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I have had the pleasure of playing many games this edition against a variety of opponents. Recently I have been trying to take only the models I have painted. This included my Wulfen. Additionally I have been playing SpaceWolf successor chapter with whirlwind of rage and born heroes as my traits. I have learned that even after all the nerfs that they are still incredibly potent especially when used as a counter charge unit. They always count as being in assault doctrine so they benefit from savage fury in addition to whirlwind of rage. This is from turn one until the end of the game. So the Wulfen will always get double exploding 6s to hit which is massive for the thunder hammer wielding sort. They are also candidates for keen senses which will allow them to ignore weapon skill modifiers when fighting in assault. Combined with born heroes wulfen will be hitting on twos with lots of hammer attacks. I have had modest squads of Wulfen one shot Magnus, ( used emperors executioners strat), in a couple different games recently and clear a 3 man unit is custodes bikes in the same manner not to mention primaris marines and custodian guard. With obscuring terrain this addition I have not felt the nerfs as hard as some anticipated and they always make combat for me. Even if they take a few casualties they still put a serious whooping on whatever they touch. Has anyone else found any tricks to wielding the Wulfen effectively? Edited by TheUnlikelyGamer84
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Jamie Paris has talked about them on art of war and other social media places


He says current wulfen aren't bad...just different from 8th


He needs the reroll charge aura bc successor he picks armor of russ and not wulfen stone

I also prefer AOR. The Reroll is nice. I often run them off on solo nuke missions. If they happen to give the aura then great. My lord uses Hunter and typically is escorted by Assault intercessors so they are always advancing. Although it would be nice to have that Reroll at times. Recently started in a modified Crusade campaign at my FLGS. The Wulfen made first turn charges due to the small combat patrol boards and ouch( we start at 500pts) Wasn’t even trying to be “that guy” but I’m the only Sw player so no one expected them to be so deadly. I’m sure they will have a target on they’re back now. They really smushed Harlies and Custodes yesterday. Both opponents won their other games and said they couldn’t believe how fast our games ended. Under 45 minutes and before the end of turn 3. They were shocked at the SW successors potential. I guess we will see how I do as the crusade continues and opponents start singling the Wulfen out. I’m only bringing my painted models so I will have almost zero shooting unless you count pistols Edited by TheUnlikelyGamer84

I also prefer AOR. The Reroll is nice. I often run them off on solo nuke missions. If they happen to give the aura then great. My lord uses Hunter and typically is escorted by Assault intercessors so they are always advancing. Although it would be nice to have that Reroll at times. Recently started in a modified Crusade campaign at my FLGS. The Wulfen made first turn charges due to the small combat patrol boards and ouch( we start at 500pts) Wasn’t even trying to be “that guy” but I’m the only Sw player so no one expected them to be so deadly. I’m sure they will have a target on they’re back now. They really smushed Harlies and Custodes yesterday. Both opponents won their other games and said they couldn’t believe how fast our games ended. Under 45 minutes and before the end of turn 3. They were shocked at the SW successors potential. I guess we will see how I do as the crusade continues and opponents start singling the Wulfen out. I’m only bringing my painted models so I will have almost zero shooting unless you count pistols


What load out are you running on your wulfen and what's your unit strength?

Depends on the game but for this crusade army at 500 pts my squad has 4 hammers, sgt with claws, and a regular claw guy.


I've been considering running frost claws since they make the squad extra cheap to field... if only you could pair the SS with something other than a TH.

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