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CA point changes

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From reddit. https://imgur.com/gallery/K7WzVUi


From what I can tell.


Dante down 10 points

Chief Apothecary up 20 points.

Plasma Inceptors up 5 points from the latest FAQ, bolter variant down 5

Stormspeeders are down 15 points for all variants

Eliminators are down 15 points for the squad. las fusils down 5.

All Gladiators down 20 points for all variants.

Land Raiders down 20 points for all variants

Repulsors down 20 points for both variants

Storm raven down 20 points

Attack Bikes up 5


VG Vets 

Jump pack up 1 point

SS up 1 point


Sanguard up 2 points


Sang Ancient down 15


Pretty disappointing. Space marines are already falling out of the meta with the most recent books and all we got was a bunch of price discounts on non core vehicles. All our heavy hitters sans bladeguard have taken a point increase (eradicators nerfed in the FAQ has been kept).


Sang priest chief apothecary is now 155 points and 1 cp to resurrect a guy. Might as well take another squad.

Edited by BrotherAetherick
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VanVets, SanGuard and Chief Apothecary all had targets painted on their foreheads, frankly. Not surprised at all to see it, but it is a bit disappointing considering the strength of the newer armies coming out. I always think it's better to make other options more competitive than nerf the existing good stuff.


Doesn't impact me really though, I've barely played and I've been reluctant to build lists around any of those because it seemed so obvious they'd be getting a hike eventually.

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I can live with the attack bike hike, they were too efficient when compared to other anti-tank options. But boy was I right GW was going to smack all the marine brawler units. I didn't want to be, but I was. I'll probably still run a Sanguinary Priest, but that's because being able to put a unit into assault doctrine for free is still really good, but I don't know if I'll upgrade him. 35 points is steep.

Plasma inceptors probably aren't good now? They were borderline before this, and now a unit of 5 is going to be 300 pts...

The bolter ones seem vaguely interesting now, they might just be cheap enough.


None of the vehicle drops are significant *enough* to really help them with their lack of strat support or core. But running them in a casual game will feel slightly less awful I guess.

Big Oof.


Unless the bigger boys on the block got hit pretty significantly, I don't see competitive marines surviving this. Barely pulling wins as it was, and with Drukhari being absurd and Admech looking to be on a similar level, I'm preparing for everything released before Drukhari to collect dust.

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Wasn't expecting the buff to Dante. I think if you're taking a Chapter Master he's pretty clearly the best choice at this point.


I was hoping for a decrease to Impulsors, boo. Everything else seems fairly reasonable.

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This update shows the issue with Gw rigidly sticking points updates in print books.


Even if the updates were any good to begin with they're 6 months out of date by the time the book hits the shelves.


Watch the same happen in 6 months time.

Drukhari and Ad Mech will get the nerf bat when the meta has adjusted and codex creep has meant that their are bigger issues.

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Don't know why SanGuard also be nerfed.


I think a big reason which making BA "not as competitive as some other marines", is their unique units are not good enough. Which is equal to say "SanGuard is not good enough, it need to be buffed".


And now comes a nerf? Why???

Edited by Tokugawa
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People spamming a unit = unit is very good = should be nerfed. 


That's how GW's mind works. 'People spamming a unit because all the other choices aren't great' doesn't factor in. 


At 155pts, the priest now becomes unattractive. Basically, all HQ's are now. My 1k list might go from the utility priest to a beefy captain who can pull his weight. That said, bringing a unit back each turn, the 35pt upgrade pays for itself.

Edited by Xenith
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I don't think we can seriously argue that things like Cheif Apthecary and SG weren't a little overloaded for their points. But the problem isn't that they were too strong, it's that everything else is lacking.


It's like whoever wrote the supplement thought "Yeah, guess everyone is just gonna run that one Stephen Box list forever, let's just make that the one obvious combo and call it a day."

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Seeing as I just got a box of inceptors and VV in the other day, this is disappointing.


However the 2 points isn't that big of an increase over all.


With the best VV loadout going up 2 ppm is that all that big of a deal? That's an extra 10pts per 5 man squad, what else would you really be spending that 10 points on that's going to make a big difference in your army?


Also going double LC will slash their survivability but increase choppyness and decrease cost.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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My 1500 point list has gone up almost exactly 5%. I suppose it could be worse but BAs are not exactly ahead of the power curve at the moment. SG and VVs both going up was a bit of a blow. It feels like GW is pushing the whole jump pack assault thing and then penalising us for playing according to both the fluff and the rules. :sad.:
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It feels like GW is pushing the whole jump pack assault thing and then penalising us for playing according to both the fluff and the rules. :sad.:

I wish our rules reflected that.


Overall, i'm not too surprised by the bumps, i think my list has only gone up 25 points from one attack bike in my biker squad and the chief apothecary nerf.

Regarding that, I remember my first though when the Chief Apothecary rules were leaked was that this was just begging for a tweak. If the strat reduction was a once per game ability, i could have seen it at the previous cost.


I'm suspecting that we'll get a redux in a future campaign book, probably when the Tyranids get their dex, maybe when demons do.


I'd say overall, this hit with the nerf bat goes to show why being rolled into the main dex is a mistake, not just for us, but the other non codex compliant chapters as well.

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Pretty big changes in the FAQ that affect us.


You can't leave with Guerrila tactics and come in the same turn anymore.


No more mixing disciplines with Tome of Malcador


Deep striking is always 9" horizontally now, so no more getting shorter chargers with enemies on top of ruins


Vect works on Chief apothecary free rez now (not that significant since he already got nerfed)


Charging always counts as fight first, and will cancel out fight last abilities, not a huge change since you will still fight after, but you can use counteroffensive on the unit now.

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Pretty big changes in the FAQ that affect us.


Charging always counts as fight first, and will cancel out fight last abilities, not a huge change since you will still fight after, but you can use counteroffensive on the unit now.

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty surprised at this change. The Fight Last mechanic seemed like a legitimately interesting design choice on GW's end, especially considering you are paying for the ability, either on units that offer little else otherwise, with our limited supply of CP, or in the case of the whirlwind, both.

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Main rulebook FAQ:


HAS ACCESS TO (PSYCHIC DISCIPLINES) The term ‘has access to’ is sometimes used in rules, typically in conjunction with Relics, Warlord Traits and other upgrades that allow Psykers to know additional psychic powers. We wanted to clarify exactly what the term ‘has access to’ means


. • If a Psyker unit’s datasheet says that it can know psychic powers from one or more psychic disciplines, then that Psyker unit has access to those psychic disciplines.

• If a Psyker unit has the option to know psychic powers from a different discipline in addition to the discipline(s) listed on their datasheet, then that Psyker unit has access to that psychic discipline(s) as well.

• If a Psyker unit has the option to know psychic powers from a different discipline instead of a discipline listed on their datasheet, then that Psyker unit has access to that psychic discipline instead.


Example: An army includes two Dark Angels Librarian in Phobos Armour units. This unit’s datasheet says that each knows Smite and two psychic powers from the Obscuration discipline. As part of a Dark Angels Detachment, the player can choose for one, or both to instead know powers from the Interromancy discipline. The controlling player decides to do so with the first Librarian, but not the second. The first therefore knows powers from the Interromancy discipline and so has access to this discipline. The second knows powers from the Obscuration discipline, and so has access to this discipline. If the first Psyker was also the bearer of the Tome of Malcador, it would know one additional psychic power from the Interromancy discipline, while if the second Librarian had this relic, it would know one additional power from the Obscuration discipline.

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Almost no list, of any faction, would pay 1cp to purchase a relic which just barely "learn 1 more psychic power(in the same discipline)". Such relic usually need to come with other advantages(the best of them have +1 to cast?).


Yep, especially when we can pay 25 points to get 1 more power in the same discipline AND get another deny (chief libby)


More disappointment. 

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