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Long lost angels possible sighting...

Brother Nathan

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Howdy brothers it's been... near enough a decade since my storm angels got lost in the warp. Life huh. Anyway few friends have a group and I've been invited to play and iv been catching up on changes and rules in that time and trying to figure which force is easiest to update without throwing cash at. And my most sizeable army always was my storm angels which were my own blood angels successor as I had a full company and most of a first company and support and most every character. However I missed and not hugely a fan of primaries...


So questions... how is ba competitively? I'm not aiming for optimum but rather fluff driven. Do I really need the newer primaris marines? Iv been picking up the odd dark imperium mag so do have a few and do like a good conversion as well as the extra details that we use.but I don't want my old stuff totally ignored. Also it seems that it's less count as and more being the correct chapter? Play it as what it's painted? Ie will I have to play as successor rules and not get access to the blood angels special characters? Or rather I have to paint over my own insignia and make everything proper blood angels( not nessiarily against this and always wanted to expand on 5th company deamon banes...)

Now from memory as iv briefly been through my models recently I had the following. Will start with my old core and add roughly the extra I had on top...


Jump pack libby

Jump pack sang priest

Jump pack death Co and Chaplin

Foot dc

Vanguard vets squad

Sternguard squad

40 termys

2 assault squads

6 tactical squads

2 devastator squads

2 baal preds



4/magnetised dreads

Dante old mephy tycho corboulo lemme and the head Chaplin that I counted as my chapter master...

Various captains... one to rep each company. In different armaments.

And my own sanguinius conversion/sanguinor

Enough Chaplin to cover the full chapter...

Several libby's

A few attack bikes

A storm raven and another still on sprue

2 sanguard squads


Now is there much here salvageable?iv not gotten any codes nor bought rules yet but have read the free rule book to have a rough ideaof rules and a slight play with army builder but what's your thoughts?


Iv been playing around modelwise with ironwarriors and nailed that paint scheme pretty perfect but to be viable I need to buy a lot of deamon engines which may be wasted when they eventually get a dex meaning.

My other post of call will be my nids as I have a huge horde of the tiny stuff and I think I could get it going easiest but thought I'd ask first.

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It's all salvageable, so you're good there. If you aren't fussed about primaris yet then just use what you have and enjoy it. The old marine death company have more options than the new version anyway, vanguard and sternguard and termies are still competitive choices in the right list and character-wise, primaris still can't take any jump packs so our og marines still have that niche. A couple of min tac squads for troops, add in heavy weapon or special as required, and you can go ham on the rest of it.
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Sanguinary Guard, Death Company, and Vanguard Veterans with jump packs are arguably at the top of the list for competitive units.


Dante, Chaplains, Librarians, and Sanguinary Priests, all with jump packs, are also among our best options for HQ units.


Multi-Melta attack bikes are solid, point for point. And Whirlwinds are fantastic, mostly as a utility piece rather than actual shooting, with the Suppression Fire stratagem.


I'd say most competitive Blood Angel lists nowadays, if that's what you're after, have a very healthy portion of First Born Marines compared to Primaris. So you're actually in pretty good shape.


The Primaris units I believe are worth looking at would be the troops, which I believe are superior to Tactical Squads. Additionally, Bladeguard Veterans, Inceptors w/plasma, and Eradicators, are all worth considering but come down more to what type of list you're interested in running and how much shooting you want compared to melee.


Welcome back! If/when you have a few games, competitive or not, we'd love to hear what works for you.

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cheers for the replies. thats good to know so a bit to work on but not too much. know a lot of those were at stages of completion and may need finished but i had a core army i was very happy with but look forward to getting more done to higher standards(i probably enjoy the modeling and painting part more than play. ) attaching old pics of some of my minis for reference, will update when i do get round to decisions and digging stuff out

brother Eli of the storm angels

cheif libarian seither of the storm angels (counts as mepheston)

dreadnaught togiera mortis of the storm angels

storm angels master of chapter


storm angels full army

Edited by Brother nathan
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Welcome back!

To add on what already has been said, you are perfectly fine playing as a successor chapter of you choosing (you can then choose chapter traits almost at will). You will not be able to use BA special characters then though.
Alternatively you can play as Blood Angels (nobody should give a damn about colour-scheme and if they do - you know with whom not to play :P ) and use BA traits and special characters if you wish.


Competitively, BA are middle tier, but certainly not the worst. BA Successor traits on the other hand can be really good.

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after a brief look through the dex i have ordered one  and probably will play ba in a few months and play with painting the imperium models up to match my ba(when i get them past a certain point i loved painting em but it was a grind til then.) for now ill focus on my nids to relearn as i dont need to buy anything for them. plus iv ordered the blood of baal book which overlaps both. meanwhile ill have my chaos as a back burner getting some onto a certain quality so when chaos gets redone i can pick them up... its a plan i think... plus one of the other players is playing ba, wanna see if i can figure what he is doing and how it could be done better...(may have been a part of his early wargaming career and suspect style has not evolved yet...) will pop in to show off finished minis though

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Welcome back to Baal brother! :smile.:


Just so you are aware, the latest Blood Angel supplement supersedes Blood of Baal so the BA rules in there are obsolete. The Nid rules are still fine however and the fluff gives some extra detail on what happened after the Siege of Baal ended.

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Welcome back to Baal brother! :smile.:


Just so you are aware, the latest Blood Angel supplement supersedes Blood of Baal so the BA rules in there are obsolete. The Nid rules are still fine however and the fluff gives some extra detail on what happened after the Siege of Baal ended.

fair enough, cant figure out half of the dex stuff atm. we need the space marine codex on top of our own now too... grumbles. but anyway i loves my ba fluff and will likely pick up the codex's i missed even if just to sit beside my codex angels of death... just waiting on several eBay bids to finish and ship lol


and possibly nids is next... ive never had much faith in gws release schedule making sense. chaos are clamoring for theirs as are several other factions... some things never change. 

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