specific Purifier box, with more detailed armor (something along the lines of Guilliman's armor if you see what I mean) and flaming weapons or something? Any thoughts? Again, specific to the model range itself, not rules-wise. Well, that's not fair, constraining the conversation to models in a thread about books. So let me break your rule and try to address concerns about rules and models together. Everything I'm about to say is pure speculation, please don't confuse it for a rumor but do tell me how far off I am. GW publishing has become fond of patterns. The Psychic Awakening books followed a pattern, 3 or more factions in each book with new rules, stratagems, relics, points adjustments for each. As a bonus, some factions got new models. With Book of Rust, we're seeing a new pattern emerge: 3 factions, new rules / stratagems / relics / points for each, and some factions got new models. It's entirely new and a big change from Psychic Awakening, where the pattern was pretty much identical but had a different name. Which bring us to the question of models. GW did not release models alongside Book of Rust - they released models alongside a Codex that happened to come out at the same time. My guess is this is the pattern we're going to see going forward. My guess is there will be 3 Codexes announced within the next few weeks, one of them will be Grey Knights (based on the rumor in this article), and the next volume of Book of Rust will follow soon after. With the release of the Codex, we will know about new models. My guess is that GW decides to allow Grey Knights to take stuff from Codex: Space Marines / Codex: Astra Militarum, with some restrictions. You have a good point, Grey Knights have a lot of unique characters and creating a new one might be a struggle. GW could fill more gaps by letting GK take, say, a Primaris Dreadnought than they could with another baby carrier. Likewise, something that has been missing from GK armies for a while now is Inquisitorial Guard. Giving GK robust amounts of meatshields and cheap tanks could do more for the faction than any other changes. These are just guesses, I don't have any particular insights except to say GK don't really need new models. Technically, the faction overall is one of the youngest in the range. I'd be happy to see something new come along, but I'd be happier to have something that plays more like the old Daemonhunter's Codex. Based on the Deathwatch treatment, feels like GW might be looking at it the same way. The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sothalor Posted March 30, 2021 Share Posted March 30, 2021 Given the larger patterns of GW's behavior around Marines, if there is a large-scale revamp of the Grey Knight model range, it is almost certainly going to entail a transition to Primaris. If you look at how the Primaris kits tend to work, many of them are capable of building multiple unit types or variants - something that Grey Knight range currently shares. Another trend, extrapolating from Primaris (and arguably the wider 40K range), is HQ units/characters on their own sprues/kits. So I wouldn't be surprised to see something like: Strike/Purifier/Interceptor Squad Kit -> Powered Armour Primaris (Tacticus Mk X) Kit Terminator/Paladin Squad Kit -> Gravis (or hopefully a real Tactical Dreadnought Armor update) Kit Grey Knight Chaplain Sprue Grey Knight Librarian Sprue Grey Knight Brother-Captain/Grand Master Sprue The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted March 30, 2021 Author Share Posted March 30, 2021 Hiya folks. As previously "discussed" over in the Book of Rust thread, this here means to be a chat about what we think could or should/what we'd like to change or be added to the Grey Knights range of models. I'll let Brother Lunkhead copy the aforementioned posts. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trollbeard Posted March 31, 2021 Share Posted March 31, 2021 I feel like we need more fast attack options. Maybe Inceptor like Units, that could have shorter range psi type weapons? One idea I have had for a while are something like GK spirits/demons. My thinking is that if lesser demons are manifestations of the 4 chaos gods, then the Emperor might have lesser manifestations as well. Holy demons if you will. Could potentially have cheap horde-ish units, or bigger entities along the vein of C’tan shards with various powers and abilities. All of our units having the same load outs (mostly) makes our units have a lot of overlap in uses. Would be nice to have a variety. The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Coolpants Posted March 31, 2021 Share Posted March 31, 2021 Well for starters, although I like all the extra gubbins you get in all model boxes, I'd much rather a real dedicated model and box for each unit. I'm sure we all have tons of crap in our bits boxes that will likely never be used. Paladins need more than a sliiightly different helmet and just garbage glued all over them. They should have a more intricate armour design. Exact same deal for purifiers. I also want GW to go all out on our psi weapons. I think we should have whole units with some kind of new psy gun loadout. Would be nice to have these new weapons squads with a few new psy gun options. Maybe even have a buffed profile if a psychic test is passed. I'd also like more fast attack options. Im honestly not sure what to have here though, give them hover bikes, and they'd feel like they're copying custodes, give them interceptor jump packs, and they'd just look like interceptors.... So someone more imaginative would have to think that one up. Definitely don't leave that to GW though. They'd just do something obvious and boring and do grey knight suppressors with a big psycannon lol. The Woodsman and Freakshow668 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted March 31, 2021 Author Share Posted March 31, 2021 I was actually giving it some thought the other day... maybe this isn't the proper thread for it, admins let me know if it's the case... but I was kind of at loss to see what could/should/I wanted to see change as far as our model range was concerned. To me the Terminator/Paladin kits are really cool as is, with lots of weapon options and quite a few customization options and extra goodies. Same goes for the standard power armored Marine kit. A character kit or individual/specific character models for the Brother-Captain, Grand Master and Brotherhood Champion would also be very much appreciated... I mean if we're being honest the "Brother-Captain" and "Brotherhood Champion" models are really just the Justicars from the old metal sets. Other than that though, and without creating a whole unit(s), I was kind of stumped. Maybe a specific Purifier box, with more detailed armor (something along the lines of Guilliman's armor if you see what I mean) and flaming weapons or something? Any thoughts? Again, specific to the model range itself, not rules-wise. Well, that's not fair, constraining the conversation to models in a thread about books. So let me break your rule and try to address concerns about rules and models together. Everything I'm about to say is pure speculation, please don't confuse it for a rumor but do tell me how far off I am. GW publishing has become fond of patterns. The Psychic Awakening books followed a pattern, 3 or more factions in each book with new rules, stratagems, relics, points adjustments for each. As a bonus, some factions got new models. With Book of Rust, we're seeing a new pattern emerge: 3 factions, new rules / stratagems / relics / points for each, and some factions got new models. It's entirely new and a big change from Psychic Awakening, where the pattern was pretty much identical but had a different name. Which bring us to the question of models. GW did not release models alongside Book of Rust - they released models alongside a Codex that happened to come out at the same time. My guess is this is the pattern we're going to see going forward. My guess is there will be 3 Codexes announced within the next few weeks, one of them will be Grey Knights (based on the rumor in this article), and the next volume of Book of Rust will follow soon after. With the release of the Codex, we will know about new models. My guess is that GW decides to allow Grey Knights to take stuff from Codex: Space Marines / Codex: Astra Militarum, with some restrictions. You have a good point, Grey Knights have a lot of unique characters and creating a new one might be a struggle. GW could fill more gaps by letting GK take, say, a Primaris Dreadnought than they could with another baby carrier. Likewise, something that has been missing from GK armies for a while now is Inquisitorial Guard. Giving GK robust amounts of meatshields and cheap tanks could do more for the faction than any other changes. These are just guesses, I don't have any particular insights except to say GK don't really need new models. Technically, the faction overall is one of the youngest in the range. I'd be happy to see something new come along, but I'd be happier to have something that plays more like the old Daemonhunter's Codex. Based on the Deathwatch treatment, feels like GW might be looking at it the same way. Yeah its always tricky to talk about models without talking about rules! As far as getting back to a Daemonhunters style book... I sincerely doubt the chances of this happening (not that I wouldn't love for it to happen, Daemonhunters was my first army back as a teenager!). With the way detachments and being able to pick detachments from different Codex(es?) in a same faction (aka Imperium, Aeldari, Chaos, etc.), I don't see GW putting time/money into a book that merges different elements of the Imperial war machine. The way the fluff has gone, Grey Knights have become a rather independant SM Chapter that is afiliated to the Inquisition, rather than the chamber militant of the Ordo Malleus as it was in the Daemonhunter days. Plus with how Inquisitors work now, and Scions being their own thing, I don't see much room for a "new" Inquisitorial Storm Troopers option amongst a Grey Knight Codex. I think the break was pretty clean back in 5th edition, and I doubt we'll see GW come back on that decision. Given the larger patterns of GW's behavior around Marines, if there is a large-scale revamp of the Grey Knight model range, it is almost certainly going to entail a transition to Primaris. If you look at how the Primaris kits tend to work, many of them are capable of building multiple unit types or variants - something that Grey Knight range currently shares. Another trend, extrapolating from Primaris (and arguably the wider 40K range), is HQ units/characters on their own sprues/kits. So I wouldn't be surprised to see something like: Strike/Purifier/Interceptor Squad Kit -> Powered Armour Primaris (Tacticus Mk X) Kit Terminator/Paladin Squad Kit -> Gravis (or hopefully a real Tactical Dreadnought Armor update) Kit Grey Knight Chaplain Sprue Grey Knight Librarian Sprue Grey Knight Brother-Captain/Grand Master Sprue The whole Primaris or not question remains pretty huge... and we haven't seen any new "firstborn" marine stuff in ages (not since Primaris were first released). That being said, they did revamp some CSM stuff (marines, havocs, terminators) so there is an argument that they could do the same for Grey Knights. As far as Librarians and Chaplains go, I think GW sees it as "convert the existing models, guys", but it would be cool to see individual GK kits. However, I think there is a good chance of seeing a B-C/GM kit come out one day, as at the moment there really isn't an existing terminator Captain model that isn't already a Blood Angel, Deathwacth, Dark Angels or Space Wolf character. Fingers crossed! I feel like we need more fast attack options. Maybe Inceptor like Units, that could have shorter range psi type weapons? One idea I have had for a while are something like GK spirits/demons. My thinking is that if lesser demons are manifestations of the 4 chaos gods, then the Emperor might have lesser manifestations as well. Holy demons if you will. Could potentially have cheap horde-ish units, or bigger entities along the vein of C’tan shards with various powers and abilities. All of our units having the same load outs (mostly) makes our units have a lot of overlap in uses. Would be nice to have a variety. Don't know about imperial daemons... the Imperium is pretty shut off to that kind of stuff tbh. Purifiers could become something along these lines though... imbued with holy power as they charge into battle, and that could open the door to a pretty awesome model kit. Don't know about a horde unit, the GK famously get rid of any regular human support after an engagement, so I don't think we'll see GW give us a dedicated chaff unit. Well for starters, although I like all the extra gubbins you get in all model boxes, I'd much rather a real dedicated model and box for each unit. I'm sure we all have tons of crap in our bits boxes that will likely never be used. Paladins need more than a sliiightly different helmet and just garbage glued all over them. They should have a more intricate armour design. Exact same deal for purifiers. I also want GW to go all out on our psi weapons. I think we should have whole units with some kind of new psy gun loadout. Would be nice to have these new weapons squads with a few new psy gun options. Maybe even have a buffed profile if a psychic test is passed. I'd also like more fast attack options. Im honestly not sure what to have here though, give them hover bikes, and they'd feel like they're copying custodes, give them interceptor jump packs, and they'd just look like interceptors.... So someone more imaginative would have to think that one up. Definitely don't leave that to GW though. They'd just do something obvious and boring and do grey knight suppressors with a big psycannon lol. Some dedicated "heavy" psiweaponry would be cool, like an infantry version of the gatling psilencer or heavy psicannon... maybe a psilance thing (similar to multi-melta but good against invuls instead of a -4/extra damage?). Kind of like Sisters work, with a special weapons squad in elites and a heavy weapons squad in heavy support? This could be a cool new kit that splits off purgators from the other PA units and could also allow for an expansion of the existing PA kit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPS Posted March 31, 2021 Share Posted March 31, 2021 A Dreadknight with properly poseable legs and extra bling to turn him into a Grand Master. They'd just do something obvious and boring and do grey knight suppressors with a big psycannon lol. Wait, that could actually be pretty cool, at least model wise. The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted March 31, 2021 Share Posted March 31, 2021 A Dreadknight with properly poseable legs and extra bling to turn him into a Grand Master. They'd just do something obvious and boring and do grey knight suppressors with a big psycannon lol. Wait, that could actually be pretty cool, at least model wise. this so much. invictor meets dreadknight, more posable, better designs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waking Dreamer Posted April 1, 2021 Share Posted April 1, 2021 The Fast Attack slot is indeed very limited but at the same time, I don't want newer options being flat-out better than the current Interceptors unit. GK Landspeeder variants that can be loaded out with either H.Psycannons, Gat.Psilencers or H.Incinerators. Synergise this with Tide of Convergence and you can get a tougher, shooty FA slot as a separate niche. Compared to the infantry, melee capable, action preforming Interceptors. Other than that, a real one-per-army centrepiece model is what would probably get my hyped the most. Consider, either a Supreme GM / Draigo in NDK model (uniquely equivalent to the SW Logan Grimnar on Stormrider), or a named GM in Dreadnought (equivalent to Bjorn the Fell-Handed). A more far-out centrepiece unit would be some kind of multi-model kit like the Silent King or Triumph of St Katherine - GK style! Paladins surrounding and transporting the Terminus Decree or some other Holy GK Relic, allowing all GK units within the aura to either cast repeated psychic powers, gain a 5+++, gain an extra Warp Tide bonus etc. The Woodsman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted April 1, 2021 Author Share Posted April 1, 2021 The above is a great idea. Also a great piece of artwork from the OG Daemonhunters book (with mini-short story to boot). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted April 1, 2021 Share Posted April 1, 2021 (edited) so, my thought on fast attack for grey knights, are the custodians in this fan art. the flight tech ones. I think they fit what Waking Dreamer wants. Inceptor esq. shield power lance integrated with the assault psy bolter Edited April 1, 2021 by Triszin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tex Posted April 2, 2021 Share Posted April 2, 2021 I like the fact that we are unique and don't have most things that the other marine chapters have. I hope it mostly stays that way, otherwise we are just playing marine flavor. I also believe we could use more fast attack, maybe something like individual hover boards/craft with built in heavy psi weaponry that we could stand on and still fight...kind of like the Drukhari Hellions? Skywrath and The Woodsman 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted April 2, 2021 Author Share Posted April 2, 2021 (edited) Agreed that we need to keep our distinctive elements... making everything Primaris or sticking GK heads and weapons on standard marine units isn't gonna do it for me personally. Seems people are really into the FA thing... the way I see it GK "fast attack" element is their deep striking ability. Back in Daemonhunter days, that actually was the FA option, a strike squad that could deep strike, lol. While a new light vehicle or jump unit could be cool, does it really fit the Grey Knight's lore and way of waging war? They usually rely on Terminators tanking it, with Strikes teleporting onto key objectives and Interceptors shunting when they need a little extra mobility. I definitely wouldn't want to see jetbikes... would feel like second-class Custodes lol. A specific GK flyer could be cool, though fluff-wise they're not really into that either, but along the lines of the Tau Piranha? Like a one-man jet thing that can maybe shunt like the interceptors once per game and carries either a heavy psycannon or gatling psilencer? And a psychic power... so basically a mini, Imperial Hemlock lol. **Edit** Which I realize now is basically a Grey Knight Land Speeder, yikes. Edited April 2, 2021 by The Woodsman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waking Dreamer Posted April 2, 2021 Share Posted April 2, 2021 Deep strike equivalents isn't proper board control / maneuverability. It's good but it's never as good 12-14"+ base movement with Flying over terrain like rules. A good player will screen you out where ever possible, and make you deep strike in their killing zone... or a place where you and they don't care about. Then your foot-slogging 5-6" a turn trying to make a difference. That's why jet bikes, jump packs and fast light vehicles (less than 10 wounds), are the best at board movement / control in the entire game right now. Besides the dreadknight and one Land raider GK variant, no other units besides legends carry our GK heavy special weapons. Sure you can give them to our infantry, but will they then take over purgation and interceptors (if you put them on some new type of GK fast infantry). A new model/unit that can be loaded up with heavy/ twin-psycannons, gat-silencers / heavy incinerators etc. is already uniquely GK - which can probably reach Primaris-level shooting efficiency WITHOUT using actual Primaris weapons...IF you buff them with supposed updated Tide of Convergence rules...making the unit doubly "GK-esq" or even just more different to Primaris / Custodes / firstborn standards. The legends GK dreadnought has the same stats as your vanilla SM dreadnought - except it just had uniquely GK weapons and is a psyker. That didn't stop many on this forum from doggedly hunting the model down and paying scaple price to have it part of their collection. A land-speeder type model that has =][= engraved on it's armour plating, covered in purity seals, with GK warding symbols/etchings while rocking heavy-psycannons and maybe mounting a nemesis Halberd at the front....that is also competitive / plays 9th Edition at the same level as other armies is..... Shagah 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trollbeard Posted April 2, 2021 Share Posted April 2, 2021 A flying dreadknight suit armed with Dual Heavy incinerators? New psi weapons would be cool also, one similar in strength/use to a Melta would be handy. Or even units have a preset psychic power like Back in 6th? Which gave them more defined roles even with similar load outs between units. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Woodsman Posted April 2, 2021 Author Share Posted April 2, 2021 Deep strike equivalents isn't proper board control / maneuverability. It's good but it's never as good 12-14"+ base movement with Flying over terrain like rules. A good player will screen you out where ever possible, and make you deep strike in their killing zone... or a place where you and they don't care about. Then your foot-slogging 5-6" a turn trying to make a difference. That's why jet bikes, jump packs and fast light vehicles (less than 10 wounds), are the best at board movement / control in the entire game right now. Besides the dreadknight and one Land raider GK variant, no other units besides legends carry our GK heavy special weapons. Sure you can give them to our infantry, but will they then take over purgation and interceptors (if you put them on some new type of GK fast infantry). A new model/unit that can be loaded up with heavy/ twin-psycannons, gat-silencers / heavy incinerators etc. is already uniquely GK - which can probably reach Primaris-level shooting efficiency WITHOUT using actual Primaris weapons...IF you buff them with supposed updated Tide of Convergence rules...making the unit doubly "GK-esq" or even just more different to Primaris / Custodes / firstborn standards. The legends GK dreadnought has the same stats as your vanilla SM dreadnought - except it just had uniquely GK weapons and is a psyker. That didn't stop many on this forum from doggedly hunting the model down and paying scaple price to have it part of their collection. A land-speeder type model that has =][= engraved on it's armour plating, covered in purity seals, with GK warding symbols/etchings while rocking heavy-psycannons and maybe mounting a nemesis Halberd at the front....that is also competitive / plays 9th Edition at the same level as other armies is..... Yeah I agree Deep Strike isn't an effective means of board control in the game, but narratively speaking it is the Grey Knights "signature" board control option. I don't want to tangent too much here, but a GK or brotherhood specific deep strike rule could go a long way in fixing this. That being said I'd rather see Grey Knight specific vehicle updates (Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Deathwatch have their own unique vehicles - we do have the DK though) to allow our Rhinos/Razorbacks/Flyers to use psiweapons than a new brand new infantry unit. Grey Knights are thematically very traditional, they have their Terminator core and supporting units (a lot of the time they don't even send in a full force, just a specialist squad). Looking at other recent codexes, there haven't been very many new units (bar Sisters/Marines but the Sisters were working with a 20+ year old range, and Marines got Primaris), so I think the best we can hope for is revamps of our elites, Paladins and Purifiers as well as character sprues. A triumph of Saint Katherine type thing could indeed be very cool, and I could definitely see a Grey Knight Reliquary being deployed against a massive daemonic threat. Sepulcher of Janus Eternal or The Sigilite's Catacomb could be cool as heck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
librisrouge Posted April 2, 2021 Share Posted April 2, 2021 I will never not advocate for Grey Knights getting centurion armor with all the trimmings of our chapter instead of the normal options. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tex Posted April 2, 2021 Share Posted April 2, 2021 What if we had a rule that allowed us to use teleport homers either as standard wargear built into our armor, or as an option allowing use to deepstrike/gate directly to the base of said model? I think it would be quite thematic. Didn't we have this option in the Daemonhunter codex? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archadeus Posted April 2, 2021 Share Posted April 2, 2021 What if we had interceptor backpacks. Maybe strike recruits that can only shunt if a nearby interceptor unit had first. The kicker is that they get to land 3 inches within the interceptors with no restrictions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Weltbild Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 Something like a Battle Sanctum could be nice, perhaps some sort of antenna to amplify our psychic potency within a certain radius (e.g. always roll 3d6 and discard the lowest result). I’d also be happy with being allowed to teleport within 7 inches, as I seem to fail my charge rolls 24/7 even with First to the Fray. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andarius the Red Posted April 22, 2021 Share Posted April 22, 2021 Given the larger patterns of GW's behavior around Marines, if there is a large-scale revamp of the Grey Knight model range, it is almost certainly going to entail a transition to Primaris. If you look at how the Primaris kits tend to work, many of them are capable of building multiple unit types or variants - something that Grey Knight range currently shares. Another trend, extrapolating from Primaris (and arguably the wider 40K range), is HQ units/characters on their own sprues/kits. So I wouldn't be surprised to see something like: Strike/Purifier/Interceptor Squad Kit -> Powered Armour Primaris (Tacticus Mk X) Kit Terminator/Paladin Squad Kit -> Gravis (or hopefully a real Tactical Dreadnought Armor update) Kit Grey Knight Chaplain Sprue Grey Knight Librarian Sprue Grey Knight Brother-Captain/Grand Master Sprue It probably wouldn't be too difficult to make conversion kits to pre-existing primaris sets to make primaris grey knights. Granting an assault primaris squad with wrist mounted storm bolters, nemesis force weapons, helms and shoulder guards. Same for vehicle sets like they did for Deathwatch. techsoldaten 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
techsoldaten Posted April 22, 2021 Share Posted April 22, 2021 Given the larger patterns of GW's behavior around Marines, if there is a large-scale revamp of the Grey Knight model range, it is almost certainly going to entail a transition to Primaris. If you look at how the Primaris kits tend to work, many of them are capable of building multiple unit types or variants - something that Grey Knight range currently shares. Another trend, extrapolating from Primaris (and arguably the wider 40K range), is HQ units/characters on their own sprues/kits. So I wouldn't be surprised to see something like: Strike/Purifier/Interceptor Squad Kit -> Powered Armour Primaris (Tacticus Mk X) Kit Terminator/Paladin Squad Kit -> Gravis (or hopefully a real Tactical Dreadnought Armor update) Kit Grey Knight Chaplain Sprue Grey Knight Librarian Sprue Grey Knight Brother-Captain/Grand Master Sprue It probably wouldn't be too difficult to make conversion kits to pre-existing primaris sets to make primaris grey knights. Granting an assault primaris squad with wrist mounted storm bolters, nemesis force weapons, helms and shoulder guards. Same for vehicle sets like they did for Deathwatch. Ooooo... you're getting me all excited. Bladeguard already look fit for Grey Knights armies, except for the shoulder pads. I thinking about painting one up as a Brother Captain. Chaplain on Bike too, would be an excellent addition. On another topic, have been thinking about GW's release schedule. Grey Knights have been a standalone Codex since 5th. While I enjoyed running them towards the end of 8th, the faction has traditionally had problems related to low model count and elite status (often without genuinely elite rules to make them useful.) If this is truly a wishlist for new units, I'd like to see us move back in the direction of Daemonhunters. Cheap infantry using select Guard units, better synergy with Ordo Malleus inquisitors, and access to other units from Codex: Space Marines (along with introduction of Primaris.) Were GW to wrap all this up into a single Codex, they'd get a little relief on their release schedule and expand the faction without needing too many new models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andarius the Red Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 That's what I mean; it wouldn't take too much effort for the transition with a basic conversion kit with 10 power armor shoulders, 5 terminator shoulders, 10 nemesis force weapons/wrist-mounted storm bolters. With that you can make any squad a grey knight squad with a primaris flavour. Assault Primaris - Grey knights Strike Squads. Bladeguard - Purifiers Squads. Heavy Intercessors/Aggressors - Paladin Squads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Coolpants Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 (edited) Id rather not. Means we'd have to buy a regular overpriced kit and then an overpriced upgrade kit. Aha Plus I like how we have ornate chest plates as well as legs. Edited April 23, 2021 by Captain Coolpants Archadeus and Weltbild 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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