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It's a fun list, but I'd prefer dentures to no teeth.


Termie Lord, l. Claws

Terminators, power axes and combibolters

Chosen×7, Icon of Excess, power swords

Exalted champ, power sword, plasma pistol

Dark Apostle

4x NM squads, blasmaster, 3 sonic blasters, combibolter

20xNM, BP/CCW, champ with twin l.claws, Icon


Leaving me with around 700 points to play with.


I do have a Terrax I can toss in, and some not dedicated Venomcrawlers. List is for casual games with a few buddies- BAs, CSM (Khorne), SW, Admech. The Prince of Excess is new to all of us.


So what direction should I go? I've large BL, IW, DG, and NL forces- not interested in another endless project. Aiming for around 2k points all-in.

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Maybe some noise hellbrutes?  On one hand, you don't have must in the way of anti-tank - on the other hand, adding vehicles to an all infantry list might just be giving your enemies something to shoot at.


Another thought is adding some spawn - I've read people commenting that they are useful this edition to perform actions for secondary objectives as they are easy to hide and resilient for their points.

I would say moar terminators, 5-10! And maybe give them some demonic powers aswell, muhaha.

I remember when I used to play space marines and my friend had an army with a chaos lord, 10 khorne berzerkers, 5 terminators,

all khorne, and that chaos lord, with some evil damn weapon that could get like 12-20 attacks, and that was back when

if it ignored armor saves, it ignored the whole armor save roll.


but yeah, terminators and khorne berzerkers are a recommend. if you want to beat tanks to death,

also give em chain fists. :) :)

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