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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Weird to be getting semi regular updates.


"True heirs of Sigismund may notice that the gentleman in the middle has distinctly black-and-red shoulder pads, which mark him out as one of the elite Sword Brethren. But doesn’t he also appear to be wearing the armour of a Primaris Space Marine? How curious.


They know we know.


Also, so much for the naysayers saying GW has forgotten our rank structure!

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Could Grimaldus be promoted to MoS? Progression of the lore. 

Grimaldus is our HEAD chaplain. He's the head honcho of our Reclusiam, he leads it. The rank of as Reclusiarch is an old one, when he was still new to the Chaplain business. He's the top dog in the Era Indomnitus when Primaris became a thing. This was established as early as the start of 8th edition


EDIT: Oh my emperor,  we got the cover!

Edited by Reinhard
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It's scout armor. While it may look like he has a power pack at first glance as you can almost make out a round power pack orb sticking out on his right side (our left), there being nothing whatsoever on his left (our right) means it's not, ergo not power armor

Edited by Reinhard
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Could Grimaldus be promoted to MoS?

He may not see that as a promotion. It's not entirely clear, but the roles don't seem to be hierarchical in the lore. For instance the Master of Sanctity was in the running for the Reclusiarch job when the vote was discussed.


But GW could do that, yeah. They already tried to retcon his title to 'High Chaplain' in Faith and Fury.



Can tell I haven't been keeping up to date, it looks as if he already is that rank. He's already High Chaplain/MoS like you said. 


no. at the moment (index) 

What looks like Primaris neophyte or standard neophyte depending on how they go with the fluff (Are scouts that become primaris different than ones that make normal marines? I assume not given that all the organs etc that make the marine a marine go in at the end of training). Unsurprisingly its closer in size to the full marines around it

look at the bolter... Its more like the ones the Reivers have.

Edited by Medjugorje
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Im gonna be honest, I already have 60 Intercessors plus firstborn crusaders, I will buy the new Crusader squads eventually but Sword Brethren are what I REALLY want. I want to see what they do, what their options are and what bits do they have, the elite of the chapter getting new models is what hypes me up and I will absolutely buy 3 boxes of them and that'd be enough to make my collection feel complete, after that I'd have to find a role or army list where big blobs of Crusaders can fit.


You know what else would be hype as hell? Bikers Crusader squads, 3 Outriders plus 3 Scout Bikers, that'd be amazing and make me buy scout bikers.

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You guys are going ballistic over this. Like, bigger and louder than the Sisters fans. It's like you're enthusiasm radiates its own gravity and is creating a self perpetuating black hole of righteous fury, so deafening, so powerful it threatens to consume the entire forum... I wish to join you, but i also wish to survive this event so I'm going to hold on to this railing here.


(On mobile, can't easily access big bold red fonts, otherwise this message would be growing in size and intensity from beginning to end. Hence why I'm hanging on for dear life.)

Edited by Wulf Vengis
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You guys are going ballistic over this. Like, bigger and louder than the Sisters fans. It's like you're enthusiasm radiates its own gravity and is creating a self perpetuating black hole of righteous fury, so deafening, so powerful it threatens to consume the entire forum... I wish to join you, but i also wish to survive this event so I'm going to hold on to this railing here.

(On mobile, can't easily access big bold red fonts, otherwise this message would be growing in size and intensity from beginning to end. Hence why I'm hanging on for dear life.)

Our passion reflects the righteous zeal that defines this chapter.


It has been a long and hard 17 years, we’ve gone from a codexed chapter to appearing in a few pages of campaign booklets and other codexes. But our faith has been rewarded, the emperors chosen in Nottingham have rewarded our penance!

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I saw an edit with the SB on the cover having his gorget and head lowered a small bit and it looks infinitely better.


Gonna be hard to stare at this codex for the next few years.

Otherwise excited to see the other models and the exasperation of xenos players.

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The Cover looks excellent, yes maybe the old arts were better but this is a decent one too, I don't understand why so much hate is putting on every new Templar Upgrade or reveal? (not blaming anyone in forums or any post but more like meanin the general public attitude towards the reveals)


For me, after all these years, this means prayers are answered. 


If they make any model or rule not suitable / not playable then thats ok but from the beggining, things go  we wanted (I think) and both EC and the cover art is suitable to Black Temlar's Grimdark approach. I see no problem other than a bit long loincloth on EC and a bit long neck on the sword bretheren on the cover (giraffe hehe ).


I can understand criticism but I think the level people put into is more like a hateposting throwing up on all the new release made by GW.


And this has no use for anyone. No offense please I aimed at no one and talking in general.

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