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With Valrak confirming the Custodes Lt on his stream, (or confirming a rumour), I wonder whether it's possible we'll be seeing the other option as well. I see no reason why a Lt or a Shield Captain couldn't have the option to be armed with an adrastus bolt calibre. Thoughts?

Im mostly hoping the person misidentified a Sisters of Silence HQ that would be actually useful. 

If it is a rando Custode its unlikely it will have a FW exclusive weapon, though some fancy ranged weapon might be an option!

I wonder what role a cheaper HQ fills. I've never seen people take barebones shield captains at any point anyways, they always layer things on. Since shield captains are generally great besides the crap random damage in cc.


In fact shield captains have only gotten more valuable since war of spider. I enjoy running a dreadhost axe wielding psycho captain that teleports in for pure slaughter in back lines.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I wonder how much forgeworld is still going to or not going to factor in with a new dex. Right now Custodes depend on it. I would love to not have to depend on FW at all or at least a little bit less would be nice.

I'm looking to get into them soon, so I want Custodes to get more options.


Hell, if they get a couple new units (a new box that can make 2 units, for example) and perhaps a vehicle or 2, then a Sister of Silence HQ choice (2 minimum preferably) I'd be a very happy man.


I mean, I would be even more happy with even more units, but I'm getting a little too hopeful I think.

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