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Hi all. I just recently had a friend give me a lump of Grey Knights, which came out to two 5 man strike squads, a 5 man purgation squad (psycannons), two 5 man terminator squads, an OOP resin Librarian in terminator armor, old OOP version of Crowe, a Nemesis Dreadknight, and a Stormraven. I added to that a strike squad box, codex, cards, dice, a second Librarian in terminator armor (plastic one), Brother-Captain Stern, and I'm waiting for Draigo and the paladin box to come back in stock. 


So now I own a Grey Knights army (regular Blood Angels player and been in the hobby since 2012). I'm excited to paint them, but I'm brand new to them. I'm thinking maybe a chaos black spray base, then dry brush several layers of silver for the armor, then go in and do the details? .... or spray them chaos black, then spray them leadbelcher, then shade and then layer/edge up the silver armor highlights, then do the details? Or has anyone tried the contrast method for them?





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I'd skip the black primer, and go straight to Lead Belcher Spray, then I'd heavy dry brush with Grey Knights Steel. I'd then wash with Nuln Oil and come back with Grey Knights Steel for the first broad highlight before working up through the silvers.


You know what? I've got my freebie from this month, I'll be back in a hour....

I've got a few to do a well :)


My personal experience from doing Imperial knights is I won't use leadbelcher spray on an unprimed model and I probably wouldn't use it on an infantry size model, but your local environmental conditions may be different.


I'm looking at Chaos black primer, then heavy dry brush leadbelcher, wash (I was thinking Nuln but Icosiel's painting vid has me considering purple) and a final lighter drybrush of Grey Knighs steel.

Shameless plug, but here's my method for painting Grey Knights! Drybrush silver, wash, drybrush, zenithal, details!



I love your video! And yes BORE YOUR BARRELS ;) .... Again thanks. :)

I would definitely recommend priming your models Chaos Black first, it will help for paint adhesion and to give depth to the model. If you're worried about paint thickness just be sure to give it a light coat of Chaos Black, but I would never forgo a basic primer. After which spraying Leadblecher works well, followed by a second basecoat layer with a brush. I go Nuln Oil wash in the recesses, then a blue wash/glaze in armour joints, inside of shoulder pads, anywhere that I could see the armor "glowing" with pyschic energy. I do an edge/zenithal highlight with a light silver (I use a P3 silver but any GW light silver works), but you could drybrush that highlight for a quick and effective result. 


I think Icosiel's video is spot on though! I mainly wanted to share my thoughts about priming models. 


Here are some of my dudes for reference: 



I just painted my first Grey Knight. A humble Strike Squad member. I really enjoyed painting him. They do indeed paint up quicker than my Blood Angels or Dark Angels!



I just painted my first Grey Knight. A humble Strike Squad member. I really enjoyed painting him. They do indeed paint up quicker than my Blood Angels or Dark Angels!




Following! Looks great

A former 'Eavy Metal painter took the time to put together this video.


Demonstrates some of the studio techniques. Really good discussion about how to get the blue effects using inks.


I’m going to be using TT Combats awesome new primer Sabre Silver, followed by glazes and washes personally.


What I’ve found is you’ll find you’re own groove with GK’s and a silver that’s your “thing” if that makes sense. Maybe do some test schemes on old minis/sprues etc?



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