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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Heads and shoulder pads of the old sprue, frankly don't cut it anymore. The crosses are way too large and clumsy, the helmets don't manage to do symmetrical eyes slits, edges are soft etc.


I've gotten over a 100 deathwatch black templar pads. Boring because the design is always the same, but the increase in quality is unmistakable. Seeing the pads on the new EC, simple they may be, I'm superstoked over what else may come

I didn't get mine for the pads (outside of the Terminator ones), I got it for the other bits :yes:

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So this Redemptor rumour. I'm building one right now and I've noticed something...

The Redemptor is three sprues. The third contains just weapons and the sarcophagi cover. What if that was forwardly planned so that Chapter Specific Redemptors could be produced later, with a new third sprue with different weapons and sarcophagi? In the same way that AT Titans all have separate weapon sprues and multiple builds?

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So this Redemptor rumour. I'm building one right now and I've noticed something...


The Redemptor is three sprues. The third contains just weapons and the sarcophagi cover. What if that was forwardly planned so that Chapter Specific Redemptors could be produced later, with a new third sprue with different weapons and sarcophagi? In the same way that AT Titans all have separate weapon sprues and multiple builds?

I've been wondering in a similar fashion.

What if Templars were the only chapter to get a chaplain dread? That might just be my wishful thinking.

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I can't see the Chaplain dread coming back, there were too many balance issues. But a chapter specific dread with unique weapons, that would be a very easy kit to make for GW.


A contemptor/redemptor reliquary. Inspiring and purging at the same time.

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Redemptor is more than 10 wounds, making it a character won't cause too serious balance problems. If chaplain ability needed, just limit the litanies it can learn to xxx and yyy, instead of all the litanies.
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July 17 --> date of Beastsnagga box release

september ??? --> Ork codex


This is at least 1.5 month / 6weeks between.

If we get the same treatment - it means the rumor about BT in september could be still correct.


And about the Chaplain Dread: With the WL-Trait "no rerolls against him" and 4++ because of Rosarius the dread would be awesome.

Edited by Medjugorje
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I think Orks will be next week, right after Kill Team, October will be AoS and other misc stuff like 30k so Im willing to bet late September will be our time so that german forum that said 3.10 might not be that far off.  Hell if every Monday is for BT previews then we have like 4-5 weeks left of content which puts us in mid September for pre order of the launch box.

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How early we get releases depends on how many units/boxes we are getting. You have to remember BS Orks was pretty much the largest model/box release in as long as I can remember. Maybe there has been larger but for a specific army, in one go, it was huge. New Boyz kit, new kommandos kit, new range with a droop, elite, cavalry, many HQs, transport (was it 2 transports?)... Front he start to finish, it included 4 seperate box sets, prophecy of the wolf, beast snaggas box, combat patrol and Kill Team.


Here are 2 opposite extreme guesses which are based on the GK and Orks tease/article/release schedule comparisons.

1. If we have the, at this point assumed, 4-5 Characters, as well as 1 X new troops models, 1 X new elites, a somewhat specialised vehicle kit and I am guessing 2-3 total boxes? (Launch box confirmed, start collecting/combat patrol almost assumed in my mind, some kind of battle box potentially? Vs Nids?)

In this situation I would say September is realistic to start getting the releases, culminating in big box with codex November.


2. We for some reason only get the 3 named character models crossing the rubicon, troops and elites are actually normal SM kits with an upgrade sprue, vehicle is just some stick on bits, launch box is the only box we get.

In this situation I think other factions or even game types such as aeronautica etc fill up the next few release windows and we get ours in a big lump in late October/early November.


But I have no sources so that's just my brainfart. What do you guys reckon?

Edited by Jayrich131
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July 17 --> date of Beastsnagga box release

september ??? --> Ork codex


This is at least 1.5 month / 6weeks between.

If we get the same treatment - it means the rumor about BT in september could be still correct.


And about the Chaplain Dread: With the WL-Trait "no rerolls against him" and 4++ because of Rosarius the dread would be awesome.


this is wishlisting right ?

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It'd be awesome though if it was a chaplain dread for whatever reason, would be very nostalgic and great because redemptors are noice. Or as you mentioned the weapons/arms are the parts on the seperate sprue... Would be cool if we had a redemptor with a megaflamer and a sword or some kind of two-handed weapon. For a crusade I always feel our army has slept on the idea of maces, maces are like crusade weaponry 101. But yeah, obviously not likely to happen but a BT version of a dreadknight would be hectic.
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I can't see the Chaplain dread coming back, there were too many balance issues. But a chapter specific dread with unique weapons, that would be a very easy kit to make for GW.


A contemptor/redemptor reliquary. Inspiring and purging at the same time.



Big dreads burn out the occupants, so Chaplain Redemptors are a waste of an ancient. Though the guys who wrote that fluff made Leviathan Culn :rolleyes: and we're unlikely to get a smaller Primaris dread.


I think vehicle upgrade sprues is pretty likely but we haven't seen a Primaris one yet.

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Why Monday has it been announced when they start previewing stuff then?

well nothing is in stone but mondays have just been new model mondays for a while, this week they revealed some figures for necromunda, aos i believe has all the stuff out, unless they have more random models. it is very possible we might see something especially if the speculated launch of this box is in september they will want to reveal some of the things in the box. 

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