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Codex art has dropped, and it's beautiful!


From todays WarCom article:




Apparently the TS and GK codexes were supposed to have been released already, but presumably Covid delayed them. TS are getting a new unit called an "Infernal Master" whatever that is. I'm hoping it's a use for the Master of Possessions model!



Edited by Xenith
Hmm, interesting. Somehow I don't anticipate either this or the Infernal Master being the coup Thousand Sons need to stay playable, let alone competitive. I'd love to be wrong, though, especially because that cover is absolutely gorgeous. If the rules inside are decent, I might make my first codex purchase since 6e.

I like it, I was wondering if Sons got a new codex with this box set and here we are. As many of us mused a new box set is a way to get a new character model it seems, and the "Infernal Master" is it. Not that the name tells us much, but it does sound angled towards the daemonic?


What we really need to see are improvements but we've discussed that enough elsewhere ;) It's a nice codex and will be nice to get something new.

I like it, I was wondering if Sons got a new codex with this box set and here we are. As many of us mused a new box set is a way to get a new character model it seems, and the "Infernal Master" is it. Not that the name tells us much, but it does sound angled towards the daemonic?

This is where my immediate thoughts turn to as well - there's really no space in the 'conventional' Sorcerer hierarchy, so my immediate guess is an individual responsible for wrangling Daemons/engines/cultists/beastmen/some combination of the above. 

I have been AWOL from this forum for quite a while but saw this and just had to comment. So excited for a new codex, and even more so that it's apparently somewhat imminent! Also, a real bonus that it's a glorious looking cover.

Edited by Ethrion

Excited to see it! I was expecting a much longer wait. The big question will be the psychic powers obviously, which we must expect to see some previewed before. I do hope the terminator sorcerer will become a bit more viable, I'd like an exalted in terminator armour option.

It would be nice to have a load of new models to expand the range, but they aren't necessarily needed as long as the rules writers come up with good ways to get the most out of the units that already exist...


The Infernal Master is probably some kind of Daemon-Wrangler who will be HQ of daemon detachments. Hopefully this will allow Screamers, Spawn, Flamers to feel more like integral parts of the army, and receive a full range of spell-buffs, rather than a bolted-on detachment from the Chaos Daemons codex.

I think they could have fixed the exhalted sorcerers instead of bringing a new HQ.

By fixing I mean making them useful compared to other sorcerers HQ. Different auras, etc..

Maybe they have? None of us know what's in the codex and they've revised other auras in other codexes.

As much as everyone would have loved some new kits I'd bet that everyone wants a good codex a lot more :tongue.: We've seen GW make some pretty significant changes for recent codices, and while I doubt all of them are good (subject to opinion of course!) it shows that it can happen and is maybe likely on top. We've just got to hope it's more good than bad :laugh.:


I had been looking at some more Rubrics earlier in the week so this is very good timing, hopefully we can find out more about the box set soon. Knowing my luck it'll be festooned with Tzaangors...

A look at how units will be priced in the new codex:




Few select changes/updates, apologies if I mixed anything up


Ahriman +10
Infernal Master 90
DP -10
Exalted on Disc +5
Rubrics capped at 5-10, 21ppm
Tzaangors capped at 10-20, 7ppm
Scarab Occult at 40ppm (+10 ppm) with mostly cheaper wargear

I'm kinda hoping for a big overhaul of the TS in a new codex. Something else then a couple of buff spells which are mandatory and then 5 smites with a twist.

But these point changes just seem like very minor balance adjustments and not a overhaul.


Maxing out rubric marines at squads of 10? I don't know ... i'm not impressed how they handled plague marines (max 1 of each special weapon per squad) and this doesn't seem all that interesting to me. I hope its a balance thing because rubrics will be damn impressive and not because "we only sell boxes of 10 rubrics".


But of course i haven't seen the codex so hopefully my initial impression will turn out to be wrong.

I'm not sure why Rubrics got a cap at 10 models :confused: A bit disappointing but perhaps if along with 2W they receive a durability or other improvements with AiD etc it could be a way of limiting their strength? We can dream? :tongue.:


I'm only really interested in Marines so the other changes don't mean much to me. I'm hoping for Rubrics and Scarab Occult to be good and reliable units - only then would I consider additions of the non-dust variety as they will always be the bulk of my Sons lists.

I'm not sure why Rubrics got a cap at 10 models :confused: A bit disappointing but perhaps if along with 2W they receive a durability or other improvements with AiD etc it could be a way of limiting their strength? We can dream? :tongue.:

Happened to DG as well with PMs, etc - just seems to be a cap they're instituting in all the CSM books


edit: some other interesting information/notes


  • All Thousand Sons vehicles have inferno bolts in their profiles (for all relevant weapons)
  • Forgefiends with their new BS 3+ will be 160pts with Hades cannons and 140 for 2x Plasma

  • Maulerfiend with tendrils 150

  • Tzaangor Enlightened are remaining at their current (elevated) cost.

  • They are being capped at 6 models now

  • Spears/Bows appear to be included in the cost now (so technically bows get cheaper)

  • Mutalith Vortex Beast - going up 10pts

  • Exalted Sorcerer loses power sword option but gains a "Prosperine Khopesh"

Perhaps most interesting of all, Thousand Sons upgrades:


Ardent Automata
Loyal Thrall
Paradigm of Change
Rites of Coalescence
Edited by Marshal Loss

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