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The Crusade of the Righteous - Commander "Dante"!

Sir Clausel

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2 hours ago, Sea Creature said:

I used some assault terminators this past weekend with hammers… they were quite deadly with a Sigismund’s Seal Captain.

Im playing a game vs Custudes in 2 weeks(my first game vs them) and i think my army needs uphold or suffer vow more. But more hits on the hammers is really really scary!

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Tried some liquid pigments on the base to add some variety to the bases. Im not totally sure if i like it or not. Maybe its too splotchy? I add 3 different colours but i dont feel like you really see them except for one of them.

But i also added som matte varnish to both the base and the lower part of the legs. Simply to kill some of the shine from the varnish(munitorium varnish is what i use). That i liked. Will probably also do this on all the cloth on the army. Will try it on the my new terminator chaplain. 

Anyway here is the ballistus dreadnought


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Overall, I'm impressed as always. Great looking terminators. The only slight reservation is that I'm not entirely sure about the helmet of the repurposed witch but that's always been an issue with power armour helmets fitted into TDA. Keep up the great work! As always, I'm stunned by the mix of quality of your paint jobs and pace of progress. Also, as always, you paint scheme looks like a blast to paint.

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7 hours ago, Gederas said:

That is a GREAT Chaplain. How difficult was it to fill in all the inlays?

Wasnt really difficult at all. Milliput os very good for that kind of stuff because its wster soluble. Didnt actually fill all of it. Mainly just on the legs. Not the easiest thing to see so might throw up a pic of the shoulder. I painted the recesses of the inlays gold and it works quite well!

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So thats the last of the terminators from the leviathan box. How awesome the new sculpts is! Next up is to up both my aggressor and bladeguard squads to 6 man and then ill look into some sternguard i think :)

Anyway here is the captain. I think he turned out pretty good.



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4 hours ago, Sir Clausel said:

So thats the ast of the terminators from the leviathan box. How awesome the new sculpts is! Next up is to up both my aggressor and bladeguard squads to 6 man and then ill look into some sternguard i think :)

Anyway here is the captain. I think he turned out pretty good.



Love what you did with the Captain there. May I ask where the helmet comes from? 

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A little bits and bobs done. The last member of the bladeguard squad and also the aggressors. Made from an infernus and the biologis respectively. Also made a castellan with another infernus marine. I have decided that how i will show ranks is all sergeants and members of the swordbrethren squad get some candles on the top of the backpacks. Castellans get a tabard on the backside(cant see it in the picture) and some more bling on the top of the backpack and then Marshals gets a cape. 

Aaaaaalso i upgraded my leviathan dreadnought to a brutalis. Since i got a 3d printer as a gift from my lovely gf i printed a bigger base for him so he is actually legal :p

Anyways here is some pictures





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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got an idea for a judiciar i could execute with my bitz and now as i have a 3D printer i can  have any bit i need. Though with an filament printer i know it cant do everything and i have to think about the layer lines

But i love converting so no worries for me.

I have printed a hammer for my terminator captain as i felt ike he needed some more punch :p the layer lines are worse in the pictures than real life. But thats how its always is.

Anyway he is some pictures. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the motivation out of nowhere to do Grimaldus' retinue i just had to do it. Which is weird cause i wanted to paint the judiciar to and i need him for a game soon, but what are you gonna do :p

Anyway here is some pictures!





I swear i couldnt get the light on this right. Its way brighter irl.



And ofcourse the whole squad!


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19 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

mad jelly of that nmm on the banner

Gotta say it was probably my easiest nmm i have ever done. From the start i had given the whole mini the black undercoat with grey zenithal followed by white. But i really dont think it was that important as a start.

I washed that with archanic sepia wash(gw gryphon sepia). Highlighted with white. Washed again. Repeat until happy :) lastly i just dapped some battlemud wash(agrax) in the places i wanted darker.

Really easy. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my repulsor/executioner done! I bought a standard repulsor and 3D printet a special turret with a laser destroyer and macro plasma gun. Added some details and some magnets here and there. So now i can use it as both a repulsor or the executioner variant.

Pretty happy with it!

Just ordered some inceptors and some eradicators. Hopefully the new marine stuff comes soon so i can assemble it all and paint it in one go like i did with all the first stuff.





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