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Primaris Crusader Squads


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I played a 1000pts game which for me was basically one 20man squad of crusaders, helbrecht, bike chaplain, apothecary and some company vets to bodyguard.


I had 8 chainsword neophytes, 4 powerfists, 5 autobolters, 2 chainsword initiates and feastchamp swordbro with sword of judgement.


My thinking was: neophytes are as good as initiates with chainswords. Taking 5 bolters on Initiates would give me some ranged options while advancing towards the enemy and these would be the first 5 to die (except high-ap hits, I'd sacrifice a neophyte for those). By the time I'd get to close combat, they'd probably be dead and I'm left with powerfists and chainswords, but that's more than enough. I think even 7 bolters would be fine.

Honestly I am thinking the opposite, with bolt carbines on the neophytes. Then again I plan on using all the bolt rifles to make an intercessior squad to hang in the back and take pot shots at targets


Autobolters are better than carbines (although +1p/model) and I can fine-tune their amount, instead of taking either all 8 carbines or none, while S4 chainswords are S4 chainswords. It's not a huge difference though, the main idea is to have a couple shooties that die first and the rest goes melee.


Yeah while the Chainswords are more efficient on the Neos as they're effectively as good as Initiates, you're probably going to pull your Neos as casualties before the Initiates so will enough of the Neos actually see combat in order to benefit from their assault efficiency? Or are they better taken all ranged except for Power Fists to become multi-threat.

Why would I pull Neos first? I will pull them before powerfists or Swordbro, but I have no problem taking the first saves on the 7 basic initiates first. Unless saving D2+ AP4+, of course.

The Neos fight just as good in melee and while the Swordbro lives they all have Ld 8.

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Yeah, I don't really see the AP ignore doing much on a single basic power armor model. It's not exactly hard to remove it - a drop in the sea considering the overall unit size. The opponent could even just shoot at you with a -3 AP weapon like plasma or whatever first, and then you can't assign attacks to the relic model that phase if you assign it to someone else :P

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Yeah, I don't really see the AP ignore doing much on a single basic power armor model. It's not exactly hard to remove it - a drop in the sea considering the overall unit size. The opponent could even just shoot at you with a -3 AP weapon like plasma or whatever first, and then you can't assign attacks to the relic model that phase if you assign it to someone else :tongue.:

there was a miniwargaming batrep of templars versus chaos knights that had a TH/SS champion of the feast tank 2000pts worth of shooting. Rest of the batrep was pretty... tactically inedpt, but that one moment was badass AND hilarious!

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Skari can’t ever seem to win with his Templars… :biggrin.:

not with the way he plays! bloody hell! he charged a chaplain with a regular crozius into a knight his termies were fighting, and the chaplain immediately got smashed! he should have just had the chaplain, the command squad and the apothecary hang out for a few moments so the termies could get full re-rolls against the knight!

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I had a squad of 20, 4 power fists, ABR and Carbines on the neophytes.

With the help of an apothecary, survived getting shot then charged by a questoris knight with battle cannon + chainsword. Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds, until they finally destroyed the knight with 5 crusaders remaining.

What's the loadout you had on the Sword Brother? Power Sword? Axe?


So the wording makes it seem like... Sword Brother, 4 Power Fist+Bolt Pistol, 8 Carbine Neophyes, 7 ABR Initiates?

Edited by Gederas
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