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So I am slowly trying to work through my pile of shame. Now that I am caught up with my age of sigmar stuff I am trying to work through my 40k back log. I have mostly been painting my imperial fists, and I still need to work on some of my sisters. However this is a start to my chaos warband. So my local store has started doing a crusade this month, and I’ve been using my imperial fists for the crusade. But with a lack of chaos armies, I was finally motivated to work on my chaos warband. I was torn between alpha legion and word bearers. I opted for word bearers in the end because they are the first to fall, and they did it with style. Plus I like the the lore of both, but taking demon engines and possessed machines seems more natural for word bearers than the Alpha legion who just hide and infiltrate.

So over the weekend I finally assembled my dark apostle. Most of the warband is already assembled and primed, I still have a knight to build at some point and I need to get my hands on a forgefiend. I should also look at either using my demons from my two chaos AoS armies (khorne and tzneetch) or look at investing in some slaanesh or nurgle to add to the summoning options. I haven’t really painted anything yet really as I started applying some base color on a squad of 10 chaos warriors.

Anyways, the main reason I am starting this thread and topic. I finally got around to working on a two year planned conversion, and that is a demon prince. Every warband and army needs a worthy leader. The charismatic or fearful bloodthirsty crazed lunatic that others can either follow, gather around, or get behind, or sometimes be driven to serve.

I decided my warband needed a good conversion for just that reason. I decided on a demon prince, but I will be honest, I simple hate the plastic demon prince kit ( I have one for my fantasy khorne army) and I miss aspects of the old metal one from 3rd edition. I wanted to have my demon prince accenting to demon hood, I needed him to still feel attached to the mortal realm, and still feel like a space marine he started out life as. So I decided I needed a solid base, and maybe border in a little heresy. Since sculpting isn’t my strongest skill set (mostly I lack the patient it truly requires, and I don’t do it often enough) I really had to rely on a good base model. So what better base than to borrow from an ultra marine, the nemesis legion of the Word Bearers.

I started with Robute Guilliman, the primarch of the ultra smurfs. He is the largest space marine and would allow me a weapon legal starting point as well, and already same size base. I then removed all the imperial icons, and had to decide what I wanted to do with the armor. I gave it some thought and I didn’t want to go full on possessed. I want him transitioning, being granted a larger size to go with his daemon if blessings of strength and stature. I also wanted his armor to be covered more in runes, with a few notable changes. So I added a large blade to one knee, runes to his legs and flat armored, left one flat panel on his left thigh for script and text to be painted on, added a basic chapter symbol to his left lower leg, I added a few spikes coming out of his gauntlet Hand and of course two huge chaos worthy horns out of the helmet. The two shoulder pads were a struggle. One I decided to make a huge army symbol, with the book and flames protruding so I have a large book with a flame in the center sitting on flames that raise it from the shoulder pad. The giant eagle pad was tricky too, so I decided do a take on the demon aspect of the more modern army symbol, going with more flames to cover the eagle wings, then having a demon skull face coming out of that shoulder pad, and it gave me a reason to add more spikes and horns coming out.

I forgot to say I gave him the mark of khorne on his chest with runes, because he will not have a jump pack and cause I like the idea of an extra attack with this guy.

Now his backpack has been a bit of a tricky one, it just looks so puny. I ended up adding the flamei g censers to it, but I still feel I need to add something else, so may go through my bits and see if I can find something extra to add to the back pack area like adding some extra exhausts. For now I present to you his current look in plastic and green stuff. I only need to name this guy and finish the backpack area so I can get him primed and start painting him. So time for pics.

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Edited by Rizara
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Thanks guys.  yeah i could do that removing the power nodes to the sword.  Something I will think about.   


As for it growing, well I currently have the models for 2 five man squads of marines, a 10 man squad of marines, 10 berzerkers converted from the plastic kit and blood warrior helmets, then the Master of Possession, the 2 greater possessed guys, 2 obliterators, and the venom crawler, and i have 5 havocs assembled,and 5 still on sprue (that I may build as an option).   I am not currently thrilled with the master of possession's psyker abilities, so might consider getting the new chaos sorcerer when i pick up the forgefiend.   I might look at options to field out the 400 points worth of models in place of the chaos knight I have still sitting in a box since they came out.   The second havoc squad works well to help with that fill in, so still not sure what else would be good in place of the knight for those fights where i don't want to bring it.  All in all i will likely cap out at around 2k worth of chaos marines with a couple of alternative build options which might put me in the 2500 ish range all together.   I also have the dark apostle and his two disciples.   So yeah i just got to get painting is all.   Might as well start with my leader here first.    


As for chapters, I was leaning towards the Blood Scythe chapter, but honestly it wont matter as I wont likely be using that icon on any models.  Fluff Wise I would love to build a unit of possessed they just aren't great models, or super great unit wise either.   


Demons for summoning wise, I have for tzneetch  a lord of change, 10 pink horrors + blues/brims for splitting), 3 flamers, 3 screamers and an exalted flamer while for Khorne i have 20 bloodletters, 5 flesh hounds, 3 skull crushers, and a demon prince, skarbrand, and a couple bloodthirsters.  Sadly however the bases don't match really for the demons and my 40k, so i might take the remaining 10 unassembled bloodletters and build them for 40k, and look at some other options.  Its either that or simply don't worry about the bases matching when they get summoned in.  


Guess once I get this guy primed later this week I will try to start painting.  Might just use the next few weeks as motivation for painting some word bearers. 


So here is the first model fully done (well almost I need to finish base trim and add some grass tuffs and decal to shoulder. I think I am content with how he turned out. I am going for a speed painted army scheme, mostly just contrast for the red, and quick layer highlight and wash for all other areas. The flesh especially the demonic mutating flesh and flames will take me the longest. I am not completely thrilled with the neon green of the eyes so I may pick up a green wash and see if I like that better. Got to work on the green glow. I was debating on going for green flames are normal orange flames but after the eyes. I may end up with orange flames anyways. My plan for the flesh of the few models with flesh is likely purple flesh, since the Impurity seals on the demon prince will also be purple. I know most go with green optics but I’ve seen a few with orange and blue. Might just go with orange/yellow for eyes instead of the new Tesseract glow. Need something with more pop.

Anyways since I have so much back log in my pile of shame and my imperial fists take up way more time painting, this is just a side army and I wanted to just get it painted and battle ready fairly quickly nothing fancy. More models to come soon as I get those decals found and grass tuff picked up later this week.

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