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Hey guys, the Warhammer community page revealed Crowe’s new model!




Hopefully the link works, but there’s the link to the Facebook page, his new model is really good! Also, he doesn’t look to be a primates marine either, he has been scaled up to the current CSM model size though! The black blade of An’twyr is looking really cool!

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It's happening! Let's analyse this:


Off the bat, I'm already noticing that he's "taller" than his original counterpart. The fact we got a bolt-fed stormbolters is almost a guarantee we are getting a new box with that option avaliable, on top of properly sized Grey Knights. I suspect we should expect GK rule teasers by the end of this month. The other picture in this article, at a cursory glance doesn't have anything new in it, but I might be wrong.


Here's the official link: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/12/grey-knight-castellan-crowe-and-his-haunted-sword-return-with-an-awesome-new-model/

Belt fed storm bolter. 40mm base. Daemonic sword covered in glowing fire (Inquisitor voice: "Should it be doing that?").


Hopefully the sword / Crowe will be getting better rules too.


I'm so glad I started converting my GK HQ models with ammo belt storm bolter...just in time to match with the new Crowe!

  On 7/12/2021 at 4:15 PM, Freakshow668 said:

He looks ridiculous in the pics. He's taller than standard GKs, and he's on a scenic rock base, he's literally twice as tall as the other GKs. There MUST be new GKs coming!

But why not tease those as well?

I thought the same thing on first glance. But I think it is a combination of being on “heroic rocks”, perspective in the shot, and being the new firstborn (chaos marine/deathwatch) size. The other thing I question about other possible new models is that grey Knight infantry variants come from the same stock (strike squads) and they showed Crowe leading the same Purifiers we have now.


It could be a bait and switch to surprise GK fans, but I would bet we are only getting Crowe redone. I really hope I am wrong, but with all the other new models coming out for 40K and AoS (and possibly 30k in plastic) it seems highly unlikely. Honestly, I would be tickled to death with a good Codex rewrite, that fixes our glaring issues and makes GK more competitive.

I would definitely be taking the scenic rock base and putting Draigo on it instead. Without that he is still taller than the current PA models, but I'm thinking more tolerable in height difference, considering he is a HQ, and then a legendary named one at that. I'd like to see his scale compared to Voldus more interestingly l...as they are the only 2 plastic named GK characters.


With all the Sisters and Ork new model reveals...If there was new GK models on the warehouse shelves, they would have teased something already. I mean they're promoting new Crowe with current Purifiers which many of us predicted from the battle box get go. They would not risk cannibalising any "new" GK model sales by linking the "old/current" models and telling you to buy that instead right?


They still have a surplus of current GK PA models, so they want them bought before releasing new take over ranges imo.

  On 7/12/2021 at 3:32 PM, Waking Dreamer said:

Belt fed storm bolter. 40mm base. Daemonic sword covered in glowing fire (Inquisitor voice: "Should it be doing that?").


Hopefully the sword / Crowe will be getting better rules too.


I'm so glad I started converting my GK HQ models with ammo belt storm bolter...just in time to match with the new Crowe!

“Inquisitor voice: “Should it be doing that?” - I laughed out loud :)

  On 7/12/2021 at 4:43 PM, Ichar said:


  On 7/12/2021 at 4:15 PM, Freakshow668 said:

He looks ridiculous in the pics. He's taller than standard GKs, and he's on a scenic rock base, he's literally twice as tall as the other GKs. There MUST be new GKs coming!

But why not tease those as well?

I thought the same thing on first glance. But I think it is a combination of being on “heroic rocks”, perspective in the shot, and being the new firstborn (chaos marine/deathwatch) size. The other thing I question about other possible new models is that grey Knight infantry variants come from the same stock (strike squads) and they showed Crowe leading the same Purifiers we have now.


It could be a bait and switch to surprise GK fans, but I would bet we are only getting Crowe redone. I really hope I am wrong, but with all the other new models coming out for 40K and AoS (and possibly 30k in plastic) it seems highly unlikely. Honestly, I would be tickled to death with a good Codex rewrite, that fixes our glaring issues and makes GK more competitive.


I thought he looked a little odd at first glance, but for me it turned out to just be the angle of the shot. From a different angle, he looks fine.


So, why not tease the other figures? The purpose of this announcement is to excite the community and generate discussion, not simply convey information. It's all about promotion and advertising. We'll get more info as time progresses. Using stock figures in the photo with the new Crowe will hopefully generate a few sales of these old figures before the new box comes out. I'm still thinking that the GK's in the new box will be new builds. Also, I'm still thinking Primaris, based on the size of the new Crowe, and in spite of the armor similarity to the old. Will stocking this box with old figures, just to entice GK fans to pick up one new HQ be a good selling point? I don't think so. Making a whole new line of GK's without Primarising (new word:wink:) could work and probably will. But, all this hype and just one new figure to show for this would alienate and anger a lot of GK fans. People on the whole are easy to manipulate and advertisers are most expert in this art. However, people don't like being manipulated or being let down to boot:no: :furious: Making current GK fans angry and sad wouldn't be a good strategy, and I don't think one new model mixed in with a bunch of really old ones is going to generate a lot of new fans. Right now, I'm on hold for any new GK purchases until we get more info. If it turns out we're getting new builds (Primaris or not), I'm all in:thumbsup: If Crowe turns out to be the only new model, then I'm on hold until a new range eventually does come out.... however long that might be:whistling: I've enough old models for Kill Team games and a patrol detachment for casual play, so I'm in no hurry either way.

That could also be an advance shot of an incoming Combat Patrol? Would definitely fit the bill of 1 HQ, 1 mainline unit and a heavy support/transport option. But it could also very well be the GK half of the upcoming battlebox.... it could also be just a random picture of some Grey Knights next to Crowe. I for one think the model is badass, but am also really hoping that his rules (and those of the Brotherhood Champion) will be as cool as the model. Not necessarily meta-breaking or making him an auto-pick, but at least some unique buff for Purifiers and a better weapon than S4 AP0 D1. Looking at it (Inquisitor voice got me cracked up too!) it definitely should be scary... it is a daemon weapon after all. 


I'm also kind of along the same lines as Brother Lunkhead. I'm pretty satisfied with what I own (about 4000 points now, almost fully painted) and don't feel inclined to buying more stuff unless they are new models. Crowe I'll definitely get, if only for the collection/painting pleasure of it. But I don't know if I'd get a full box set if it is mainly the same old Strike Marines (of which I have 15 and 20 Interceptors and 15 Purgators) and the same old Dreadknight (of which I own 2). As far as upscaling goes, I'd definitely go in for new & shiny bigger Grey Knights as an "excuse" to build me the Purifiers I'm missing. 


Here's to some more info from GW soon!! :thumbsup:

Honestly I love the update for Crow as he always seemed a little lackluster.  Though I do have minor nit picks that I know I'm going to spend far too much time working on to remove.


Gotta get rid of the flames on the sword, tacticool rock, and that stupid rear head guard.

I think he looks amazing personally. I don't see him as being too big. I would prefer him that way to be honest, and as noted, if you ditch the scenic base, you're probably not going to see a huge difference.


Honestly the GK have me thinking of revisiting the army, just because I sold my Custodes, and am frankly a little bored of the repetitive feeling I have with marines right now. I have a good feeling about the GK this edition.

  On 7/14/2021 at 12:12 AM, Sarvis said:

The head rear guard is actually his librarian hood thing, I think?

Yeah, it would be the psychic hood/amplifier that all other GK models have. Crowe's original model was the only GK model not to have it (probably due to metal model production limitations). His plastic model now has a more elaborate one compared to the rest of the plastic GKs.

Generally, I like this new model a lot. Belt fed storm bolter is very cool. I like the addition of the psychic hood too. The Blade of Antwyr:dry.:.....hmmm. I definitely agree with SpiritFox22 on this one. I know it's a daemon sword, but the smoky warp fire just looks more appropriate to a Chaos model (Wait a minute.... could Crowe actually be......:eek: ...... Nah:wink:), so if I pick this one up, I'll definitely rework the sword. Still difficult to judge the size of the model based on these photos (angle, position, etc.). Could be Primaris....but, maybe not.... still looks very big to me:unsure.:

Hopefully his rules get buffed.


I think one of his height issues (besides his tactical rocks) is that his stance is more natural with his legs closer together than the normal bowlegged space marine stance. 

GK don’t really need a full model refresh IMO - the sculpts aren’t that old and they hold up well.


We already know that GK are not getting any new units. I think for both us and Thousands Sons, it’s just going to be one new model each for the time being. If they were going to add in new sculpts for GK, they definitely would have teased it in the reveal article and wouldn’t have suggested buying existing product.

  On 7/19/2021 at 9:28 PM, DistractionTacMarine said:

GK don’t really need a full model refresh IMO - the sculpts aren’t that old and they hold up well.


We already know that GK are not getting any new units. I think for both us and Thousands Sons, it’s just going to be one new model each for the time being. If they were going to add in new sculpts for GK, they definitely would have teased it in the reveal article and wouldn’t have suggested buying existing product.


Grateful we're not getting a refresh.


As much as I admire the new sculpt for Crowe, GK armor doesn't need an improvement.


Maybe the Dreadknight. Beyond that, Strikes / Terminators / HQs remain attractive.

One interesting thing I read, the painter who was commissioned to paint this for GW, said he completed painting the model 2 years ago.


So, the model you see was ready to go before GKs even got their Psychic Awakening rules buffs!

  On 7/14/2021 at 2:21 PM, Brother Lunkhead said:

Still difficult to judge the size of the model based on these photos (angle, position, etc.). Could be Primaris....but, maybe not.... still looks very big to me:unsure.:


Yeah New Crowe is Primaris scale, though as named Character, GW will usually make them a little taller than what his rank-and-file models would be (usually through a more up-right pose).



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