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Orktober 1st through Nobvember 30th

Listen up, ya gitz!

Orktoberfest 2021 is the inaugural event hosted in the Orks sub-forum, designed to boost the greenskin presence in the Bolter and Chainsword, foster community growth, and just get some more of Gork and Mork's finest painted.

The goal is simple: paint something Orky in the timeframe and share it on these hallowed boards.

Da Rules:

  • Start Date: Orktober 1st
  • End Date: Nobvember 30th, all day for all time-zones
  • Make a post in the event thread in the Orks sub-forum detailing your pledge, with a picture.
  • A pledge may be any single model, unit, or group of units, so long as they are either unpainted at the start of the event, or have no more than a single color basecoat.
  • When the pledge is complete, make another post in the event thread including a picture of the finished pledge.

And that's it! You may make as many pledges as you want, even adding more in as the event goes.

Da Spoilz

For making a pledge, you may place this badge in your signature:

Those who complete their pledge will be awarded the following badges:

A Boy - for completing any pledge

A Nob - for completing any pledge, of 300 points or more (across all pledges)

And for the git that pledges for, and completes, the most points, they will have the honor of donning Da Boss badge:

What now?

In this thread, please post a picture of your pledge in it's starting condition (IE, unpainted or with one solid color basecoat) and proudly state your intent!


Event Host's note: This is my first event, and I've purposefully chosen to keep it rather simple. The hope is that we get some more pictures of Ork models painted on the B&C, maybe some fresh traffic in the Ork sub-forum, and in future years I can expand it with more badges and other things. I just couldn't miss the opportunity to get an event going with all the new models coming!


Da Mob


  • One Combat Patrol (1xWarboss in Mega-Armor, 20xBoyz, 3xDeffkoptas, 1xDeff Dread) ~530pts [Link]


  • 1xNob on Smasha Squig 65pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 6xWarbikers 165pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 3xSquighog Boyz 75pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 1xPainboss 80pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 1xMozrog Skragbad 170pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 1xBeastboss, 1xZodgrod Wortsnagga 160pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link;Link]


  • 19xBoyz 185pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]


  • 1xMozrog Skragbad 170pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]


  • 1xBeastboss on Squigosaur, 1xLooted Trukk/Shokkjump Dragsta, 3xKommando Squads, 3xDeffkoptas, 1xBig'ed Bossbunka [Link]


  • 10xKommandos 155pts [Link]
  • 1xDeff Dread 100pts [same link]

@Ace Debonair

  • 10xBeast Snagga Boyz 110pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]

@Brother Argent

  • 10xBoyz 90pts [Link]

@Closet Skeleton

  • 1xNob on Smasha Squig, 3xSquighog Boyz, 1xBomb Squig 145pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 1xBeastboss on Squigasaur, 12xBeast Snagga Boyz 282pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]


  • 1xNob on Smasha Squig, 5xSquighog Boyz, 1xBomb Squig, 20xBeast Snagga Boyz, 10x Stormboyz 525pts [Link]


  • 1xGigasquig 365pts (counts as Gorkanaut for the purposes of this event's points tracking) [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]

@Brother Dallo

  • 5xKommandos 55pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]

@Crom's Will

  • 1xStompa, 10xBeast Snagga Boyz, 3xSquighog Boyz, 1xBomb Squig, 1xNob on Smasha Squig 930pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link;Link;Link]


  • 1xWarboss in Mega Armor, 1xBeastboss, 3xDeffKoptas, 1xZodgrod Wortsnagga, 1xKommando Squad, 5xGoff Rokkers, 1xWarboss ~1230pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]


  • 1xWarboss in Mega Armor 115pts [Link]


  • 1xDeff Dread 85pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 15xNobz, 1xWarboss 425pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]

@Brother Callidan

  • 3xDeffKoptas 150pts [Link]


  • 3xKilla Kans 140pts [Link]

@Brother Sergeant Tiberius

  • 11xBeast Snagga Boyz, 3xSquig Hog Boyz, 1xNob on Smasha Squig, 1xBeastboss 356pts [Link]



  • 1xKommando Mob 155pts [Link]


  • 5xStormboyz 55pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]


  • A bunch of stuff, see link ~983pts [Link]


@Magistrix Remiosa

  • 1xWeirdboy 70pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]
  • 5xKommandos 60pts [Link] - COMPLETED [Link]


  • 1xBig Mek in Mega-Armour, 1xNob on Smasha Squig, 3xSquighog Boyz, 5xStormboyz, 12xKommandos 440pts [Link]


Edited by toaae
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'Ere we go! My first ever Orks! We've got the contents of a Combat Patrol box and a set of Kommandoz for what I think is a total of 350 points, although I don't have the Codex so I don't actually know for sure!


Oi, gitz! We gots a load uv dem Snagga Boyz dats joined da WAAAGH! but deys all grey and weedy. Da Paintboy sez dey'll be ded 'ard once dey get sum color on 'em so dat's wut we're gonna do.


Paintboy sez da Nob on Smasha Squig is where he's gonna start... even used some humie gubbin' to make a picture.



For da Ladz'

I'm innit for 18 Boyz and a Nob, gotta get enough ladz together for SMA: Rise of the Orks, pic shortly.....




(For those wondering, yes, they're a bit smaller, inspired by the size difference depicted in Ol' Bale Eye, I printed them at 85%, so the "special" models in RotO would stand out).

Edited by Grotsmasha

Oi it’s sneaking time ladz,…
We’s pledging -

- 10x boyz kommando team right! and a Bomb Squig to blow stuff up and a Grot ta take a Bullet.. cause dats all deys good for anyways!

- A Deff Dread.

++EDIT++ ( New unit added * Deff Dread and Points cost for Kommando Unit is 155pts).


* Alright da pics Up and da Mek's all sorted...



++EDIT++ New Vow Added++

Edited by mithrilforge

Warboss L'Gorg* 'eard about dis 'ere Orktoberfest an finks it sounds ded Orky.

So 'e's sent ten of da boyz ta go an join in, see if we can't make a right big Waaaagh outta it!


Ten Beastie Boyz for Orktober! :happy.:

Well, jus' as soon as dey get's demselves togevver. :ermm:

'Ere we go! :biggrin.:

*My Warboss's name came from an epic mis-spelling of the word 'Glory' as 'Lgorg', proving inspiration comes along when you least expect it. :tongue.:

Right den ladz, bout damned time we got back ta doing some krumpin! Da boyz from da Bleak are back and right ready for a good scrap. First we is gunna send in some of the boyz. If dey get em selved squicked at least we will get a good laugh!

I, Brother Argent, vow to return from my most recent absence from this great forum and start in a most unlike me fashion by making a sensible vow of a squad of ten of the new ork boys from the combat patrol.

More will come if I can manage to get through it.

EDIT: Before Pic


Edited by Brother Argent

Well I picked up my squigosaur, kill rig and painboss this afternoon.


I'm aiming to get painting underway soon, I've got pics of primed stuff but need to get on laptop to upload. I've got about 2k primed once the squigosaur, painboss and rig are ready. I'm not pledging all of it lol

Looking great, boyz!

I ain't going to miss no proppa' scrap, so I'm pledging:

1xNob on Smasha Squig

5xSquighog Boyz w/ 1 bomb squig

20x Beast Snagga Boyz

10x Storm Boyz

for 525 points. Plan is to get them to a battle-ready standard and then go back to finish them afterwards. This is a lot of minis for me, we'll see if I can get it done.


Edited by toaae

All right then. I'll get stuck in with my mighty "Gigasquig". 3D sculpt from the Dark Gods - Eternal Kickstarter (RipJawz).
He has no corresponding codex entry, but I did scale him up to 125% which puts him on either a 160mm round base or a knight base. So counts-as a Gorka/Morkanaut? He's a bit smaller than a Stompa from what measurements I can gather from online images. Whatever you feel is fair points wise toaae.

Edited by YoungWolf7

I’m in the middle of painting my Ullanor scale Ork Killteam, but will pledge the eligible models, so put me down for five Kommandos.





Added photo




The back models are all brown, so I think that's fine?

Edited by Brother Dallo

how would something that is a legends unit without points be counted?  I ask because I have the artel W squad of goff rokkers-- but those are limited to being power level only currently.


I have plenty of other orks, dont get me wrong-- but would like clarification

  On 10/2/2021 at 11:37 PM, The_Chaplain said:

how would something that is a legends unit without points be counted?  I ask because I have the artel W squad of goff rokkers-- but those are limited to being power level only currently.


I have plenty of other orks, dont get me wrong-- but would like clarification


Although people have been including points, there is no such mandate in the rules, just



  • A pledge may be any single model, unit, or group of units, so long as they are either unpainted at the start of the event, or have no more than a single color basecoat.
  On 10/3/2021 at 2:18 AM, Grotsmasha said:


  On 10/2/2021 at 11:37 PM, The_Chaplain said:

how would something that is a legends unit without points be counted?  I ask because I have the artel W squad of goff rokkers-- but those are limited to being power level only currently.


I have plenty of other orks, dont get me wrong-- but would like clarification


Although people have been including points, there is no such mandate in the rules, just



  • A pledge may be any single model, unit, or group of units, so long as they are either unpainted at the start of the event, or have no more than a single color basecoat.



Yeah, this. The points are just tracked for the purposes of "Da Boss" badge. If you are interested in going for it but wanted to include stuff that doesn't have points, I'll make a ruling that I think is fair to the board. In the case of something with PL score, I'll just do the standard 1PL=20pts.


The overall focus is just on painting Orky stuff!

I, Crom's Will, hereby vow to paint this lil' 'un...

... and some of its friends.

That is one stompa, ten beast snagga gitz, three squighog boyz and one nob on squighog.

Plus the lil' 'un.

Happy Orktober everyone!

Cant get the gallery to work, so heres a link to my instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUmmUZpLv6j/?utm_medium=copy_link

This is my vow: 1 warboss in mega armor, 1 beast boss, 3 deff koptas, 1 mozgrod (the character from the beast snagga box), the kommandos from the kill team set, 5 artel goff rokkers, and a freeboota warboss

Will calculate the points after twitch streaming today


+edit+ points come out to 830 points before Goff Rokkers and according to this quote



Yeah, this. The points are just tracked for the purposes of "Da Boss" badge. If you are interested in going for it but wanted to include stuff that doesn't have points, I'll make a ruling that I think is fair to the board. In the case of something with PL score, I'll just do the standard 1PL=20pts.


5 goff rokkers at 4pl each = 400, for a grand total of 1230 for a first vow.  I've already started my ghazkull for my 12 months of hobby challenge, otherwise I'd add him too LOL

Edited by The_Chaplain
  On 10/4/2021 at 10:22 AM, The_Chaplain said:

Cant get the gallery to work, so heres a link to my instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUmmUZpLv6j/?utm_medium=copy_link


This is my vow: 1 warboss in mega armor, 1 beast boss, 3 deff koptas, 1 mozgrod (the character from the beast snagga box), the kommandos from the kill team set, 5 artel goff rokkers, and a freeboota warboss


Will calculate the points after twitch streaming today

Zodgrod ;)

  On 10/4/2021 at 11:19 AM, Kenzaburo said:

Hey toaae, I might join in, but only after the 23rd. Is that still possible or do I need to make a pledge now?

You can join at any time!


The rules for this event are deliberately loose, to encourage participation of any kind and to ease the burden on a first time event-runner.

  On 10/4/2021 at 3:26 PM, toaae said:


  On 10/4/2021 at 11:19 AM, Kenzaburo said:

Hey toaae, I might join in, but only after the 23rd. Is that still possible or do I need to make a pledge now?

You can join at any time!


The rules for this event are deliberately loose, to encourage participation of any kind and to ease the burden on a first time event-runner.



Alright then, I'll see how things are after the 23rd and will probably join in then with a few minis. Thanks for organizing this! :)

Fun event! Congrats on running your first, toaae!

So, here goes my pledge! Ol' 'Eadkrumpa, my scratch-built deffdread. 85 points of stompy, close-range death. He is made out of busted old toys, spare GW bits, and lots of hot glue. His main body is from a plastic case for holding sewing machine bobbins.


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