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My 40k involvement has always gone in phases, and I've been out of the hobby for a couple years now, but I'm back for now. While I've still got a decently sized 'pile of shame,' I don't feel like I can officially say 'I'm back' without getting some new mini's! As such, I've compiled a list of what I've got and a few things I'm interested in. Right now I don't have enough to field a brigade, but I want to, even if it'll never happen.


Anyway, here's what I've got and my 'wishlist.'





Hammernator captain

Cap'n smash


Lieutenant (storm bolter and power sword)

Librarian Dreadnought (meltagun arm)

Librarian (axe and inferno pistol)

Sanguinary priest (big standard)





4 identical squads of 5 intercessors. One with Grenade launcher, power sword on sergeant




2x TLLC Dreadnaugh


Furioso with heavy flamer and frag cannon


Termie ancient with lightning claw (didn't have an extra storm bolter to give him and the claw is free anyway)


5x Hammernators


5x Lightning claw assault termies (what can I say, I like terminators!)


Two squads of 3x bolter aggressors (definitely reminiscent of terminators :p)


Sanguinary ancient (fist and inferno pistol)

Sanguinary guard- 4 with swords, 2 with fists, 2 with fists and inferno pistols


10 death company (2with hammers, 2 with Pswords, 6 with chainswords)


10 vanguard vets still in box, thinking of splitting them up with LC and chainswords/shields, but I'm not quite sure yet. I'm open for suggestions.


***Fast Attack***


3x Plasma inceptors


3x Bolter inceptors


***Heavy Support***


Land raider crusader-290 (it was a gift, has multimelta)



***Wish list***


Suppressors x3 (I'm pretty sure about this one...)


Heavy intercessors x5 (executor bolters and one with heavy executor)? (These guys intrigue me, but I'm still unsure)


Las fusil Eliminators?



In regards to HS, I want to keep fielding more bodies as opposed to armor or emplacements. In addition, I kinda thinking that a little bit longer range is better for these as I'm kinda lacking in that department. I could be wrong, and please let me know if I am!

Edited by Paladin777
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Welcome back to Baal!


Suppressors seem a cool choice, and decently armed. You dont see them much on tables I think as they're locked to the Vanguard box. At sub-100pts for the unit, they're fast, can do table quarters, and have a big gun with long range. 


Eliminators seem a pretty goof bet also, they got a recent point reduction so they're now 75pts for 3 with the bolt sniper rifles - I'd stick with them to keep them cheap to be honest!


If you want infantry based anti armour, then Primaris Eradicators are the unit for you - and you'll maybe like them as they're in Gravis armour. They get heavy melta rifles, so like 24" range melta, D6+4 damage when at half range, and get to fire twice. They do an unreal amount of damage. 

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Yes, with the new (9th ed) board sizes/deployment options the games I have seen/played tend to be close and personal rather than long ranged slug-throwers so a 24 or 30 inch range isn't as much of a hindrance as you might have thought from previous editions. If the majority of your heavier/higher damage weapons are mobile too then a 3ft threat range isn't uncommon.

You could also look at attack bikes with mm for fast anti-tank role, they still chuck out 6 shots each for anti-infantry if needed.

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Welcome to the Blood!
You have quite an army for a start. I would try to get some games on (friendly ones preferably ;) ) to get the feel of what you actually would like to add.

Eradicators are a no-brainer for any SM army. Apart form that, Primaris Chaplain on bike is the newest black around (can be quite readily kibashed from Indomitus Outriders for a cheaper solution). With the amount of bonuses from Warlord Traits and relics we can stack on him, he can be a real beast in addition to being a really reliable buffer.

if you want Suppressors, I would advise fielding 2 units or a unit of 5 as they are fragile and even more importantly, their accuracy is hampered by the negative bonus to firing their heavy weapons if they move. You need numbers to mitigate that.


In terms of troops, you have some already, but in future you might consider some Phobos options there too (Infiltrators/Incursors).

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I'll definitely play a couple games before splurging, but perhaps the box of eradicators will be the 'breaking back in' kit because of how highly recommended they seems to be.


Fair enough on keeping eliminators on the cheap (relatively speaking), should I end up getting any.


It's too bad about the unavailability of suppressors though. Maybe I'll try eBay or something, but at worst I don't think I can go too wrong with another squad of bolter inceptors in, though the attack bike idea is a pretty good one too...


As far as extra troops go, that's a fair enough idea on the Phobos units. Probably infiltrators for the 12" 'deep strike/infiltrate' denial and the the incursors just don't impress me much, even if it's only one point more than regular intercessors.


Still, anyone want to weigh in on the heavy intercessors as I really like the idea of them (back to me liking heavy infantry again! XP)

Edited by Paladin777
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Still, anyone want to weigh in on the heavy intercessors as I really like the idea of them (back to me liking heavy infantry again! XP)


I can't help on the gaming side as they've not made it to the field yet, but I can say they are lovely models, proper Terminatoresque bulk and the bulldogish gravis helmet.

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How would people recommend assembling the vanguard vets? As I said, I'm toying with mix/matching with lightning claws, shields, and Chainswords. I'm open for suggestions.


Side note, of forgot that I actually have two squads of 3 aggressors, not one.

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Still, anyone want to weigh in on the heavy intercessors as I really like the idea of them (back to me liking heavy infantry again! XP)

I have a squad for my Space Wolves and I really like them. They are just tough enough to be a real nuisance for your opponent to shift. Either they draw significant fire away from other units, thus screening your deadlier units or your opponent ignores them and effectively concedes whatever Objective you take with them. You certainly won't whittle these boys down with potshots during a game.


I have only lost the whole squad once and it took my opponent 3 turns to shooting and hitting them with a Triarch Stalker to finally shift them. In the meantime my Redemptor and Bladeguard had chewed through his other flank and effectively won me the game.


I like to run them with other infantry that have toughness boosts up their (armoured) sleeves. Infiltrators with Helix Gauntlet work really well for this as they have access to Smoke Grenades meaning your opponent will find your ObjSec Troops a real nuisance to eliminate, especially while your elite melee units are charging in full pelt.

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Cool! What do you have them equipped with?

I went for the Assault 3 version of the guns. I have found this configuration best for regular Intercessors and the same holds true for their chunkier brothers.


There are a couple of reasons for this. Weight of fire us better than higher AP against targets with a 4+ save or worse and equal against 3+. Only against units with a 2+ save are the higher AP guns better and you are probably better off with plasma anyway.


Also I like the ability to Advance and still shoot with the Assault guns as it mitigates their slow speed. I like to use Heavy Intercessors for midfield Objective control rather than camping in my deployment zone so the mobility can be useful.

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