chapter master 454 Posted July 22, 2021 Share Posted July 22, 2021 Imperial guard Tyranids Imperial Guard Eldar is quite amusing, as is the Imperial Guard Tau. However I am a bit bemused by the Imperial Guard would you lore that? Did you forget that Genestealer Cults exist? No no no, thats the Tyranid Imperial Guard, Not Imperial Guard Tyranids. Completely different ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted July 22, 2021 Share Posted July 22, 2021 No no no, thats the Tyranid Imperial Guard, Not Imperial Guard Tyranids. Completely different Lasgaunts, gotcha. Arkhanist and Magos Takatus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jarms48 Posted July 22, 2021 Share Posted July 22, 2021 Imperial Guard Eldar is quite amusing, as is the Imperial Guard Tau. However I am a bit bemused by the Imperial Guard would you lore that? Did you forget that Genestealer Cults exist? Personally, I think Brood Brothers just need better rules in general. Speaking of Brood Brothers we need more rules that lets the Imperial Guard ally with other factions, such as: Inquisitorial Stormtroopers: - Lets a player take Militarum Tempestus units in an Inquisition detachment. Which means mono-Inquisition detachments are now possible because giving them MT datasheets means they have a Troop choice, opening up access to Patrols and Battalions. Gue'vesa: - Lets a player take Regiment units in a Tau detachment. Lost and the Damned: - Lets a player take Regiment units in a Chaos Space Marine detachment. Renegades and Heretics: - Lets a player take Renegades and Heretics units in an Astra Militarum detachment. Astra Militarum detachment loses access to Advisors and Auxilla. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snazzy Posted July 23, 2021 Share Posted July 23, 2021 I'm still surprised they haven't come out with Exodites. Citadel is more than capable of making create reptilian creatures. My guess is there is little creative currency in Aeldari these days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exarch Telepse-Ehto Posted July 23, 2021 Share Posted July 23, 2021 1). Expanded Sisters of Silence. 2). Eldar exodites 3.) Lost and the Damned. 4). Something wholly original and new. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 23, 2021 Share Posted July 23, 2021 I'm gonna just out and say it - Legion of the Damned. Don't ruin it with Primaris as it's fluff was always Firstborn. Other than that, Necrons need a new Codex ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Borgia Posted July 26, 2021 Share Posted July 26, 2021 1). An Adeptus Arbites kill team 2). I will drop Steel Legion since we have Krieg 3). But keep a Catachan revamp because current minis are an insult to E 4). World Eater Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMawr Posted July 26, 2021 Share Posted July 26, 2021 1.Exodites2.Ynnari3.CorsairsBut I think these 3 could and should be the same army really. Aesthically I think they would be close and for Corsairs and Exodites it would even be advantageous to have Ynnari individuals along for the ride, even if they do not wave that banner. On the Ynnari side.. when Craftworlders drop their paths and Commorites their drugs/torture, taking older relics etc. along the way I think they would move more towards what I think corsairs would look like. ( mind you I dont like FW corsairs, they just look like jetpack guardians/Aspect warriors.) and from the concept art, exodites are corsairs (again how I always envisioned them) riding dinosaurs.4. Kroot 5. Slaanesh ( emperors children+daemons+mutants+some slaanesh xenos)Especially the last part is important... 6. Slann reboot 7. Space dwarves of some kindNot a dwarf fan personally, but it is truelly lacking from 40k.. but not Squats/Imperial/Subhumans... Chaos squat possibly. 8. #5 for Nurgle 9. #5 for Tzeentch 10. Ork Mutant Hybrids ( Dreadjawz ?)Another reboot of a classic element, but instead of the Genestealer Cult way, its Spores merged on a molecular level. Mandibles is a must. More Tyranorkish Warhoon.. Minidex / Kill team warband only. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chapter master 454 Posted July 26, 2021 Share Posted July 26, 2021 To follow that thread about Imperial Guard, I do feel they get a bit of a short end of the stick in rules allowance for being taken as different faction integrated units. I mean, technically you can just model up some guardsmen with more spikes and an appropriate colour scheme, call them Traitor Guard and call it a day and use which ever regiment you want but I feel some elements of their psykers would be different, possibly more powerful and varied though the trade-off being more estoteric units aren't available such as manticores. For Brood Brothers they feel less like brothers and more hamstrung Imperial Guard. When you play Brood Brothers, you want to play Imperial Guard fighting alongside tyranids. Somehow I feel GW missed the mark on this, it would of been cool to let them benefit from cult benefits or even being a semi-unique facet of the faction like Stormtroopers in Imperial Guard. Gue'Vesa however I feel would be the most ambitious to do if you were to do it without feeling lack lustre. Talking Tau integrating and making use of Imperium tech because while primitive, it is incredibly durable, usable and so easy to make that the Tau would recognise the exact same benefit humanity saw in STCs prior: the ease of being able to set-up forces easily (including bases). However Tau would take it further than any and actually have things like Leman Russes armed with their armaments instead; after all, would be far easier to supply logistically. Ion Rifle Sponsons, Railguns and Heavy Rail rifles. Heck, maybe even Quad-Heavy Rail Rifle turrets on leman russes. Other elements would need to be considered such as do Gue'vesa get Pulse Weapons or is that the more elite ones? The problem lies in the fact that Imperial Guard is literally "Humans" and nothing else so that naturally leads to the massive adaptability we have. So naturally you could easily have what Space Marines have in diversity of range done by the Imperial Guard as well. Imperial Guard = Space Marines Chaos Imperial Guard = Chaos Space Marines Inquisition Imperial Guard = Deathwatch Psychic Imperial Guard (regiment(s) drawn from Psyker heavy population planets?) = Grey Knights Traitor Imperial Guard = Dark Angels ;) Xenos Imperial Guard = Go nuts with this, be it Eldar/Human conclaves/alliances or Tau equipped Imperial Guard. And all of those would have just as much reason to fight one another as each other. You can have even more grim-dark in your grim-dark where you can have even Humanity besetting upon itself to try and survive. And that doesn't include what could also be done with the auxiliaries of the Imperial Guard themselves (Tau could likely make Ogryns terrifying). By all accounts, the 40k universe could near enough tread the same ground and near enough not run out of steam about it. By all accounts that's what they have done near enough the entire products life with space marines as -gestures to the insane range and fact space marines by themselves get a tab on the webstore- they built the lore from just that faction alone really. I mean, people play Horus Heresy and that's near enough just playing the same armies against one another and yet it has great depth and boundaries to explore. That also doesn't touch on the fact that Eldar in their entirety could also be expanded on in similar veins. By all means they kind of have, Harlequins, Dark Eldar, Ynnari and craftworld could all have their own unique factions fully fleshed out beyond what is shown now with what we have for the 2 smaller ones being easily lore written as "that was their early days/they were just doing the opening act". The game could be far more gargantuan than it currently is but by all means would be like bringing a warlord titan to a standard game: not fun, not easily done and unnecessary. There are wishes we all want but I would stand by that 40k is fine as it is for factions. However I would advocate for GW not being massive part-poopers and actually give us freedoms for conversions and more custom works by letting the rules be more free-form instead of cast in plastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jorin Helm-splitter Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 I'm still surprised they haven't come out with Exodites. Citadel is more than capable of making create reptilian creatures. My guess is there is little creative currency in Aeldari these days. I think Exodites would be a range that could show up in both main systems. So I do think that adds a level of complexity to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShibeKing Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 Space Lizardmen Dark Mechanicus sarabando 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 • Legion of the Damned, complete with Emperor miracle based craziness, speaks to me. Who's that giant, shadowy fellow with the metal hands and scarred neck? • Adeptus Arbites is something that's always appealed to many, thanks to the amazing Judge Dread. I am the law? No; the Emperor is the law. *Bolt pistol to the cranium* * C'tan themed Necrons - lots of otherworldly weirdness robots that work exclusively for the Star Gods who have escaped their Necron imprisonment. Bring back Pariahs, they might be anti-social but we want to see 'em. jarms48 and Doctor Perils 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RandyB Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 In no particular order: Dark Mechanicum Renegades and Heretics Chaos Genestealer Cults Adeptus Arbites Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - and other Inquisitorial forces Inquisitors and Rogue Traders - ours, not GW-defined. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 Arbites and Legion of the Damned seem perfect for a Kill Team release imo - I don't think they'd work as a full army, but as kill teams or units allied in to other armies they'd be great @RandyB what do you mean by "chaos genestealers"? Captain Idaho 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 In no particular order I’ll list ten factions or updates to existing factions I’d like. -Eldar Exodites -Eldar Corsairs -Armageddon Steel Legion -Chapter specific characters and units for Space Marines (for example Salamander Primaris Lt. with thunder hammer, Primaris Interragator chaplain, chapter epecific Intercessors for BT, SW et al). -Plastic Phoenix Lords and Aspect Warriors. -Stuff for Orks (like Nazdreg, Orkamedis, plastic tank busters, updated burns boyz, looted wagon/VDR rules). -Tau auxiliaries like Guevasa. -Renegades and Heretics Not just traitor guard, but mutants, rouge psykers, Chaos Orks, Chaos Eldar (different from Dark Eldar, I’m pretty sure they used to be part of the fluff in RT/2nd Ed), Dark Mechanicus, space marauder/pirates/mercenaries (who join not out of love for Chaos, but rather for survival, profit etc), basically the whole spectrum of filth and villainy all rolled into one. -Squats/Demaruige,Zoats, basically random alien factions. I’d like to see new Xenos races, either as small stand alone armies they could expand on over time. These don’t have to be huge list, Harlequins don’t have a lot of units available to them, but they are a viable army. They could ally with Tau maybe? as a way of expanding stuff available to Tau players, also I’m pretty sure Squats used to be able to ally with Imperial factions. -Imprial agents (Rogue Traders/Merchants, Inquisitors and Retinues, Assasins). My thoughts were kind of over the place here, but as I listed factions I kept having ideas of what could be added. Also, not a faction at all, but I’d like to see allies being a thing. They added army bonuses to encourage mono build lists, to try and deter ppl from taking the loyal 32, some smash captains, and the rest made up of imperial knights. But now they’ve swung the pendulum too far the other way and ppl are deterred from taking allies that are fluffy and fun. There’s a difference between taking the competitive soup of yore and taking two allying SM chapters, two allying IG regiments, or a Traitor legion and daemons that belong to their patron god. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 Arbites and Legion of the Damned seem perfect for a Kill Team release imo - I don't think they'd work as a full army, but as kill teams or units allied in to other armies they'd be great @RandyB what do you mean by "chaos genestealers"? Similar could (and indeed was) said about Knights, Harlequins, Deathwatch, Grey Knights and Custodes not being stand alone armies. Since we've jumped in now, why not carry on swimming...? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 A new Xenos race from the Halo stars. Something which looks like supernatural horror but not Warp based. Captain Idaho and WrathOfTheLion 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 Arbites and Legion of the Damned seem perfect for a Kill Team release imo - I don't think they'd work as a full army, but as kill teams or units allied in to other armies they'd be great @RandyB what do you mean by "chaos genestealers"? Similar could (and indeed was) said about Knights, Harlequins, Deathwatch, Grey Knights and Custodes not being stand alone armies. Since we've jumped in now, why not carry on swimming...?Well to be honest I'd still say that about most of those too but that ship has sailed ^^' Captain Idaho 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 Agreed... A new Xenos race from the Halo stars. Something which looks like supernatural horror but not Warp based. God yes something Cosmic horror to fill the void left by the changes to Necrons and C'tan law would be amazing. Whether GW would do such a thing I'm not so sure, since it steps a little on the toes of other races and factions. But could work as a biological nightmare fusion of twisted tech and appendage based horror? What would you have in mind. Ishagu 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 Agreed... A new Xenos race from the Halo stars. Something which looks like supernatural horror but not Warp based.God yes something Cosmic horror to fill the void left by the changes to Necrons and C'tan law would be amazing. Whether GW would do such a thing I'm not so sure, since it steps a little on the toes of other races and factions. But could work as a biological nightmare fusion of twisted tech and appendage based horror? What would you have in mind. Some body horror, mysterious corrupting alien artifacts, whispers in the dark. Honestly I don't know how it could be made as an army. Perhaps these things would be better in a game similar to Blackstone Fortress. Despite this, if I had the choice I would always want a new Xenos faction. The Imperium and Chaos are both overly represented and there's always place for more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commisar Necros Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 I think world eaters and emperors children are the ones who deserve a new faction codex the most, but please my guard need a 9th codex. Besides that the xenos need love. I think the primitive eldar can be added into the craftworlds book like the orks, and if that's what it takes to get the only models older than my cadians some love, lets get them that love! I like the idea of adeptus arbites being added in, but company level games of them doesn't make much sense. As a kill team faction though? That'd be perfect. But for something wholly new, an old human/xenos rediscovered dark age empire could be cool. Gives everyone a chance to play human without forcing space fascism on them and gives us a whole new xenos race to explore. This could also just be T'au auxillary instead, but more diversity would be cool. Doctor Perils and gianlucafiorentini123 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitnam Posted July 30, 2021 Share Posted July 30, 2021 I think world eaters and emperors children are the ones who deserve a new faction codex the most I'm split on this. I think it'd be great to see both legions get an independent codex, but at the same time I think a case could be made that Traitor Guard/Lost and the Danmed/Renegades and Heretics/Whatever you want to call it are more deserving. Just because two cult legions got codexes doesn't mean the other two do, they mostly need new Berzerker and Noise Marine kits, which would make for a nice CSM codex update. New codexes for both would mean more then just two kit updates: Terminator choices, cultist choices, unique daemon engines, etc. I firmly believe, as much as some people hate Tzaangors, we would of never gotten Codex: Thousand Sons if GW couldn't bulk up with dual-system kits. Unlike the EC (WE arguably have Khorne Daemonkin), Traitor Guard have had their own army list a few times, but never in an official capacity as a full army list. Lost and the Danmed from the Eye of Terror codex, Defenders of Vraks (and their Khornate/Nurgle sister lists) in the original Vraks books, Renegades and Heretics in Imperial Armour 13, the updated 8th Forgeworld update, the Legends list, and (arguably) the BSF Servants of the Abyss. GW has been teasing us Traitor Guard fans for so long, and it could be a fairly simple release in the vein of Chaos Knights. I wouldnt mind seeing EC or WE mind you, not at all. But I think I definitely agree with the majority that think they deserve top dog spot, though I am a very biased Traitor Guard fanboy. For Brood Brothers they feel less like brothers and more hamstrung Imperial Guard. When you play Brood Brothers, you want to play Imperial Guard fighting alongside tyranids. Somehow I feel GW missed the mark on this, it would of been cool to let them benefit from cult benefits or even being a semi-unique facet of the faction like Stormtroopers in Imperial Guard. Gue'Vesa however I feel would be the most ambitious to do if you were to do it without feeling lack lustre. Talking Tau integrating and making use of Imperium tech because while primitive, it is incredibly durable, usable and so easy to make that the Tau would recognise the exact same benefit humanity saw in STCs prior: the ease of being able to set-up forces easily (including bases). However Tau would take it further than any and actually have things like Leman Russes armed with their armaments instead; after all, would be far easier to supply logistically. Ion Rifle Sponsons, Railguns and Heavy Rail rifles. Heck, maybe even Quad-Heavy Rail Rifle turrets on leman russes. Other elements would need to be considered such as do Gue'vesa get Pulse Weapons or is that the more elite ones? I agree completely about Brood Brothers. I understand not wanting to give out Imperial Regimental doctrines out to Brood Brother detachments, but it'd be a great way to diversify GSC and Tyrr=anid player options by creating Brood Brother Regiment rules, or just allowing GSC codex Brood Brothers to get Cult rules. I kind of agree on Gue'vesa, but I think there should be a limit to how much they get. The Tau definitely share tech with their vassals (Kroot Rifle pulse rounds, Vespid Neutron Blasters), but the vassals still have their own technologies too (the vassal race naval ships being the best example). I'd love to see Gue'vesa become something similar to Brood Brothers, with mostly basic options and a few elite units with Tau tech. I think the biggest problem with Gue'vesa is, what role would they serve that Tau actually need, without watering down the factions a bit. I wont make my list, as my three (Exodites, Kroot, and Traitor Guard) are all very present in this thread. I will say, I would love the return of Legion of the Danmed, but they could easily be an option in a Imperial Agents codex imo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jarms48 Posted July 30, 2021 Share Posted July 30, 2021 (edited) • Legion of the Damned, complete with Emperor miracle based craziness, speaks to me. Who's that giant, shadowy fellow with the metal hands and scarred neck? Legion of the Damned being a solely First-born faction, with only Infantry units (no scouts, no bikes, no vehicles of any kind) would be interesting. Especially if they get Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, and Shield of Faith. While those 3 are uniquely Adepta Sororitas rules I think it would be interesting to have these marines have them as they're every bit the Emperors own daemons as Celestine is. Edited July 30, 2021 by jarms48 sitnam 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Medjugorje Posted July 30, 2021 Share Posted July 30, 2021 1. Black Templars Supplement with lots of lore content and model support 2. World Eaters codex with new range 3. Craftworld releases (all old models should be made new) 4. Chaos Space Marines codex + Supplements for all major legions and subfactions ( Red corsairs are equal to any other legion) 5. More lore content for some major characters like Lufgt Huron, the BL character noone rembember (Harken Worldclaimer) later on: Guard codex with new model support Tau codex without stupid overwatch mechanics Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sarabando Posted August 8, 2021 Share Posted August 8, 2021 A militia and cults army for both imperial and chaos with a decent kit with lots of upgrade bits would be ace. Something like the 4th? Edition guard codex where you took positive and negative regiment traits to build your own army would be cool. firestorm40k 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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