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After talking about wanting to take a break from painting armies (almost done with my Night Lords) I've decided to work on various projects that catch my fancy. This thread will show various WIP projects that I'm inspired to work on. First up is a marine that I put together - lots of inspiration from people on here and throughout the interwebs. 


I've only a vague idea of this marine's identity, loyal but maybe not viewed as such by many within the Imperium. Independent, even for an Astartes chapter, I will have to work on a background for this marine and his soon to be worked on brothers.







Edited by Shovellovin
Looking good. I've always fancied the idea of an "independent chapter", let's say, that has fur collars. You know like the type on that Blackstone fortress chaos Lord. Kinda gives the marine an air of the mercenary...just a weirdly specific suggestion ;)

Thank you, space wolf. I have in mind a Rogue Trader era style marine chapter (still haven't fleshed out the details) that is independent, as you stated, like a band of mercenaries. The aims of this marine don't align with Chaos but they don't always align with the Imperium. I don't want to force the chapter badge or name, when it is ready to come to me, it will.


I used a FW Reaver for a size comparison with the Tortuga MK III body that I used for this miniature.



I was thinking if ordering some of those, but those things are HUGE! I wanted a way to get some other armor marks in with my Primaris, but it looks like they are too big! But I imagine an army of them would look great! Love the paint scheme and the weathering, truly intimidating!
  • 4 weeks later...

I was thinking if ordering some of those, but those things are HUGE! I wanted a way to get some other armor marks in with my Primaris, but it looks like they are too big! But I imagine an army of them would look great! Love the paint scheme and the weathering, truly intimidating!

Thank you, space wolf. If you put the Tortuga models next to primaris, they are about the same height. The SoH Reaver is a really small model, even compared to the other FW stuff. I recommend you try the tortuga stuff if you're looking for upscaled firstborn marines.


Very nice stuff, I like the RT influence. Tortuga are great for the models and yours looks great.

Thank you, Doghouse. I've been following your work for a few years. Lot of inspiration in your works.


Here are two more marines, I've dubbed their chapter the Void Revenants. I'm still playing around with the background for them but here are a few highlights:

  • Specialize in close quarter fighting, space hulks, ship-to-ship boarding actions
  • Limited amount of tanks (plan to use this chapter mostly in Kill Team and Centurion style battles)
  • Active on the fringes of the Imperium - perhaps official records on Terra list the chapter as extinct
  • Often work with Rogue Traders in exchange for information on lost/rediscovered human worlds and maps previously unexplored
  • Small chapter, non-augmented human retinues are often used to bolster numbers
  • Operate in small groups, rarely engaged in large set battles



  • 5 months later...



Started working on a Dark Angel that I am making from a Noxious Blightbringer. I think I may add the tabard onto the front from the model, I just need to work on it a bit so that the Dark Angel doesn't have a pot belly.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you, All. I finished the Dark Angel. After seeing the completed model, I see quite a few areas that need improvement but I’m happy with how it turned out. 


  • 1 month later...

Thank you, @Pearson73, @space wolf and @brother tycho.


I’d like to paint more Dark Angels but I was bit by the 30K bug; specifically, the Imperial Fists. The latest Siege of Terra novel, Warhawk, really inspired me to use some models that have been sitting in my to-do pile. I was hesitant to try my hand at yellow armor but then I found @blackbabyjesus tutorial on how he painted his Lamenters. 

I finished a test model and started putting together two companions. I’ll also be getting Fafnir Rann and using the Black Templar Marshall for Sigismund. 






Thank you, @Pearson73, @space wolf and @brother tycho.


I’d like to paint more Dark Angels but I was bit by the 30K bug; specifically, the Imperial Fists. The latest Siege of Terra novel, Warhawk, really inspired me to use some models that have been sitting in my to-do pile. I was hesitant to try my hand at yellow armor but then I found @blackbabyjesus tutorial on how he painted his Lamenters. 


I finished a test model and started putting together two companions. I’ll also be getting Fafnir Rann and using the Black Templar Marshall for Sigismund. 





That Imperial Fist test model looks great!  

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, @Morngrym and @Pearson73. I’ve enjoyed painting Imperial Fists models. I’m not sure how many more I’ll paint. Right now I have Fafnir Rann and Dominion Zephon on my workbench. 

A friend gave me Sigismund for Christmas. I thought that I’d convert the model but once I started looking at it, I realized that I really like it as it is. The pictures on the FW website do not do the model justice. 





I need to get transfers to finish these models. 

edit - I painted this model too. I’ll admit that I was lazy on convertig his legs to have more of a MK II look. 


Edited by Shovellovin

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