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The Crusade of the Righteous - More Terminators !

Sir Clausel

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Hi everybody and welcome to my crusade!

As a long time fan of the Black Templars I knew i had little chance to resist the new release and oh damn are the minis cool as hell! The rules are fine. Could be better but I will manage. Never played competively but still like to get a somewhat decent list.

Also I like converting and kitbashing so expect the most of them being a little converted.

I dont like the chain your weapon to yourself thing so most of the chains will be removed but the schackles will stay for the most part.

Anyway I should start off with some of the models from the new box + some intercessors I kitbashed with the Indomitus assault intercessors and bits form the new box. All the heads will be from the box put i will put some putty in the grills to make them smooth. Thats why most of them are headless atm.



And for the Neophytes i really dont like them having no helmet so I put on some firstborn helmets on them and trim the sides juuuuust a bit and I think they fit just fine!


and now for the HQs. I got some bits from shapeways to bling up some of them


And the Emperors Champion need some adjustment. I didnt like the sword facing that way and after my friend told me the tabard looked like a daiper i couldnt unsee it so i knew i had to do something about it. The picture reaaaaally makes it look rough as hell but as soon as i get some paint on it im sure it will look nicer.


Anyway thats all for now. The painting will not start right away as I want to wait for my Duncan Rhodes paints show up.

For the paint scheme Im thinking of doing my own little scheme. Black armor with red tabards and shouldpads and gold trim. The crosses will be white.

I think I will just my airbrush for some zenithal highlights and try out drybrushing as that seems nowadays to be able to produce some good results fast. I got some time to test out which method I will end up using so might post some of the tests.

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I didn't think I was going to be a fan of Neos with helmets but I really think you've made it work!

I instantly thought of firstborn heads as soon as i saw them. I have never like bare heads apart from a few :p but glad you like them.

Two things.


it's spelled "Righteous"

also, did you glue the EC's laurel wreath closer down to his helmet? I like it better.

Thank you for the spelling correction! Yes the laurel is now on his head instead of floating over it. It is a liiiittle to big for the head when its not floating so had to trim it i a bit in the back.

Yoo, where did you get the Marshall's helmet from? It looks extremely hype!

Edit: I'm dum, the source is literally in the text. Checking them out!

If you havent found them as there is alooooot then here


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I actually only sculpted the tabard on the Emperors champion and it was really just putting the green stuff in the model and then just trying to put some natural looking folds in it and make it smooth. For smoothing it out i used those "rubber brushes". They are really good for that as they dont apply much pressure.


But for the intercessors I made a mould of the Neophytes lioncloths as they were seperate from the legs so it was easier. Then i glued them to the minis and used a little bit more green stuff to fill the small gaps that might be there. Since the green stuff is still bendable after drying I also bended them a little to fit the moving motion on the mini and glued them to the leg to hold the motion.

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Terminators inboooound! I have for the first time in forever actually used my rolling pin. But hey it did its job so im satisfied.

Anyway heres some pictures for ya!


As i glued on the first shield i realised they take up so much space so the rest of the shields will be glued on after painting is done.


We may not be the best assault army but I will be damned if i didnt bring some :P

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I appreciate your effort on the tabards. Their top halves (the portion resting over the Terminators' breastplates) look crude, but that's something to be fixed with practice (and patience towards those offering constructive criticism).

Constructive criticism is always welcome. Otherwise how will i learn? Anyway I somewhat agree and i will need to touch up some of it with some sanding and additional green stuff but pictures are always so unforgiving :p they always makes it seem worse than it is. Edited by Sir Clausel
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well I just got most of the stuff I want for now. Got 2 Gladiators Im gonna magnetize so I got all the possibilities, another Crusader squad, Helbrect and Grimaldus. Only missing an Apothecary then I can make some different lists.

To show of some of the stuff I have put together so far:





Bladeguards(Had to undercoat them so you could see the heads a little better)


I really love the new kits. So much detail and extra bits for stuff later down the line.

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Knew CAB would make a great chaplain.


That's a very zealous gathering. FW shields on the bro's and 3rd party helms?


Still waiting on my 8 something boxes order coming in...

Yeah as soon as I saw him i thought: Theres my Chaplain!

So I guess he is now CCB(Chunky Chapy Boy)

Yup old Forge world shields and the helmets and swords are from shapeways. I really love the helmets! Cant remember what they are called. Justed searched Black templars.


And dont worry Reinhard. Your patience will be rewarded!

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Those greathelms are fantastic, thank you so much for the link. I've been looking for nice looking and properly scaled heads like these for a while.

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wow those claymores are big! I almost bought them for my firstborn. Awesome job!


Yeah they are too big for firstborns no doubt BUT! the blades are slimmer than the normal powerswords. So i wouldnt mix and match with other swords.


Hah, on my phone earlier I couldn't tell he was using the ancient terran (c:a M2 origin) gesture of derision for one's foe.

Is that a really smart way of saying "giving someone the finger"?

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I'm not well versed in ancient terran vernaculars. It does seem apt however :wink:


EDIT: Ok, this is skirting close to role play, so I'll stop there. Suffice to say I approve the Sword brother showing his disdain for traitors, heretics, mutants, xenos and most of all witches.

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So i "finished" building both Grimaldus and Helbrecht. Both converted a little.

With Grimaldus i switched out the plasma pistol for a "relic" as i think it looked a lil bit cooler. Tilted the mace a bit and turned around so he is not making the "see my pretty weapon" pose. I didnt like the broken sword on the backpack so i switched it with something else.


With Helbrecht i gave him the 2 handed pose by using the arms from the Sword Brethren kit. I had to trim the cloak a bit and might use some green stuff to smooth it out. I dont like the thrall helpers so i dont want to use them but im not sure what to do with the gun and also that base is huge!

Im thinking of switching it for a 50mm so its still larger than usual but not this mega thing. What do you guys think? I know i wont be able to play with him in tournaments so I dont think it will be a big problem because Im not really a tournament player :P


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