firestorm40k Posted June 17, 2021 Share Posted June 17, 2021 (edited) Hello, well for some reason ;) in the last few days I've found myself thinking about picking up a 30k army in the not too distant future :D While I make up my mind which Legion they would be* I was wondering how the fraters on B&C approach collecting your 30k army/armies. Do you: - Collect for competitive games? - Just buy the models you like? - Build themed armies? - Collect everything for a specific Legion? - Just paint your favourite characters/units? I'm not really aware of how much of a competitive scene there is for 30k,but I've noticed at local gaming stores it's popular for large games. I've also discovered there's 30k collector/player (Emperor's Children) local to me, which is nice to know :) Thanks for reading and for any responses! * I'm torn between Imperial Fists (Sons of Dorn! Breachers and Boltguns! Sentinels of Terra! Etc etc :D) and Alpha Legion (they can legitimately fight any other Legion, so narratives for games should be easy to think of :lol: ) Edited June 17, 2021 by firestorm40k Cris R, Lucerne and Brofist 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorgoff Posted June 17, 2021 Share Posted June 17, 2021 I just buy the models that I like, but models which have crappy rules probably won't get painted and never see a table. Sad truth is that in my heart of hearts I always gonna be a power gamer which doesn't play that way anymore but the urge to max out your army stays strong and I have to remain vigilant of this dark side. Chaoself, MadHatter5045 and firestorm40k 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadHatter5045 Posted June 17, 2021 Share Posted June 17, 2021 I mostly build and collect themed armies. Themes are strong in 30k, and there are so many great themes to build around. I make my lists around 2,500-3,000pts, start collecting and painting, and when a list is done I figure what I want to start on next. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloody Legionnaire Posted June 17, 2021 Share Posted June 17, 2021 (edited) Step 1: Pick a legion that looks cool (Army A), find what other people are putting in list, buy a bunch of models, settle on a paint scheme, get to work on the Army.Step 2: Find another legion that catches the eye. Obsess over that legion. Wonder if Army "A" was a mistake. Decide it would be a waste of money and time to strip Army "A" and start over. Settle on building 2 Armies (Army A and Army “B”. Step 3: Repeat: Step 1 Step 3: Decide you haven't perfected the color recipe on Army "A," spend 3-6 months trying to perfect the recipe.Step 4: Work on Army "B" to make yourself Feel better about not deciding on a recipe for Army "A." Step 5: Find another legion that catches the eye.. repeat steps 1-5...It's a vicious hobby cycle Edited June 18, 2021 by Bloody Legionnaire MadHatter5045, nusphigor, Doctor Perils and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted June 17, 2021 Share Posted June 17, 2021 I've done different things at different times, although "competitive" 30k isn't really a thing and I've only played in campaign events where folks who bring cheesy lists are frowned upon. In Australia there's a fantastic scene so I've always had my eye on what's fun to play on the tabletop, but my primary force - the 29th company of the Sons of Horus Legion - is a labour of love. The 16th are a never-ending project. Beyond that I've dabbled in lots of other legions and bought isolated characters/units just to paint. I rarely do anything to completion anymore. I stopped actively buying new products for 30k when prices were jacked up for Australians, so I'm sort of an "inactive" 30k player at present. XeonDragon, MadHatter5045 and firestorm40k 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WrathOfTheLion Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 I try to pick a loyalist legion and a traitor legion for the project. So I'm doing Word Bearers and Dark Angels right now, but the next project will be Sons of Horus and Raven Guard. MadHatter5045 and firestorm40k 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucerne Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 Hello, well for some reason in the last few days I've found myself thinking about picking up a 30k army in the not too distant future While I make up my mind which Legion they would be* I was wondering how the fraters on B&C approach collecting your 30k army/armies. Do you: - Collect for competitive games? - Just buy the models you like? - Build themed armies? - Collect everything for a specific Legion? - Just paint your favourite characters/units? I'm not really aware of how much of a competitive scene there is for 30k,but I've noticed at local gaming stores it's popular for large games. I've also discovered there's 30k collector/player (Emperor's Children) local to me, which is nice to know Thanks for reading and for any responses! * I'm torn between Imperial Fists (Sons of Dorn! Breachers and Boltguns! Sentinels of Terra! Etc etc ) and Alpha Legion (they can legitimately fight any other Legion, so narratives for games should be easy to think of ) Why not dabble in both and make a themed "double dip" pair of forces? Pluto comes to mind~ MadHatter5045 and firestorm40k 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corswain Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 (edited) I just buy what I think is cool. I have never actually played a game of Heresy before but I do, nominally, stick to an army list of cool, thematic units. Really that's more to set a "finish point" for the collection than anything else or I would just keep buying stuff. This limit has been broken a few times. :) I collect a couple of Legions too so I do try to make them at least a little different from each other - jetbikes and jumppacks for Night Lords, infantry and tanks for Iron Warriors etc. Edited June 18, 2021 by Corswain MadHatter5045 and firestorm40k 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarabando Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 I have 5 heresy armies and I've never played a game. I just buy what I like the look of and build themed forces. firestorm40k, MadHatter5045 and Gorgoff 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorgoff Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 I have 5 heresy armies and I've never played a game. I just buy what I like the look of and build themed forces. How come? Chaoself 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mogsam Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 I pick the legion or theme I like, create a list that I think is good and go for it. It expands organically after that. I'm not a power gamer, but I also won't often put out something that isn't 'efficient'. It's really easy to power game in Heresy as the rules aren't balanced, you could in theory take 9 leman russ, 9 leviathans, 3 arcus etc and abuse the units with the best return per point out there, but it isn't fun for you or your opponent really. Heresy is all about self control and knowing when something is too much. Custodes and Thousand Sons are both really abuseable, but at the same time, they're completely fine if you don't abuse them. Indefragable, firestorm40k and MadHatter5045 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zedmeister Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 (edited) I always go with what looks good that fits the theme of the force I'm trying to collect. With my Alpha Legion for example, I've tried to stick to theme based on a throwaway line in Book 3 - it was under the pict of a Laser Destroyer Vindicator and it explained that these were preferred by the Alpha Legion over the regular vindicator as it is a pinpoint weapon rather than an indiscriminate tool of destruction. What this means is I've avoided blast weapons and instead gone for the Alpha Legion laser light show. At the moment, I have a Lascannon Support Squad, Deredeo with Lascannons and 2 Laser Destroyer Vindicators. I also have a Volkite Caliver squad and plan to get a Cerberus to finish off. The Cerberus is reckoned to be quite bad rules wise, but will fit in perfectly with my Alpha's. Any future additions I may get will follow that theme and I'll avoid blasts. Things like a Volkite Culverin support squad, Laser Destroyer Rapiers or a Sicaran Venator would fit nicely in. And with all those lasers and deathrays flying everywhere, you'd never notice the lack of blasts! Edited June 18, 2021 by zedmeister mooftak and firestorm40k 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucien Eilam Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 (edited) - Collect for competitive games? - Just buy the models you like? - Build themed armies? - Collect everything for a specific Legion? - Just paint your favourite characters/units? Pre-pestilence, when I had a Heresy group (), their other games were more likely to be INQ28 or campaign Necromunda than 40k. Not a competitive crowd at all. Everything I paint is ostensibly for a practical, legal list, but power level isn’t a major concern. In terms of painted and playable, we were just “graduating” from Zone Mortalis to 2000 point regular games before the first lockdown, and all those games had been friendly and objective-oriented. I only collect Alpha Legion. It’s expensive enough without spreading everything between multiple Legions. My army’s nominally company-strength with support (~120 infantry, ~15 characters, a couple of Dreadnoughts, Alpharius, ~35 tanks/pods/flyers, ~15-20 inducted Battle-Automata/Thallax). As far as theme goes, nothing makes it in unless it can plausibly fight on the move at least somewhat effectively (with the arguable exception of a Rapier Battery, but it wouldn’t be a love letter to Rogue Trader/1st ed Epic without Thudd guns, would it?). I don’t imagine Alpha Legion in a static gun-line, and if they find themselves in a siege they’ll have somebody open the door for them. Definite skew to primarily anti-Legion weapons, it probably wouldn’t be that great against hordes, but I have enough options to get by. Lots of anything described as rare, ancient, esoteric, sanctioned, xenos-derived, or frowned upon by the Mechanicum – plasma, volkite, graviton, conversion beamers, neutron blasters, darkfire cannons and photon thrusters, phosphex, rad, Xiphons, a Sicaran Arcus Strike, etc. And I don’t imagine those robots were “inducted” by asking nicely through the appropriate channels. Power armour all Mark IV except for a couple of Mark VI characters. Helmets all round. Lots of power daggers. No Aquilas, nothing Chaotic, keep ’em guessing. Infantry can all be deployed either as sneaky infiltrators or as an armoured column, and I have good mix of the sneaky “Effrit” types and brutal, crushing “Lernaeans” with heavy armour, so I can build around appropriately Alpha Legion “dagger in the back” or “hammer blow” strategies. I’m at about 15k points bought and built (considerably farther behind on painted though…) and can play most of the Rites I’m interested in at a decent points level. It’s pretty much as “done” as an army gets in terms of buying. More squads/characters/dreads would depend on something cool being released – I think I have everything I want from the current range – but there’s always room for another tank: another Arquitor squadron, a second Spartan, more Sicaran variants, a Glaive and a Fellblade to join my Falchion… I guess I don’t really have any units to use “the Rewards of Treason” properly yet, but I think I’ll be focused on the painting table for at least the next year. If I ever did another force, I think it would be a Sparatoi auxiliary using the militia/cults list, but none of GW’s official mortal infantry ranges has the right feel for me (even including converted Necromunda models, Genestealer Cults, etc.) If they did a plastic Tanith kit to go with that Ghosts character box, that might fit the bill. I do have a big 40k Imperial Knights force that could do double-duty without looking too out of place, and a handful of Talons squads. Oh, and a Warhound. In theory I’d love to paint a full set of Primarchs. In practice, I have Sanguinius on the painting table to eventually display with my 40k Blood Angels, and realistically it’s hard to imagine ever getting the rest. If we get something like Horus and the Emperor based on the Adrian Smith artwork, that might spur me on. Edited June 18, 2021 by Lucien Eilam firestorm40k and zedmeister 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarabando Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 I have 5 heresy armies and I've never played a game. I just buy what I like the look of and build themed forces. How come? I've never really enjoyed GWs games I often find myself bored by like turn two. But I love painting and modeling and the world is amazing. I'm sure if I played in a more relaxed setting it would help setting Pacific81, firestorm40k, Valkyrion and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bung Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 Hello, well for some reason in the last few days I've found myself thinking about picking up a 30k army in the not too distant future While I make up my mind which Legion they would be* I was wondering how the fraters on B&C approach collecting your 30k army/armies. Do you: - Collect for competitive games? - Just buy the models you like? - Build themed armies? - Collect everything for a specific Legion? - Just paint your favourite characters/units? I'm not really aware of how much of a competitive scene there is for 30k,but I've noticed at local gaming stores it's popular for large games. I've also discovered there's 30k collector/player (Emperor's Children) local to me, which is nice to know Thanks for reading and for any responses! * I'm torn between Imperial Fists (Sons of Dorn! Breachers and Boltguns! Sentinels of Terra! Etc etc ) and Alpha Legion (they can legitimately fight any other Legion, so narratives for games should be easy to think of ) I have been at the same point before the pandemic and i settled with Dorn and the Fist and my decisions had gone this way: I think i am an ok painter and i wanted a legion with a colorsheme which is a ) a bit more demanding and b ) neither black and / or white (i played and painted Black Templars and i am a bit as heck sick of black and white on Space Marines) That cut a bunch of Legions There are already 2 Thousand Sons players so i didnt want to be the third After palying agains Space Wolves for the most time in 40k there wasnt any desire to play them too. Ultramarines just dont have any interesting Characters for me even if Myles David from Lil Legends Studios painted some real nice gritty ones In the End it came down to: Sons of Horus Salamders Alpha Legion Imperial Fists Then i looked at the models i wanted to play As i am a fan of the Destroyer Squad, Salamanders werent on the table anymore. Then i wanted to play more Breachers and Tanks than Drop Pods so Sons of Horus and i dont like Abaddon or Loken enough for my first Heresy Army. Then i looked at rules and fluff for inspiration and found the Alpha Legion less interesting from rules perspective. I would have ended with another copy pasted Coils / Infiltrating centered list or something like that and nothing i would like to play on the long run. So i ended up between Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists (fitting as i played IW in third / fourth Ed 40k and started Black Templars in 4th) In the end it came down to the fluff of the primarchs. In the Black Book Perturabo is written like a spoiled brat in my eyes as i see his decimation of the legion like a child that destroyes its toys, cause they are not as shiny as that of his siblings. The Siege of Terra books gave him a better character in my eyes. He looked more mature in that books when he speaks abouut Dorn. Then i found this gem about Dorn from frater Darell That just resonated more with me so, so i have gon yellow and stashed stuff as much as i could. I have 5 heresy armies and I've never played a game. I just buy what I like the look of and build themed forces.How come? I've never really enjoyed GWs games I often find myself bored by like turn two. But I love painting and modeling and the world is amazing. I'm sure if I played in a more relaxed setting it would help setting You need some older relaxed gamers which are in for the fluff and the narrative. I stopped enjoying the competitive side when in 40k the 3.5 Chaos Codex was around. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Despair Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 Hello, well for some reason in the last few days I've found myself thinking about picking up a 30k army in the not too distant future While I make up my mind which Legion they would be* I was wondering how the fraters on B&C approach collecting your 30k army/armies. Do you: - Collect for competitive games? - Just buy the models you like? - Build themed armies? - Collect everything for a specific Legion? - Just paint your favourite characters/units? I'm not really aware of how much of a competitive scene there is for 30k,but I've noticed at local gaming stores it's popular for large games. I've also discovered there's 30k collector/player (Emperor's Children) local to me, which is nice to know Thanks for reading and for any responses! * I'm torn between Imperial Fists (Sons of Dorn! Breachers and Boltguns! Sentinels of Terra! Etc etc ) and Alpha Legion (they can legitimately fight any other Legion, so narratives for games should be easy to think of ) Well the way I've approached the last two heresy armies, the Emperors Children and the Night Lords, started by picking the legion I wanted to work on. With the Emperors Children I decided that my next project was going to be a traitor legion, as I already collected Iron Hands the Emperors Children seemed like the perfect choice. The Night Lords on the other hand were picked as my group pre covid were going to begin a slow grow campaign and as one of my mates was doing Dark Angels with book 9 on the horizon doing Night Lords would let us play the Thramas crusade. Once my legions were picked next came what my vision/theme for the army was. The Emperors Children were to be the utter opposite of my Iron Hands which were light on the infantry which was mechanised and quite heavy on the tanks. The Vision ended up being a highly mobile jump infantry heavy army supported by skimmers, drop pods and flyers. The Night Lords on the other hand were a lot trickier to nail down a vision/theme I was happy with, it also didn't help that the delay in book 9 meant I had to wait to see the changes it brought before I committed to a theme. What I ended up settling on was inspired by the fluff I read in book 9 as well as some other background reading from the novels and book 2 or 3, whichever one featured the Night Lords last They were to be a terror company supported by the new Jadhek biker clans and a Terminator company representing the fractious nature of the night lords as well as the whole vassal system the legion operates under. From there its onto making an army list to serve as the foundation of my collection for the armies. When I write these lists I tend to write from about 750/1000 point ZM through to centurion lists at around the 1750-2250 point marks and finally finishing with some age of darkness lists maxing out at 3k. While I try and have a core carry through all those lists it doesn't always happen, the Night Lords for example at the ZM level is basically a contemptor and a smattering of terminators in centurion and age of darkness its a terror assault list. The resulting collection of models to make those lists up form the initial collection for any one army. Recently I've gone back and created some alternate lists for all my armies and typically I end up in total with 2 or 3 age of darkness lists for a given points level that either follow the theme of the army but in a different way and then there's usually 1 maybe even 2 lists that are a touch left of field that either 1. represent a force that took place in a particular battle during the heresy, for example my Iron Hands have a drop pod assault list that I intend to add to my collection chock full of clan avernii terminators representing the Iron Hands fighting in Istvaan V. 2. pursue a sub theme/secondary or tertiary theme within the narrative of my force, for example with my Emperors Children the legionary who corrupted my praetor was a chaplain who was seconded to the word bearers and he leads a cohort of kakophoni, the list that represents this is a third company elite list that deploys entirely through dreadclaws, Khardybis and normal drop pods and features a very corrupted force complete with some FW sonic dreadnoughts and mournival events Possessed Astartes with the whole force resplendent in an alternate scheme of black with purple shoulder pads and back packs. It's also in these lists that I'll include named characters as I typically have an aversion to using named characters. The last sort of stage I guess in the collection for me at least is can the army as a whole be translated into an apocalypse force or if I'm not doing that what would the centrepiece model/s for the army be aside from the legions Primarchs? The only one that I have a solid vision/plan to take to an apocalypse level is the Emperors Children which turn into an Air Cav force consisting of 1x stormbird 2x thunderhawks 6x xiphons 4x fire raptors 7x storm eagles and the accompanying models to fill out those transports. The Iron hands are the other faction I intend to take to an apocalypse level but I don't know exactly how I want it to look however I do know the centrepiece/s for that army are at least 1 Mastodon and at least one fellblade chassis super-heavy. Lastly Is the Night Lords which don't have a centrepiece outside of Kurze planned but who knows something might take my fancy down the line. And that's how I collect my armies these days. Due to covid I don't really get to play as much which is unfortunate but even before hand I'd never describe myself as a competitive heresy player, my goal with one or two exceptions when writing a list is to make a list that is strong enough that neither myself or my opponent can't put up a good fight. Do I get it right with ever list, of course not but that's when I iterate to either tone my list down or sure up a deficiency. Even with all the planning that goes into collecting my armies its never completely stopped me from picking up models that I probably will never use but like the look of and painting them up for fun, for example the unit of 10 phoenix terminators and 10 palatine blades that I've got sitting on my bench. Just from what I've observed locally and from the podcasting scene the ITC competitive tournament style events from 40k aren't really a thing, again not saying there aren't any 30k Tournaments but the community as a whole seems more laidback when it comes to those things, and locally with the exception with one or two people most people go for fluff or theme over the "best choice" in terms of list construction but again sometimes a fluffy list can also turn out quite the harsh list. Any way there's my ramblings on how I tend to collect my armies these days I hope you find at least some of this insightful. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qkhitai Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 I'm in it for the narrative, so I look for interesting stories or tidbits from the lore and try to build around those. So themed I guess? I'm more of a painter/modeler/collector than a gamer though, so I tend to think more along the lines of 'how can I build a company?', rather than 'how can I build an x points list?'. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cactus Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 How do I 30k? Vicariously. I've been collecting the black books since they launched and started buying one of each Mechanicum model because, in my opinion, tech priests have been the coolest part of 40k/30k since Rogue Trader. Then the 40k Adeptus Mechanicus releases split my attention. The BaC bundle with FW bits got me started on the XIIth legion - something very different from my 40k Dark Angels. I snagged a copy of BoP from my FLGS just after it went OOP so I'm well stocked for XIIth legion bitz but still only have about 600pts painted for a zone mortalis force and have yet to play a game. Everything's intended for friendly games with friends, and my self-imposed rule is to paint it first. The demise of WHFB, Gathering Storm, Primaris marines amd some very bloated Horus Heresy books put me off it all for a while, but I intend to come back to 30k modelling when I've got further into my Blackstone Fortress backlog. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted June 18, 2021 Share Posted June 18, 2021 I have a (very) long term plan of building to specific rites of war with a few legions. So I pick a rite of war that I think fits that legion and build from there. It started with IF and the stone gauntlet, then I built day of revelation for BA and I’m currently building up an ironfire force of IW. The rites generally let you include the cool legion specific stuff but also give you a direction in which to collect and build. Plus they add a bit of variety. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valkyrion Posted June 20, 2021 Share Posted June 20, 2021 I'm new to the 30k fold, but I've been a Space Marine now for almost 30 years, I don't like the direction GW is taking 40k, and I can't give it up - so 30k is going to be my new home from now on, even if I can't play so often. I've also been a bit flaky when it comes to projects over the years and have wasted god knows how much time and money building and painting a box of orks to realise I don't like them, or fatiguing myself trying to build a full battle company, or picking up an ebay 'bargain' only to never touch it again, so now I'm planning what I want, budgeting for it, and then I'm just going to buy it - go big or go home, as they say, so rather than a dozen never to be finished projects that have cost £100 I'm going to spend the £1000 it needs. My mind works in a way that if I've spent a lot of money once then it's something I want and will dedicate time to it. If I spend a little money often then I can afford to waste it. I'm sure I'm not alone in that! My summer purge has begun, every week another collection of minis goes on ebay so by the autumn I can sit down with my bare cabinets and empty battlefields, look at my bulging hobby budget and blow the lot on Forgeworlds very expensive toys and GWs shiny new HH boxed set. fisheyedbunny and AlexisSonOfDorn 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaeron Posted June 20, 2021 Share Posted June 20, 2021 A really interesting thread - and some great responses so far! I'd probably echo the comments of most that my army building and collecting over the years hasn't been intended with competitive play in mind, but has been instead focused on the narrative and campaign elements that I love about the setting and general community around the game. My Death Guard army has been themed around various Rites of War, and consciously having the versatility to employ the most common ones depending on what I want to use. As such, it's meant I've collected most of the things you'd really want for the Legion over the years, with a mix of extra models I've really liked visually in case there's ever a chance to use them. Deredeos take that spot in my mind, but I've never had the chance to put them on the table. I've probably 'over-collected' on certain choices, but if it means I can chop and change for game sizes and themes, it has allowed for that flexibility and the fun of really 'building a Legion'. For my Mechanicum, it has definitely been governed by the rule of cool and what would be fun to play with. Most of the time, that leads to reasonably consistent builds, but then to have a usable core and being able to change options round the edges has been fun too. My next plans for that army are to go slightly left-field, with the intention of going for a full Myrmidon Cult build, as I've not seen one of those in practice before! I think I'd be more inclined to pick up random options for the Mechanicum to build and paint for creative purposes, as there's probably more visual diversity around the theme and trying to fit them in within my specific scheme would be a fun challenge. My more recent collection of a Sons of Horus force combines all the above elements too: however, I've been far more conscious of building and collecting options that I wouldn't use for my Death Guard for instance. So, Javelins and Jetbikes are the order of the day for a varied play-style, but definitely focusing on keeping the lists thematically aligned with the nature and aesthetic of the Legion. This involves a nice core of Justaerin and Reavers - and I'm looking forward to getting the force together and on the table post-pandemic. For the future, I'd love to work towards an Alpha Legion and Solar Auxilia collection - but that's a longer term goal . I'd probably do the usual and work to build those armies to a rough list or flexible core, but that's a story for another day. firestorm40k and Pacific81 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Legionnare Posted June 20, 2021 Share Posted June 20, 2021 (edited) Hello, well for some reason in the last few days I've found myself thinking about picking up a 30k army in the not too distant future While I make up my mind which Legion they would be* I was wondering how the fraters on B&C approach collecting your 30k army/armies. Do you: - Collect for competitive games? - Just buy the models you like? - Build themed armies? - Collect everything for a specific Legion? - Just paint your favourite characters/units? I'm not really aware of how much of a competitive scene there is for 30k,but I've noticed at local gaming stores it's popular for large games. I've also discovered there's 30k collector/player (Emperor's Children) local to me, which is nice to know Thanks for reading and for any responses! * I'm torn between Imperial Fists (Sons of Dorn! Breachers and Boltguns! Sentinels of Terra! Etc etc ) and Alpha Legion (they can legitimately fight any other Legion, so narratives for games should be easy to think of ) My strategy for Luna Wolves was three-fold. I couldn't really find too much direct inspiration outside of the first three HH BL books and Fan-art folks had made, so I set out to get a proper Luna Wolves force made that echo'd the Luna Wolves I'd seen so tragically be destroyed by Chaos. That drive's built up in pressure since 2006 (Oi-vey, so long ago...) Driven by a love for Horus and his lads before Erebus & co. screwed it up for everybody. He's a flawed, but ultimately supremely likeable guy, making him a tragic character. It showed in how his men treated him, and all his brothers. Plus, all the lads, even Abaddon initially, are pretty darn agreeable. Unlike, say, Eidolon or Lucius who are immediate-dislikes on first contact, even pre-chaos, so full of themselves. Once the dam burst, and the funds were put aside, set about setting rules related to the force. Rule #1: Avoid any Cthonia-influenced aesthetics and Eye of Horus iconogrophy. Cthonia was Horus' world, but the influence of the harsh-ganger life hadn't really taken hold in the legion so far, so was not on full display. Only after they "opened up their depravity" with chaos did it REALLY take over and horus' Ego trip of having the Eye of Horus iconography everywhere as the "Sons of Horus" Rule #2: The force had to fit the Luna Wolves historical combat style. Hit hard, hit fast, the spear-thrust strike. Rule #3: If a kit is so awesome, but not anathema to the Luna style of war, it can be slapped in the force. Vindicators for example. Slow, but mobile, so "excusable". On the other hand, as much as I ABSOLUTELY love the Medusa kits, i'll be forgoing them because that kind of static arty style is much more in line with my Krieg army to my sensibilities. Rule #4: Build it as interoperable with 40k as possible, without being proxy. Some CLOSE exception being like, Reavers with hip-chainswords being "chain-axes". TL;DR: Absolute-homage to fluff foremost, function second, but both are equally necessary to me. Competitiveness has no bearing on any decision I make. Win or lose, the Luna lads will take the the fields of battle. Edited June 20, 2021 by Dark Legionnare firestorm40k and Gorgoff 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkimaskMohawk Posted June 20, 2021 Share Posted June 20, 2021 I seem to be the opposite of most; units and wargear are picked and painted if they're a good investment for their role. I've used classically bad units like breachers, but that was mainly due to getting them for cheap and not having enough troops without having a very light Pride list. I will say I tend to get bored of things that are too effective. Things like phosphex, drop leviathans, iron fire, mechanicum, pre-nerf custodes, etc...I like to find more interesting list builds/units which keeps things fresh instead of just sitting on the clearly unbalanced stuff. Gorgoff 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted June 20, 2021 Share Posted June 20, 2021 I seem to be the opposite of most; units and wargear are picked and painted if they're a good investment for their role. I've used classically bad units like breachers, but that was mainly due to getting them for cheap and not having enough troops without having a very light Pride list. I will say I tend to get bored of things that are too effective. Things like phosphex, drop leviathans, iron fire, mechanicum, pre-nerf custodes, etc...I like to find more interesting list builds/units which keeps things fresh instead of just sitting on the clearly unbalanced stuff. If you want a challenge: try and make an effective Hammerfall RoW list I guess? Bung 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkimaskMohawk Posted June 20, 2021 Share Posted June 20, 2021 I seem to be the opposite of most; units and wargear are picked and painted if they're a good investment for their role. I've used classically bad units like breachers, but that was mainly due to getting them for cheap and not having enough troops without having a very light Pride list. I will say I tend to get bored of things that are too effective. Things like phosphex, drop leviathans, iron fire, mechanicum, pre-nerf custodes, etc...I like to find more interesting list builds/units which keeps things fresh instead of just sitting on the clearly unbalanced stuff. If you want a challenge: try and make an effective Hammerfall RoW list I guess? Sadly I don't collect fists lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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