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Fighting New Orks


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How do aircraft fair against Orks? I know they are a bit pricey but the -1 to-Hit will halve the effectiveness of Ork shooting. All of our aircraft can pack a twin assault cannon meaning 12 S6 shots plus a variety of secondary weapons.


Crucially, they can't be attacked in melee by most ork units meaning no tarpitting and no Waagh bonuses against them. I know conventional wisdom is that aircraft took a nerfing in 9th but they do look like the paper to the Orky rock.

Poorly. Killrigz have auto hit assault lascannons that go to assault D3 if they cast a psychic power. Past that they have things like the Megatrack buggies which are shooting 3D3 flat 3 damage krak missiles per buggy. When your shooting 9D3 shots, Ork players dont really care if they're hitting on fives or sizes, weight of fire still carries them through.

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It seems like target saturation combined with alpha striking needs to the way to go then. It's like the old adage goes: one is none, two is some, and three is something!.


For what it's worth, If the buggies don't ignore the -1 to hit aircraft then 3d3 shots is only 1 hit on average (3 for a squadron of three), and assuming a 3+ to wound they'll only wound twice (remember, this is for a squadron of three) and then you get your save. I don't know what the AP is, but if you're left with a 5+ save you've got a 55% chance of passing at least one of them which means that out of 9d3 shots, 6+ to hit, 3+ to wound, -2AP leaving a 5+ save you will most likely take a grand total of 3 wounds... from 3 buggies shooting.


You say that Orks won't care about hitting on only sixes, but think about it this way: they are the army that is hurt the most by a -1 to hit, period. Marines get a 25% decrease in output, guard and most tau units get 33% decrease, but Orks get a whopping 50% decrease in offensive shooting output!


Fair point on the kill rig, but that's where alpha striking comes into play. Drop down something Killy that has the capacity to take it out in one round of shooting (or charging if possible), and try to make sure you can do it twice in one turn. Target priorities.

Edited by Paladin777
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A Wurrtower will do 3 wounds on average to any SM aircraft which is tolerable. The risk is that it is very swingy and could potentially down an aircraft in one shot.


I don't think there is any avoiding it. We just have to accept that we will take a couple of nasty hits so we have to focus on taking killrigs down as a priority.


Looking at the numbers, I am becoming more confident that aircraft have the potential to be a big part of the solution to the Ork problem. You can go from beyond weapons range to point-blank in one move, they carry the right weapons to worry Ork units, Ork shooting is 50% less effective against them than other units in our army and the vast majority of Ork units cannot charge them.


I think Assault Cannons and Typhoon Launchers are probably the optimum loadout. TLACs can mince infantry very effectively. Typhoons can frag infantry and krak is just enough to bypass Ramshackle.

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A Wurrtower will do 3 wounds on average to any SM aircraft which is tolerable. The risk is that it is very swingy and could potentially down an aircraft in one shot.


I don't think there is any avoiding it. We just have to accept that we will take a couple of nasty hits so we have to focus on taking killrigs down as a priority.


Looking at the numbers, I am becoming more confident that aircraft have the potential to be a big part of the solution to the Ork problem. You can go from beyond weapons range to point-blank in one move, they carry the right weapons to worry Ork units, Ork shooting is 50% less effective against them than other units in our army and the vast majority of Ork units cannot charge them.


I think Assault Cannons and Typhoon Launchers are probably the optimum loadout. TLACs can mince infantry very effectively. Typhoons can frag infantry and krak is just enough to bypass Ramshackle.

I think this has promise. The only potential problem is… stormtalon with typhoon and twin ac costs the same as a killrig!!!??!! (To within 5 points)


That’sa huge difference in damage output and board control

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I think this has promise. The only potential problem is… stormtalon with typhoon and twin ac costs the same as a killrig!!!??!! (To within 5 points)

This is true but I think it is a reflection of the fact the Killrig is significantly under-costed. It should be closer in points to a Repulsor than a Stormtalon.


But we have to face the units as they are written, at least until the points costs get FAQed.

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A combo I just noticed would be quite potent vs the high wound ork models (beast boss/vehicles) would be a biker chaplain with the catechism of fire accompanying 3 MM attack bikes. +1 to wound with multi melta's that don't have a penalty to shoot from moving would be murder (not to mention that now you're wounding boys on a 4+ instead of a 5+ with the TL bolters. It's not huge but any bonus is welcome). Then you also have the benefit of having a smash chaplain nearby for counter assaults if needed.


I was just looking at the chaplain rules again myself and think I'm gonna get me one today!

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A combo I just noticed would be quite potent vs the high wound ork models (beast boss/vehicles) would be a biker chaplain with the catechism of fire accompanying 3 MM attack bikes. +1 to wound with multi melta's that don't have a penalty to shoot from moving would be murder (not to mention that now you're wounding boys on a 4+ instead of a 5+ with the TL bolters. It's not huge but any bonus is welcome).


The only problem with catechism of fire is that is only affects shooting vs the nearest enemy unit. This means units can't split fire and benefit from it against both targets. It also makes the Litany a bit situational as a bit of screening can mess up your targeting priority. It is a good power but a bit prone to the enemy messing with it.


Recitation of Focus is almost as good and a lot more reliable.

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