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Hey everyone,


Finally made some real progress. I shared my color scheme here months ago. Still need to figure out a name for my snow/ice themed hive fleet, but here are some pics to get started:


20210425 215042

20210425 215054



Let me know what you think! 

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Scheme's looking great, love the neon-cyan blue on the black.


Hive Fleet Wampas, after the thing that attacks Luke on Hoth?


Otherwise, Wiki has a list of Mythological monsters associated with snow and ice that might be a good source of inspiration!

Thank you, evil eye!


Scheme's looking great, love the neon-cyan blue on the black.


Hive Fleet Wampas, after the thing that attacks Luke on Hoth?


Otherwise, Wiki has a list of Mythological monsters associated with snow and ice that might be a good source of inspiration!

Thank you! Wampas isn't bad at all!


Yup, I've been going down the snow and ice demon/monster/diety rabbit hole for awhile now.


I kinda like Hive Fleet Ymir or Aurgelmir after the Norse frost giant.. but definitely not set on that yet.


As you may know by now, I'm pretty indecisive haha

Edited by Brother Lemartes
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone!


working on icy base:


20210509 100747

20210509 102338



I feel like it looks worse after I add the snow... I really want snow on the bases though. Need to figure out a better balance I guess. I'm going for an urban environment with lots of ice and some snow like it either just started snowing or the snow is just melting kinda thing..

Edited by Brother Lemartes

I think it's maybe that hard, straight line on the base that makes it seem off. I attempted city-snow basing on my nids early on in the project, but eventually just went the route of city basing - I think if you did the grey rubble with the snow on top, it would look good - or perhaps much more reduced amount of the blue ice - like in puddles on bases maybe?

I think you're on the right track and can definitely work with the snow. As Xen said the hard line likely interferes, but I also think you should try adding some more snow. Some larger patches should look better as well as give you some places to try different depths to add further variety.


Better to start with less and add more, so have another go :thumbsup: Also to add to the above, some extra bits to add spice helps too. Snow is nice but a bit overpowering by itself so I find some form of accent helps it go a lot further. In my case on top of the muddy base for it I have some slate and other rock type bits.


Last but not least I have also tried some melted snow, though it is early days so I'm still in the experimentation stage. I can do the fully melted snow fine - water is water after all - but haven't got the hang of ice or partially melted snow. I'll be looking into it again but I'd recommend getting the basics to something you're happy with first :smile.:

Thanks guys! I actually like the urban, hard line in the center. I was trying to make it look like maybe a lake or something next to the city thats been frozen over. The hive guard are right on the edge where the city actually starts. Definitely not perfected at all.


I'm really more so talking about just the ice side not looking as good once snow is on there. My other bases are all just ice with snow on top, and it's the same problem. I think the ice looks so good, its a shame to cover it up. But I definitely want that snowy feel to it, like its either just starting to come down real good or is finally melting away.


The tutorial I followed seemed to have the same problem (in my opinion). The ice looks great, and it feels bad covering it up with a basic gw texture (the snow) after I did all those other steps.


I'll keep experimenting for sure.. maybe try some frozen puddles for my warriors

Edited by Brother Lemartes

Unfortunately that's the nature of snow, you can't avoid the fact it'll cover at least some parts of the base underneath :P It's why I keep my initial basing to simple mud and rocks etc - less effort to cover up :lol: The base itself is only a small snapshot which makes it harder for large scope approaches like the edge of a city/lake to work and covering part of that up only makes it more so.


Maybe a different approach could be having snow mostly on the city part instead? I'm afraid I have little experience of snow or bodies of water that freeze in real life, but it feels like there might be a tangible difference which could be what is missing? In lieu of knowledge, experimenting comes a close second so you're on the right path regardless :P

Snow is hard.  I was introduced to this YouTube channel which as some interesting ways of making terrain: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTerrainTutor


I would check his ice because it could be added to the edges of the snow as a transition.


Also, adding the mud (maybe it's agrax or some version of thinned brown paint or something) to transition the snow and the urban areas might help create some differentiation.

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