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Hi B&C crew


I just wanted to say thank you to all who participate in this wonderful community, and for those who run the site. Why? As a Xennial, I've been online for decades (since the last millennium actually!), from the dial-up bulletin board systems with an Apple 2e through to running/participating in web forums for expats when living overseas, face book groups for various communities, face book pages for community organisations, sub reddits, discords, you name it.  


Recently, I have had time to reflect on my online habits (lockdown does that), and I realised that B&C is, and has been, by far the most collaborative, respectful and tolerant forum I have been involved in. It has become my go-to for all things 40k and hobby related. You guys and gals kick ass, and I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for making this place what it is :D



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I'll throw in here. I miss the days of purpose driven forums, before the prevalence of social media. This place is my favorite hub for 40k discussion, and has been for a long time. I pray to the dark gods everyday for a non-reddit AoS version of this forum to exist. The mods do a great job keeping anything not 40k out of this place


Hell, I remember the day talking about Xenos factions would get a thread closed

The B&C has and always will be the 40K hobby haven we all need I think. :thumbsup: 

For me it’s always been that most importantly all of us are hobbyists and Fraters first and foremost. We all post, play, paint and collect in our own awesome ways and as a collective push our hobby forwards.



Glad to have you also. I too bounced around a lot of forums, but when I found B&C I pretty much just stuck here. Once we added Xeno races to discussions, there was no need to go anywhere else! 

Agreed, nothing else comes close.


I pray to the dark gods everyday for a non-reddit AoS version of this forum to exist. 


Somebody from here actually started up an AoS forum modeled on the B&C but I'll be honest I totally forgot about it and I'm not even sure if it's still going. The next best thing I can think of is The Grand Alliance

Agreed, nothing else comes close.


I pray to the dark gods everyday for a non-reddit AoS version of this forum to exist. 


Somebody from here actually started up an AoS forum modeled on the B&C but I'll be honest I totally forgot about it and I'm not even sure if it's still going. The next best thing I can think of is The Grand Alliance


It got quite a big backlash from TGA users along the lines "hurr durr why do we need another forum?" alongside the usual downvotes and other kinds of negative reactions whereever it got mentioned until it got shut down again, so yeah.


TGA is the only "big" AoS forum but honestly it's quite underpopulated and there are a bunch of individuals I don't quite gel with. Personally I think the AoS discord is the better community even if it's not a forum.

[buzzkill]This isn't the place to be discussing sites dedicated to the Age of Sigmar (or Warhammer Fantasy Battles/Old World) setting.[/buzzkill]


You used to say that about Xenos, look what happened!


[buzzkill]This isn't the place to be discussing sites dedicated to the Age of Sigmar (or Warhammer Fantasy Battles/Old World) setting.[/buzzkill]


You used to say that about Xenos, look what happened!


You're welcome. :tongue.:



[buzzkill]This isn't the place to be discussing sites dedicated to the Age of Sigmar (or Warhammer Fantasy Battles/Old World) setting.[/buzzkill]


You used to say that about Xenos, look what happened!


You're welcome. :tongue.:



This seems like an appropriate place to ask this - I joined this place in 2009 and I think it was purely power armour - Sisters, Chaos, Space Marines. Then I think it diversified into Humanity - so lost and the damned and imperial guard joined the party. 

I bailed out of the hobby around 2014 and came back around 2018  to find that all factions of the hobby were now fair game. 


I must stress that this is not a criticism, but when and why did that happen? 

I must stress that this is not a criticism, but when and why did that happen?

It happened with the transition to 7th edition. The rules of that edition made "soup" armies (mixing multiple factions in the same army) commonplace, making it difficult for members to discuss their armies when they incorporated factions that weren't previously allowed. In addition, discussion forums dedicated to various factions were dying off (all online discussion forums are seeing this to a degree). Kurgan the Lurker was the driving force behind this expansion (and that's not placing blame because I fully supported it). It was a somewhat contentious issue, but in the end we decided that expanding the scope of the site to cover the entire setting would best support our mission statement and the community's needs.

B&C actually got me into the hobby. I had a friend who started reading from the Black Library and would tell me cool tidbits. I eventually mentioned that it would make a cool tabletop RPG and he told me there was a mini war game already.

Not knowing, before that moment, that what a tabletop war game would even be like, I was very timid and scared off by the price.

While not my only resource, this community held my hand all the way down into these Grim Dark depths. I now own my own army, half assembled pile of shame and have even gotten others into the game. I just really love it here.


I must stress that this is not a criticism, but when and why did that happen?

It happened with the transition to 7th edition. The rules of that edition made "soup" armies (mixing multiple factions in the same army) commonplace, making it difficult for members to discuss their armies when they incorporated factions that weren't previously allowed. In addition, discussion forums dedicated to various factions were dying off (all online discussion forums are seeing this to a degree). Kurgan the Lurker was the driving force behind this expansion (and that's not placing blame because I fully supported it). It was a somewhat contentious issue, but in the end we decided that expanding the scope of the site to cover the entire setting would best support our mission statement and the community's needs.


Given that we have moved away from that ediiton, and soup armies are a thing of the past - maybe we could remove these sections now? To bring back the old spirit of B&C.



I must stress that this is not a criticism, but when and why did that happen?

It happened with the transition to 7th edition. The rules of that edition made "soup" armies (mixing multiple factions in the same army) commonplace, making it difficult for members to discuss their armies when they incorporated factions that weren't previously allowed. In addition, discussion forums dedicated to various factions were dying off (all online discussion forums are seeing this to a degree). Kurgan the Lurker was the driving force behind this expansion (and that's not placing blame because I fully supported it). It was a somewhat contentious issue, but in the end we decided that expanding the scope of the site to cover the entire setting would best support our mission statement and the community's needs.


Given that we have moved away from that ediiton, and soup armies are a thing of the past - maybe we could remove these sections now? To bring back the old spirit of B&C.


It doesn't work like that- the genie doesn't go back in the bottle!

Given that we have moved away from that ediiton, and soup armies are a thing of the past - maybe we could remove these sections now? To bring back the old spirit of B&C.

What benefit would narrowing the site's scope provide? Keep in mind all of the other games that are supported, such as Aeronautica Imperialis. Removing factions would severely limit our members' opportunity to discuss the whole hobby here. And if we're going to "bring back the old spirit of the B&C" why not just go back to the beginning? Different people are going to have different versions of the good old days, after all. Whose good old days trumps everyone else's?

I couldn’t agree more with OP.


When I started using online forums (fora? Whatevs) myself a good 25 years ago, I was outraged by those mods and admins for not allowing me to use the most creative and colorful insults I could come up with when arguing about something totally stupid related to a game.


“Mods are such losers, they don’t even get paid, just some pathetic power trip in a place that doesn’t matter.”


A quarter century passes and I think by osmosis I’ve learned a thing or two.


There are few enough settings in life where I don’t feel like an outsider. The B&C is one of them. I may not always be successful, but I always want to do my part keeping it alive and on track. Money, time, moderation… I’m down.


The things and places we like don’t please us by accident, and there are some that are worth making the above investments in, because they pay it back. Bolter and Chainsword always pays it back, for me.

Edited by Juggernut

I love forums. I've entirely abandoned social media by now, which has been a great personal decision, so participating in the forums is where I go now for interacting on the hobby.


As well, I fully appreciate the rules that are well enforced. They're direct and clear, and although we may not like them at times, they are what ensure that we can continue to have a good experience.

I love forums. I've entirely abandoned social media by now, which has been a great personal decision, so participating in the forums is where I go now for interacting on the hobby.


As well, I fully appreciate the rules that are well enforced. They're direct and clear, and although we may not like them at times, they are what ensure that we can continue to have a good experience.

The mods here do enforce the rules fairly. If something gets shut down it's obvious why and it never seems capricious.


Got a nice chuckle out of watching the thread about that limited edition sergeant get put on hold, then immediately after it got reopened someone made a totally off topic political post and the mods had to nuke it.


Could almost hear the face palm through my computer screen.

I second the OP's statement. Minimal trolling because of very solid mods, good community, good discussions. The most level-headed forum of anything related to Warhammer 40k lol

You know, this might just be the most civilised forum on the entire Internet. The mods here rule with an iron fist, of course, but it seems to get results. I mostly lurk, and I even feel a little bit cheeky bumping a thread after a whole week ( sage goes in which field? :whistling:  ) but yeah, it must be said. This place is an excellent community.

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