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Infantry Squad Loadout

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I disagree on the heavy weapons but it really depends on your list. If you are only bringing 3 squads as a tax who might go capture lightly defended objectives, then a plasma for GP is fine. If you are bringing mass infantry and having both a front line infantry shooting and scooting and then a rear line providing overwatch and not moving, then that's when heavy weapons come into play. I still like lascannons, but they are a case of go big or go home. If you aren't bringing 6+ to crack enemy tanks then don't bother and maybe heavy bolters are a better choice. You want redundancy since they are only 1 shot. I think I have 9 in my current list, plus 6 autocannons and 12 plasma.


Grenade launchers are an iffy. I use a single vet squad of 3 with a missile launcher as an objective sitter. They aren't so deadly as they get prioritized with so much heavier firepower elsewhere but can put out middling fire that can actually do something. I wouldn't bother using them on a standard line squad ever. They also are fairly efficient in a Lambden Lion tempestus force in a fire support role but that's another topic.

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