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The Crusade of the Righteous - Commander "Dante"!

Sir Clausel

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Your style is delightfully grimdark and the detail is so impressive - I particularly like the subtle use of cross-hatching to bring the fabrics to life.

I must confess I'm really glad to see your Marshal as I ended up with a couple of spares of this model due to some transit damage; I had been imagining a similar look for one of them and you have proved it looks awesome! B)

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Thanks a lot for all the compliments! Means a lot!

Love that you notice alot of the small things I do. Just means it all adds up in the end.

The texture effect is both to add the cloth texture but also to highlight it without getting too bright. So I use it to kinda quick blend it to the brightest point.


Anyway I have painted a trio of Squad leaders.



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I just finished the last of the infantry i have for now. Now all thats left is a leviathan and some HQs.




And a groupshot! Feels good to have painted a full box worth of minis. The tanks and HQs are in another box.




Btw this is NOT the promised groupshot

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So a little update. Have just finished a Gravis Captain. I still have a little bit left to paint but that boarding action seems so much fun. So I have started building the terrain myself. I just think the kit is too expensive and I like making stuff myself.


Anyway here is the Gravis Captain








And here is the rough cuts I have done so far. I have a friend joining me on friday to cut it all out to shape.


I have put it all in lines to know how much to cut of each shape. The walls in the top which is 16 long and 16 short. The C shape is so I can attached the "pillar" to them.

The pillars is made of 2 H and 1 + shapes. If anyone is intrested I can go a little bit more in depth.


After everythings cut I will add some hatches to it and then use a lot of unused vehicle and building bits from mine and my friends bitsbox to add some life to the bland walls. Very excited to see where this goes.
Oh I also have a plan for the board. Some spraypaint and some homemade stencils.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Chunky Chaplain Boi is done. 

What an awesome miniature. So lovly to paint and so nostalgic. 




If you where intrested in the boarding action terrain its now fully buildt. I hope to give it some paint this weekend. 

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I have worked a bit on the boarding action terrain. All the walls are now silver with subtle black shadows. Those needs alot of small spot colors here and there and a all over brown wash. Then all the lamps will get some airbrush love for the glow. 




The board itself is all done! Im really happy with it! 



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Excellent updates, all around. The miniatures are, as always, top-notch. The scratch-built terrain is also great. Regardless of GW's quite ludicrous pricing, I think that more hobbyists should try scratch building since, alongside conversions, it used to be such an important aspect of the entire modelling side of 40k. Sure, it's time-consuming (especilly if you factor in the advancements of 3d printing) and far from time-efficient but the sense of pride is well worth it. What is the boar made of? Is it laser-cut MDF or HFD board?

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Thanks for the compliment! 

You are totally right about the change of the hobby for many. A joy about the hobby for me is scratchbuilding and converting. I love that my army is unique(not all of the units but what i think are key units is at least slightly converted) and i love seeing others use their creative mind to convert theirs. Either a theme going on in the army or just sutble changes that makes it unique. 

Alot of what GW has done lately has killed some creativity for a lot of people with the easier to build but limited poses and "only whats in the box is available". 

Anyway the board is just a 3mm MDF sheet that i painted with copper color and drawed on all the lines and then used my 2 homemade stencil for all the details. Took alot of time to do but im really loving the result despite one of the zones are turned the wrong way :p (lets just say that that makes my board unique) 

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It is 1cm thick foamcore. And it was very cheap. The GW stuff costs around 175 euro and I bought the foamcore sheet for 20 and the mdf board for like 13,5. The rest is just leftover bits i thought looked the part i glued on. Paint and glue is not calculated as you would need that anyway. So this is waaaaay cheaper!

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On 2/13/2023 at 10:39 AM, Sir Clausel said:

Alot of what GW has done lately has killed some creativity for a lot of people with the easier to build but limited poses and "only whats in the box is available". 


I don't have much experience with new kits but from the sprues I've inspected, the way models are split and laid out on sprues is quite terrible and not conversion-friendly. Sure, you get 'cool poses' and what now but it takes a lot of effort to change those poses when an Initiate is split so that one bit is a piece of the shin guard, a knee pad, a tabard and the back part of the torso, while the remaining parts are split into 2-3 more pieces. Back in the day model might've been 'monopose' but at least you got a more reasonable way of splitting them (legs - torso - arms).


On top of that, GW now seems to be focused on marketing and selling products and does very little in terms of promoting DIY activities within their line.


I suppose it's a trade off - you get cooler models but at the expense of ease of conversions and 'character.' And I acknowledge that many of today's designs are way more characterful than the classic models but at the same time, armies on the whole are more vanilla. Oh, and you get quite awesome pieces of terrain but the pricing on those is ludicrous.


On 2/13/2023 at 10:39 AM, Sir Clausel said:

A joy about the hobby for me is scratchbuilding and converting. I love that my army is unique(not all of the units but what i think are key units is at least slightly converted)


And it shows! Your Primaris Templars are really one of a kind and I think that your army should be the golden standard for a modern BT collection: to my amateur (or old school) eye, similarly to Prot's Templars, your paint scheme and paints or techniques used to achieve it seems modern, not achievable or unseen back in the day when I started painting those ~15 years ago. To be honest, I think I'm a bit jealous, too. I'd kinda like to try out something new but don't want to affect the integrity of my army as a whole (as far as the overall painting style/aesthetic goes, that is).


Also, I don't mean to belittle other Marshals here, in this subforum. I think that all of your crusades are great (a special shutout to  SWORD BROTHER RYAN, Marshal Reinhard, Urkh and mytimeprez) but I subjectively find them a bit more on the 'classic' side of the BT aesthetic.


On 2/13/2023 at 10:39 AM, Sir Clausel said:

Anyway the board is just a 3mm MDF sheet that i painted with copper color and drawed on all the lines and then used my 2 homemade stencil for all the details. Took alot of time to do but im really loving the result despite one of the zones are turned the wrong way :p (lets just say that that makes my board unique) 


Oh, that's something I wouldn't have thought about. Quite ingenious. I can only imagine how much time it took but the result is great.

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9 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:

And it shows! Your Primaris Templars are really one of a kind and I think that your army should be the golden standard for a modern BT collection: to my amateur (or old school) eye, similarly to Prot's Templars, your paint scheme and paints or techniques used to achieve it seems modern, not achievable or unseen back in the day when I started painting those ~15 years ago. To be honest, I think I'm a bit jealous, too. I'd kinda like to try out something new but don't want to affect the integrity of my army as a whole (as far as the overall painting style/aesthetic goes, that is).


Also, I don't mean to belittle other Marshals here, in this subforum. I think that all of your crusades are great (a special shutout to  SWORD BROTHER RYAN, Marshal Reinhard, Urkh and mytimeprez) but I subjectively find them a bit more on the 'classic' side of the BT aesthetic.

Thanks a million for the kind words :) means alot to me.

I have painted for some 20 years and my previous style was very much like yours. Clean and alot of edge highlights. Since it takes forever I have adapted the modern and quicker method. It also makes it more realistic so its a win for me. 

When i really wanted to change the style i had to start a new army. Couldnt bring myself to repaint old stuff. Plus the new stuff is very awesome :)

There are a lot of cool painters on this forum(you included) that all inspire me to do more! One of the reasons i love this place :)

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