Lathspell Posted September 8, 2021 Share Posted September 8, 2021 Tournament XeonDragon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted September 8, 2021 Share Posted September 8, 2021 Don't keep us in suspense, give us details! XeonDragon and Helias_Tancred 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dice4thedicegod Posted September 8, 2021 Share Posted September 8, 2021 By the blade of sanguinius, that is a concise battle report! Majkhel, Helias_Tancred, XeonDragon and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XeonDragon Posted September 9, 2021 Share Posted September 9, 2021 Stuff 40k in 40 minutes, let's go 40k in 9 characters! By the blade of sanguinius, that is a concise battle report! Helias_Tancred, Leonaides, Majkhel and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lathspell Posted September 9, 2021 Author Share Posted September 9, 2021 Sorry for the blank report, i was writing it on my phone and i bugged the submit. XeonDragon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lathspell Posted September 9, 2021 Author Share Posted September 9, 2021 Well then, here we go:  I went with a different approach than all out assault, and it went really smooth. This was the list  Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) [63 PL, -1CP, 1,000pts] **Chapter Selector**Selections: Blood Angels Rules: The Red Thirst HQ [12 PL, -1CP, 230pts] Captain [6 PL, -1CP, 120pts]Selections: 2. Artisan of War, Adamantine Mantle, Astartes Chainsword, Jump Pack [1 PL, 25pts], Storm shield [10pts], Stratagem: Angel Exemplar [-1CP], Teeth of Terra, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord Rules: Angels of Death, Death from Above, Savage Echoes, The Red Thirst Abilities: Adamantine Mantle, Artisan of War, Iron Halo, Rites of Battle, Storm shield, Teeth of Terra, The Imperium's Sword, Unit: Captain (Jump Pack), Weapon: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Krak grenades, Teeth of Terra Chaplain [6 PL, 110pts]Selections: 2. Catechism of Fire, Inferno pistol [5pts], Jump Pack [1 PL, 25pts], Litany of Hate Rules: Angels of Death, Death from Above, Savage Echoes, The Red Thirst Abilities: 2. Catechism of Fire, Litany of Hate, Rosarius, Spiritual Leaders, Unit: Chaplain (Jump Pack), Weapon: Crozius arcanum, Frag grenades, Inferno pistol, Krak grenades Troops [10 PL, 190pts] Assault Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]Rules: Angels of Death, Combat Squads, Savage Echoes, The Red Thirst 4x Assault Intercessor [76pts]Selections: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol Unit: Assault Intercessor, Weapon: Astartes Chainsword, Frag grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Krak grenades Assault Intercessor Sgt [19pts]Selections: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol Unit: Assault Intercessor Sgt, Weapon: Astartes Chainsword, Frag grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Krak grenades Assault Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 95pts]4x Assault Intercessor [76pts] Selections: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol Unit: Assault Intercessor, Weapon: Astartes Chainsword, Frag grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Krak grenades Assault Intercessor Sgt [19pts]Selections: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol Unit: Assault Intercessor Sgt, Weapon: Astartes Chainsword, Frag grenades, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Krak grenades Elites [25 PL, 320pts] Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 160pts]Selections: Twin ironhail autocannon Sanguinary Guard [17 PL, 160pts]5x Sanguinary Guard [32pts] Selections: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear Weapon: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe, Frag grenades, Krak grenades Heavy Support [16 PL, 260pts] Devastator Squad [8 PL, 130pts]Devastator Marine Sergeant [18pts] Selections: Bolt pistol, Boltgun Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenades, Krak grenades 4x Devastator Marine w/Heavy Weapon [28pts]Selections: Grav-cannon [10pts] Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Grav-cannon, Krak grenades Devastator Squad [8 PL, 130pts]Devastator Marine Sergeant [18pts] Selections: Bolt pistol, Boltgun Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenades, Krak grenades 4x Devastator Marine w/Heavy Weapon [28pts]Selections: Grav-cannon [10pts] Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenades, Grav-cannon, Krak grenades  A list with heavy anti-infantry fire and quite a punch with the captain, the sang guard, and the two assault intercessor units.  The Tournament was a 3 round, 14 people event and it went as follows:  FIRST ROUND:  Mission: Grand Tournament 2021 — Incursion. Ressuply Opponent: NECRONS. Custom dinasty. Overlord with warscyte and relic res orb, Lord with warscyte res orb and shroud, 2 x 20 necron warriors, 5x wraithguard with shields, 1 x 4 scarabs, 1x3 scarabs.  I went witn engage in all fronts and the misssion specific for secondaries. I left no reserves and won first turn roll.  I deployed both devastator units on the corners and the assault intercesors as far forward as i could on my center - right flank, the sang guard and the captain hid behind obscuring terrain just behind them, ready to rush forward, and the chaplain and the invictor babystted my left flank devastators. My opponent decided to make a 6" move before battle started thanks to his dinasty trait, trying to capture the center objective, taking advantage of a big LOS blocking terrain feature in the middle of the battlefield.  During movement phese i moved forward all of my units, and advanced the chaplain to hold my objective, the devastators took LOS on both necron warrior units and the invictor placed himself holding the left middle objective. Shotting phase was a nightmare for my opponent, both devastator units killed 10 and 8 necron warriors form each unit after all resurrection protocols and the invictor and the sang guard made short work of 6 and 4 more. The during the assault phase my intercessors in the middle charged one unit oof necrons crossing obscuring terrain, and the sang guard and the captain charged the other. At the end of turn 1 i had killed one necron warrior unit and reduced the other to 5 models, and was holding the 3 middle objectives taking a single wound on an assault intercessor.  During his first turn he used the relic orb and brought back 11 necron warriors, the lord and the overlord moved forward and the wraithguard moved towards my invictor, his 4x scarab units rushed towards the right center objective, while the other moved towards the middle one. After the shooting and charge fase he ahad only killed 1 asssault intercessor, 1 sang guard and put 2 wounds into my captain with his overlord, and 3 into my invictor with his wraithguard, but he lost his overlord (but came back with 1 wound after the stratagem), 2 wraithguards , 2 scarabs and 6 necron warriors, and was holding two center objectives.  My second turn was a sweep, i killed both scarab units, the overlord again, and the wraithguard at the cost of an assault intercessor, was firmly holding all 3 middle objectives, and all he had left was a battered unit of warriors with 8 models holding his objective and a teleported lord that tried to hunt my chaplain, he conceded.  FINAL RESULT: 85-8 Victory. Counting 10 points for my army being completely painted.  CONCLUSIONS: Taking first turn paired with my opponent moving forward was decisive, because it made possible 3 charges turn 1. After that crushing turn and the little damage he could not make a comeback.  SECOND ROUND  Mission: Grand Tournament 2021 — Incursion. Crossfire Opponent: SISTERS OF BATTLE. Argent Shroud. Morveen Vahl, Cannoness with blessed blade and relic pistol, 2 x 5 battle sisters with multimelta and combi melta, 2 x 5 dominion squads with artificer storm bolters, 5x sacresants with halberds, 1 x 5 retributor squad with heavy bolters, 2 x Rhinos.  Secondaries, i went with oath of moments and engage in all fronts. Lost the initiative.  I deployed taking advantage of as much cover as i could, with my devastators and the characters occupying a ruin in my deployment zone and the assalt intercessors an the invictor ready to rush forward for the neutral objectives, the sang guard remained in deep strike. My opponent made the scout move with both his rhinos, loaded with a dominion and a battle sister squad each, towards the objectives, dissembarked both dominion squads and ruhed foward the rhinos occupying both objectives, in a painful shooting phase i lost 2 devastators and 8 assault intercesors, and took 5 wounds on the invictor. My opponent held 3 objectives and i was clearly outmanouvered.  In my first turn i moved my devastators to get as much line of sight as i could, and moved my lonely assault intercessor sergeants forward, the invictor accompanied one of them. My shooting phase paid off, i killed one dominion squad, a rhino and 4 retributors but lost 1 assault intercessor during overwatch. I held 2 objectives and felt confident i could even the odds.  Second turn was almost catastrophic, i lost my last assault intercessor, the 3 men devastator unit and the invictor was reduced to 4 wounds, and morvenn vahl assaulted my 5 men devastator unit, which forced me to intervene with my captain and use angel's sacrifice to save them. It did not end very well, i lost my captain, but did 6 wounds in return to vahl. I tried to respond charging Vahl with my chaplain and the invictor, and the sang guard went for the other dominion squad. Vahl weathered all my attacks, leaving my invictor with 1 wound remaining, my only victory was the sanguinary guard killed the dominion squad and held the objective.  Third turn was the break of the game. Morvenn Vahl fell back and both battle sister squads surged forward followed by the sacrosants. They killed the invictor which exploded in a devastating way, which killed three sacrosants, 3 battle sisters, 3 devastators and put 2 wounds into the chaplain, and only 1 to morvenn, who scaped alive with only 1 wound. I lost the 2 remaing devastators, and my chaplain waethered a storm of fire thanks to his rosarius and then heroically intervene to the nearest battle sister squad who had capture my objective clearing them off. The canoness went for my sang guard, shoting and charging, losing 4 of them.  Turn 4 saw my last sang guard and chaplain died, and that was the end.  RESULT: Defeat 64-25 after counting 10 points for my army being fully painted.  CONCLUSSIONS: Morvenn Vahl being alive after 10 attacks when she only had 2 wounds left, was pivotal, as i hadn't my devastators free to fire for my next turn. The multiple damage 2 sources of the sisters is a nightmare for space marines, i couldn't imagine a way of countering that storm of fire with the list i had. His mobility with the dominions inside rhinos with the scout move was crucial, even if i had first turn i doubt i cold have got many more chances, as i would have to pop up the rhinos to prevent my opponent from controlling the objectives.  THIRD ROUND  Mission: Grand Tournament 2021 — Incursion. Raid Opponent: BLOOD ANGELS. Chaplain on a bike, relic crozius; Death company primaris lieutenant with storm shield and mastercrafted power sword, 5x intercessor with auto bolt rifles, 5x incursors, 3x eradicators, 5x death company intercessors with chainswords and a power fist, 5x sanguinary guard, 3x outriders.  A mirror match. I won initiative. Went with engage in all fronts and oath of moments.  I left my sanguinary guard in deep strike and a unit of devastators in reserve. Deployed 1 unit of assault intercessors in my right flank, holding the objective, and the other unit, the devastators and the characters holding the other, the invictor held the middle right objective. He deployed heavily on his left flank, with the death comny lieutenant, the death comany intercessors, the intercessors and the sanguinary guard inside obscuring terrain, his ringht flank included the outriders, the incursors and the chaplain, also inside obscuring terrain.  I moved up my invictor to get line of sight of the erradicators and a the left unit of assault intercessors to hold the left center objective. My devastators went up a level to get line of sight through a window into the obscuring terrain. During the shooting phase i killed a bike, and put 2 wounds on the eradicators and 1 into the death company. In his turn he surged forward, keeping out of LOS of my devastator squad and lloked into my assault intercesor squad with his outriders and his chaplain. The eradicators made short work of my invictor and his chaplain and ourtiders charged my assault intercessor out of the table.  My turn 2 was devastating, my sanguinary guard arrived from deep strike, and my second devastator unit took good line of sight into his sanguinary guard and death company, both my captain and chaplain moved forward to chase his chaplain. Shooting phase was devastating, i killed 3 incursors with one unit of devastors, used steady advance on the other to kill all the death company intercessors, and the chaplain killed a bike with his inferno pistol. In the charge phase, my sanguinary guard charged into his, my chaplain into his outrider and my captain into his chaplain, I killed everything in a single round of attacks, even with his chaplain interrupting, he only managed to put a wound on my captain. I was frimly holding three objectives, and all he had left was 5 intercessors, a death company lieutenant, 3 eradicators and 2 incursors.  He tried to come back and shoot my sanguinary guard out of the table with the fire power of his lieutenant the eradicators and the intercessors. And then proceded to charge my devastators with his death comany lieutenant and his eradicators. He suffered 3 wounds in overwatch, but killed 3 devastators in return.  In turn three i moved my chaplain towards the last incursors and my captain towards his intercessors, my assault intercessors moved forward to support the devastators. I killed the incursors and my captain failed the charge into the intercessors. In the combat with the devastators, i killed 1 eradicator and put another wound into the lieutenant, losing 2 asssault intercessors. In his turn he tried to charge my captain with his intercessors, but he survived and killed them all in return. I lost my last devastator and an assault intercessor, but i killed the death company lieutenant. With only one eradicator left he conceded.  RESULT: 80-15 after including 10 points for having my army fully painted.  CONCLUSSIONS: Having the first turn, the deployment, with longer distance between deployment zones, and the fact that he didn't keep anything in reserve were pivotal factors, in this kind of mirror matches who can make the first charge has a huge advantage, when I managed to charge his sanguinary guard with mine that ended the match. The grav devastators are scary as hell for infantry and made him move in a way he could be out of line of sight of one unit, only to get into the sights of the second unit when they came from reserve. Also, losing his chaplain to my captain was huge. In retrospect i think that even with the heavy LOS blocking terrain we had, my superior firepower was able to take the victory for me.   In the end, I lost to the wiinner of the turnament, and got two crushing victories, so i am quite happy after all. Majkhel, Karhedron, XeonDragon and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dice4thedicegod Posted September 9, 2021 Share Posted September 9, 2021 (edited) Haha - figured the black rage had hit mid composition :) Â Thanks for the report - good to hear how it went! Edited September 9, 2021 by dice4thedicegod Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhavien Posted September 10, 2021 Share Posted September 10, 2021 Gratulations on 3rd! Was a good read. Weren't the armies of your opponents fully painted? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted September 10, 2021 Share Posted September 10, 2021 Nice reports and congrats on the wins! Sisters seem pretty tough still, especially as an assault army. They seem to want to stay still and have you go to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lathspell Posted September 10, 2021 Author Share Posted September 10, 2021 Gratulations on 3rd! Was a good read. Weren't the armies of your opponents fully painted? Surprisingly i fought 3 opponents with partially unpainted armies, 6 people out of 14 fielded unpainted armies, partially or fully, even when the rules stated specifically the 10 points. There was a Game won by those 10 points. Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted September 12, 2021 Share Posted September 12, 2021 Seems you had some fun time Lathspell, congratulations on ending up 3rd :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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