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Adeptus Titanicus FAQ (19/04/21)

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I'm really annoyed by the voidbreaker ruling on knights. The styrix wasn't a great choice, but it brought something interesting in the form of anti-shield fire support. If I get any mechanicum knights now they're 100% getting double siege claws. There's really nothing else that's interesting or unique about the other loadouts.


I think the squadron rules are a good change. I feel like they were worried about legios like solaria and audax being weak and gave them a little bit too much strength between the lupercal, huge squadrons, targeted attacks and extremely dynamic shield sharing.

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What's this about Warbringers being auxiliary i saw on Facebook?

That's part of the loyalist book and it was a surprise for us when we were going over it at first. But it's not a huge restriction; if they're not taken in a maniple they're an auxiliary choice. You just can't spam warbringer's as reinforcements.

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Two minor things I've noticed:

1) This FAQ missed a change to Legio Crucius that I've just stumbled on in the new book. Their Terminus Override Mechanisms used to force you into a Shutdown the first time you'd be required to roll on the Reactor Overload table, canceling the Overload roll. Now it just cancels the first Reactor Overload (without the Shutdown) and you carry on; the equipment has no further effect. Very stealthy buff, and it should probably also be in the FAQ document.


2) House Sidus is an overtly Questor Mechanicus House, but has a duplicate Knightly Quality with the generic Questor Mechanicus qualities. Scion of Ryza and Favoured by Mars are identical. This is a really small goof, but may still be worth pointing out for a future FAQ. I'm going to add it to an e-mail asking about #1, and the standing Front Arc issue with Warbringer carapace weapon entries in the book.

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