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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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I remember when we got rolled into the 6th ed book, frater were saying they were going to tear the cover off the fourth ed dex and glue it onto the 6th space marine dex. This would seem a much more appropriate time to do something like that for people who don't like the cover.

Or you bought the special edition 6th ed codex with the Crimson fist dust jacket and BT initiate hard cover. That was a tough pill to swallow seeing how little we had in that book compared to prior books.

Edited by Dangerman
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Marine once provide ~40% sale of GW.


After BT receive the book, there would even be more marine faction books than non-marine.SM codex, UM, WS, Sal, RG, IH, IF, BT, BA, DA, DW, SW, GK, TS, DG, CSM, that is…16. If someone hate to see marine, it is difficult to not hate 40K.

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Realising what most of you have already realised, Seneschal is French for Marshal?

Yeh both traditionally mean Noble or Royal “Advisor”
I find it odd that the French don't use Marshal, when it's a French rank.


Unless other chapters captains are called Marshals in French and Seneschal is used to differentiate Black Templars? Any French players able to help?

It’s not really a “french” rank as we know it though it’s more… The Norman french Vikings invaded England then the next generation of Norman/English kings ruled of most of France through various dukedoms and county’s as well as England… So Basically you end up with a lot of “french” titles as English ranks because the nobility of England were and spoke “ Norman French”


Anyway as Sete said I’m sure it’s just a translation and the ranks will remain the same


• Sword Brother

• Castellan (Again an Anglo french rank meaning lord or warden of a castle)

• Marshal

• High Marshal

Just my two cents sorry to derail the later thread

Edited by BladeOfVengeance
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The Emperor rewards the patient!


This has been a long time coming. My first marine army was templars (My first ever army was guard) I sold my firstborn back in 7th edition (I regretted that since the day I did it) when I thought I was done forever, but I have been stalking around waiting for this reveal.


I am as giddy as a school girl seeing the rumors come to life.

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Some rumors:


"Emperors Champion can give invul save through an Aura.
Crusaders can deal lots of mortal wounds."




Oooooh, this is jui-hoo-hoo-cy! I suggest making some rumor threads if they aren't up already.

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Some rumors:


"Emperors Champion can give invul save through an Aura.
Crusaders can deal lots of mortal wounds."


I must've missed it, I went through the thread and didn't read that. Also, I'd say huge grain of salt with this. 


Edit: Ok I found it, but again, its just some rando on the internet claiming to work for GW, although if you read through his responses, I can at least say he is consistent and somewhat professional in his responses. 

Edited by Trignama
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I'll be honest, if you've read my posts before you know I have no shame in shilling any BT release and praising them perhaps more than they deserve. Forgive me, it's just my fervent yearning for the eternal crusade.


Having said that, I also have no qualms with saying that this cover art is horrible. Luckily I don:t care much about the cover art of a codex, particularly because we are going to be getting a special edition codex cover anyway, which will be the one I purchase.


Here are the reasons the cover art is terrible:

1. What is that pose?

2. Proportions are all wrong.

3. The shape is somehow wrong, like that is not the shape of a space marine.

4. The stance is... Flaccid... No nicer way to put it, he does not look imposing or aggressive

5. Sword brethren but he's carrying a power axe (I know our old BT captain metal model had a power axe, I still have a couple of those models myself) I would still think it would be 10x better if he was wielding a power sword or even a chainsword.


Here are the good things about the cover art:

1. He is carrying a hand flamer - I assume this means our sword brethren can rock hand flamers... That sounds pretty freaking good to me

2. There will be a limited edition cover so I will never have to look at this image again

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It kind of looks like he's taking a poop. Knees slightly bent, back arched...

It was my first thought as well - that he looked like he needed to find a toilet :P As for the proportions, yeah... though they are often at best strange in a lot of Space Marine art.


As for his wargear though, "Sword" Brother or not, Templars are hardly limited to just swords, so no need to depict them as such. Personally always loved that Axe, though back when I mostly played just Templars in 6th the damned things were Initiative 1. Which was no fun at all.

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Here are the reasons the cover art is terrible:


Yeah, I agree that the sword brother is fraught with problems, the proportions etc, remind me of other terrible marines on the cover art seen in the past. He's also quite literally the center of attention on the cover, which adds to the sin of not getting him right.


But there's so many other things in the cover, that I find my eyes drawn to, hence why I really like the cover. Like, every critique you give, wether bad or even good, is about that sword brother, but did you notice everything else? :p The terribly proportioned centerpiece marine, which i've seen before on GW produced covers, aint gonna deter me from enjoying the rest 

Edited by Reinhard
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Yeah... Everything BUT the sword brother. It's kind of odd when the background marines all look better than the centrepiece. I'm surprised it got through approvals to be honest. I would have been telling the artist they need to do a better job. As a professional artist you should be expected to be able to draw a somewhat realistic human figure. The dudes head is smaller than his kneecap. His neck is longer than his forearm. It just looks unprofessional, I would think it is really cool if it was fan art or some free artwork. It's a commissioned artwork designed to be the face of our faction release. It should really be better than this. But on the other hand I don't care too much that it looks horrible because it's just a codex cover, it's not an ugly model or anything. Rules, art etc are all unimportant because they can change whenever. Models will be the same for 10+ years so as long as we get nice models nothing else matters.
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Some rumors:


"Emperors Champion can give invul save through an Aura.

Crusaders can deal lots of mortal wounds."

I really like the sound of emperor’s champ providing an invuln aura. Assault/intercessors so buffed, along with transhuman sounds quite nice as a brick. Edited by Juggernut
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Just to drive it home: we've seen worse



I actually quite like this haha. But anyway, I won't complain about the cover anymore because it's unecessary and unimportant. I am incredibly excited to be getting a book and even if they put a literal turd on the cover I would embrace it passionately. I really can't wait to see what our limited edition codex cover looks like. The Beast Snaggas and Dominion LE books were so beautiful.

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Some rumors:


"Emperors Champion can give invul save through an Aura.

Crusaders can deal lots of mortal wounds."

I really like the sound of emperor’s champ providing an invuln aura. Assault/intercessors so buffed, along with transhuman sounds quite nice as a brick.


I dont know... seems that he would be a buff character. But he should do on the table what his duty is. Just search and slay the opponent Warlord ( or other characters / Monsters )... 


I want an emperors champion which I can play offensiv instead hold him back.

Because an Invul Aura is much stronger on imporatant units like Dreads etc... instead the opportunity to hunt characters.

Give him vows like in the old 4th ed. Codex and then let him alone hunting characters.

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