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Review of WH+ It's current state and it's potential

Orange Knight

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Its gonna be interesting to see what they will come up with animation wise the next few weeks now that AoD is complete.

Agreed. I’ll be disappointed if another week goes by with no new animation. 


Finished AoD. Definately liked it the best than their other animations so far (excluding Astartes, that's very much a special case)

I too enjoyed AoD. I’m curious if the team behind AoD with continue to work with GW? I’d love to see more of their work in the 40K universe. 


Wishlisting - it’d be nice to see some animation for the Horus Heresy, Necromunda, etc. And while I’m not a fan of AoS, I wonder if there will be any animations set in that system?

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Saw some comments in Valrak's YT video of people saying they had received an e-mail that Exodite would be the next animation.

Guess we'll hear today if that is correct.


I did think that looked very good in the trailer. 


This was the original picture of upcoming shows:




So the ones that are complete unknowns to me are Pariah Nexus, Interrogator, Broken Lance, Blacktalon and also High Lords.

So obviously very curious to hear anything about these.


Astartes II we have no idea about yet content wise either. Iron within had a good looking trailer about Iron Warriors.

Altar of Wrath is really the only one of upcoming shows that has had some marketing on warcom.

Edited by Taliesin
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Saw some comments in Valrak's YT video of people saying they had received an e-mail that Exodite would be the next animation.

Guess we'll hear today if that is correct.


I did think that looked very good in the trailer. 


This was the original picture of upcoming shows:




So the ones that are complete unknowns to me are Pariah Nexus, Interrogator, Broken Lance, Blacktalon and also High Lords.

So obviously very curious to hear anything about these.


Astartes II we have no idea about yet content wise either. Iron within had a good looking trailer about Iron Warriors.

Altar of Wrath is really the only one of upcoming shows that has had some marketing on warcom.


Black Talon is an AoS series focusing on a female Stormcast (there was a Warcom preview; they named the hero, but I forget her name because I don't play AoS; they also said very soon, so I expect January). Pariah Nexus, I suspect, is linked to the promo vid that launched 9th- Sisters, Marines and Guard vs Crons. Hoping Kyria Draxus makes an appearance, as she's a big mover and shaker in the storyline. No timeline on this.


I think Broken Lance is Titanicus, but I'm not sure where that idea comes from- maybe mentioned in a Warcom or a preview, but I don't specifically remember it the way I do Black Talon. No timeline on this either.

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I liked AoD as it showed that there is a great potential for successful 40k series.

However, I think the episodes need to be longer. 15 minutes is just too short in my opinion. If a true plot is to be created (and it needs to be to encourage people to subscribe), then episodes need to be longer. Trying to fit the Ship mistress's story arc, tech priest's, tactical marine's, captain's, Ad Mech's and GSC stories into such a short time isn't easy. 


Agreed there needs to be more battle reports. I would also like to see more lore masters, even if it was 1 40k and 1 AOS per week. 

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At their current rate we won't see all of these inside 2 years so I imagine several are still on the drawing board


Unfortunately, I think this timeline is accurate. I've been sorely disappointed with the amount of animation available on Warhammer+. If this drip-feed of animation continues, I won't be renewing my subscription. 


If GW were to put more effort into Warhammer+ it could be a lot better. All White Dwarf issues from the past few years should be uploaded (meaning the issues that were available digitally, no extra work needed). Also, the old FW books could be uploaded (campaigns, masterclass, etc.). Rogue Trader era books would be fun to thumb through. Yes, these have to be scanned, formatted, etc.


I'm surprised at the amount of battle reports that have been uploaded so far. There is a lot of potential being squandered. GW could run campaigns for: Necromunda, Aeronautica Imperialis, or why not tie in a battle report to White Dwarf and show a Tale of Four Warlords (is that the name?) campaign that could include interviews on painting new armies. There could be terrain videos showing how to combine all of the different 40K sets to make unique game boards. Or what if there was a video series following the creation of a new diorama for Warhammer World?


As is stands today, Warhammer+'s worth is debatable because you can subscribe for one month and watch everything in a short timeframe. There isn't even a need to binge watch the content because there isn't enough there. AoD can be viewed in a day, Hammer and Bolter in another day or two. That's it for animation. The Masterclass, Battle Reports and Lore videos could then all be watched in a week or so. Then you're done.

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As is stands today, Warhammer+'s worth is debatable because you can subscribe for one month and watch everything in a short timeframe. There isn't even a need to binge watch the content because there isn't enough there. AoD can be viewed in a day, Hammer and Bolter in another day or two. That's it for animation. The Masterclass, Battle Reports and Lore videos could then all be watched in a week or so. Then you're done.


So there's a way to win at the app.


They made it into a game - watch everything before you have to pay.

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Did anyone who has Warhammer Plus listen to that Deep Strike Podcast so we can know what the next animation is?

I just gave it a quick skim to see. They were just talking about the post credits scene and what might happen in the future of this show specifically, not future shows.

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I've watched AoD and stopped checking in, basically.


For me, this has turned into an installment payment for a limited Vindicare mini with some animations and Masterclass / Batreps sprinkled over the top as a bonus.


Don't forget your £10 voucher at the start :biggrin.:

We're getting the Vindicare for the cheapest price possible... hopefully :unsure.:


In 5 years time when WH+ is a household name with literally 10's of animations, I'll be sitting smugly with my collection of exclusive miniatures (that non-subscribers also have because they bought them from subscribers), reminiscing about it to my children 'I was there, the day WH+ slew the Content creators. ' It was a delicious conceit, and my children would chuckle at the sheer treason of it.". :happy.: 



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I'm in a similar boat. I still feel that signing up was the right thing to do for me. BUT: I sorta dropped off after the "mid-season" break of AOD. I don't care much for Hammer and Bolter, these one-offs don't do it for me. I like the longer format with character building and such. 


But putting it on a break when you only have one real show was like a death sentence in my eyes. The other formats are basically like sprinkles on my tasty AoD donut, I'm good without them, but they are nice to have. But who cares for sprinkles without a donut, right?


They could have kept me watching if there had been more battle reports (the Ultras vs Death Guard was really nice, for example).  But even those are dropfed to us. And if you consider that not all GW customers care for all game systems there were bound to be weeks without much interesting content at all. Because I really don't care about Kill Team or AOS. This week's battle rep is no better with that very special interest funsy topic. It's cool to do them, sure, but it should be on top of something more relevant.


I do work with some inhouse video production teams at my company from time to time, I know that producing a quality battle report will take some time. But for christ's sake, if you wanna do a freaking streaming service, better have the infrastructure and resources on hand to produce more than 1 a week. Or what do you suppose people stream then?


Still, I got AoD out of it, that voucher and that mini, at some point. But as a longtime plan if you wanna keep people's interest, you need a broader offering. This half-hearted attempt won't get you far, I fear.

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Warhammer Community has an article about giving Warhammer+ as a Christmas present. In the article The Exodite is confirmed as being the next animation to be released. 


Surprised to see a picture containing an Iron Warrior in the "upcoming" animations collage. Wasn't the Iron Warrior animation being done by Sodaz? I thought he quit the GW animation team?

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With all the vouchers I've gotten, my subscription has almost paid for itself, so while my interest in looking in has dropped considerably sine the end of AoD, i cannot say i regret pulling the trigger on one


Vouchers as in... plural? I only got one :|

I mean sure it was one from signing up, then technically just one more worth 3x the original one's. It did mean i spett more money at gw, sure, but ut was money i was always gonna spend

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If I where GW I'd do this in regards of WH+:


  1. Produce a software available thorugh WH+ that functionally is a copy of Battlescribe (include within WH+-links to fluff pages and such for each unit entry). All updates and changes to rules for any GW game goes through this software, nowhere else. Spend the time avaiable to produce this up until the launch of 40k 10th edition including the new rules set.
  2. Discountinue book printing (at events those that like paper brings their pdf-printouts from WH+ for army lists, game rules, army rules etc and the others bring their tablet or phone).
  3. At the same time 10th ed 40k launches (simultaneously as WHFB old world?). Launch this software that handles/manages all rules for all GW games.
  4. Watch the subscriptions skyrocket and cash in the revenue for the long foreseable future that more than enough compensates for the loss of revenue from printed rule/army books.
  5. Thank me for the idea.


This will satisfy everybody (us the customers and the GW excel-sheet-riders in their management).

Edited by Imren
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