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Guest Royal Cactus

Hello Everyone!


A few years ago around 2015 I posted pictures of my sculpting project and got a lot of positve feedback and comments. Lots of things happend since and I had to quit 40k because I moved countries, got married and went back to school. I recently started to make some space at home for the again hobby and I will be posting my new projects soon. 

But one thing that I learnd is that back then I was making all kinds of announcements but rarely delivered as much as I wanted to. This time I'm keeping it really simple and humble. I'm working on a Squad of 5 Tactical Marines with Razorback and a Lieutnant with Jumppack. 


My old server that I used to upload pictures to is now gone so I have to organise a new way to upload pictures I think that the earliest I manage to do that will be over the Weekend. But I allready made WIP pictures


Take care and I will upload something soon :thumbsup:



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Guest Royal Cactus

Greetings 40k-Burdas!


so this is my projekt I'm currently working on. Since I wanted to do a Badab Chapter for ages I'll paint these guys up as Mantis Warriors. I also started to digging around in my old projekt boxes and fund a lot of plastic card and an old pc ventilator. So becaus of this I stated working on a Terrain piece that I also had in mind for a long time.


About the theme the bases aswell as the Terrain will be set in a Jungle. I liked the sneakness of the Mantis Warriors so I wanted a theme that suites them and where they could utilize their green armor as camouflage.


Back in the day I loved to play Dawn of War 2 they had a map called Calderis Raffinery with a big turbine in the middle so I allways wanted to have some kind of raffinery terrain. The way I imagend it was that the box-like construction will become a plasma generator that is powerd by the turbine and the green thing will become a water tank that cools the generator. 



















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Guest Royal Cactus

New Update: The water tank is almoust finished. All that is left to do is scupting some matal parts around the edges and glue some rivets on it, than the first third of building my terreain is finished. I also made sure that 32mm bases can climb on the platform, it will be pretty neat once it's done. But I have to admid it was a really fiddly process to bild the ladder. Other than my water tank I did some busy work: fixing stuff up with milliput, but nothing worth posting here. 





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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Royal Cactus

Hey guys! We had finals at school and as you can imagine I was really busy. 


I finally started to paint a little. I realised I had to paint the ventilator before putting it together but I still have to wait for an order I made since I want to paint some rust on it aswell. I also saw that the watertank I made was to big to put it next to my plasmagenerator so I will use it for another Terrain piece in the future. And as soon as I started to think about my plasmagenerator i realised, that I really don't like ho it turned out, so I will have to start from scatch there again. Perhabes you realised also that the outside of the Ventlator looks different... yep, same story. I had make two prototypes before I finally got it right.







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Guest Royal Cactus

Thank you guys! :biggrin.:


to be honest the Marines have been taking a backseat... I might even be paining and converting them to some DA succsesors. My father duck up a ton of DA Sprues while cleaning my old room, where he found my pile of shame and sent them to me. So yeay, new bits! :yes:


I had the Idea with the vantilator for a decade (since the release of DoW 2) and now that I'm finally working on it I really want to finish it rather quickly. I was also browsing on greenstuffworld and I saw some really cool stuff on there for woods and jungles the other day. I got some cool stuff like treetrunks and resing paint to make puddels which i'm really looking forward to go to town with.

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Guest Royal Cactus

Hey Guys, new pictures. I rusted it up. I never used rusting paint so c&c please. I don't know if i really like how it turned out :sweat:







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