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The Crusade of the Righteous - More Terminators !

Sir Clausel

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I wasnt gonna post a picture of it yet as i wanted to save it for when its all put together but dammit i wanna show it.

The hazard stripes on top is to help see where the doors are. Saw someone did it before and thought it was a great idea! Its fully painted and only needs some varnish. Pretty happy about it!



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I got two marshalls and a little leviathan dread(which i might convert to a brutalis later) done! Quite pleased with them all.

Now all im having left build and ready is just the emperors champion! And then its time for the group shot! 

I have some Sword brethren to be build and i got som bits and such for aggressors coming so i miiiight stall the group shot for them to. Maybe :p

Either way here are the pictures!





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Excellent updates all around. The Marshals and Dread are amazing (I'd really love to see the two-handed stance from a different angle) and DIY board with your paintjob is top-notch. Great execution of a project that is very old-school in nature! I hope that you'll have many a great game using these terrain pieces.

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Got the champion done! Thats was the last of the minis i had prepared for the new paints. But i have 4 swordbrethren and an intercessor sgt and 5 aggressors being build at the moment. When they are done i will so the promised group shot!

Anyway the champion is done nd im very satisfied with him. Especially the sword! He got some lighter battledamage as i assume they take very very good care of that armor and he pretty much only fights the enemy leaders so he hasnt fought a lot in "this battle"





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  • 2 weeks later...

What's written on the parchment placed between the Champion's armor plates? Oaths of moment? Prayers to the God-Emperor? Names of fallen battle-brothers and/or Imperial martyrs, whom he'll avenge in the coming battle?


Excelsior Ira- "Higher Anger"- is such a 4chan name for a sword. I hope the Champion doesn't disappoint the Angry Marines who named it.

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Hahaha higher anger! That is so Black templars! I love it :) thanks for the laugh there. I love that they simply just called it that.


On 3/2/2023 at 10:45 AM, Brother Christopher said:

I'd really love to see the two-handed stance from a different angle

Just realised i totally forgot to show the different angles of that so here are the delayed pictures sorry :)




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So I finally got them done!

Tried taking a picture of each of them and just crop them together to get a more clear picture of all of them but still get the feeling of a full squad. I think it went alright.

Here is the 5 sword brethren. 1 of them is gonna be an Intercessor squad leader.




And my converted Flameggressors

Used Heavy intercessors as i just dont like the Aggressor kit. Too tall hoods and same pose for all of them. This way I got a bit more variety.

The fists and heads are from Archies forge and the flamerbits are the handflamers from the Swordbrethren and Crusader squad boxes. Had JUST enough luckily.

Used some old firstborn flamer canisters for the backpack and some guitar string as cables. Quite pleased with how they look.






Now Ill probably wait for 10th untill Ill add to the army. Might do some glow stuff on all the lanterns and lights with the airbrush for the entire army before Ill do a group shot :D


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  • 1 month later...

Leviathan has launched nd i haaaad to spend some time with the box today! I have a few days before i have to pack the hobby stuff down so i plan to use them on this box! 

I have assembled the termies and converted them with some grey knight terminator arms so i can give them hammers and shield. There is obviously missing some sculpting work also. 

The arms are pretty much the same size as the old ones. The old ones a such a tiny tiny bit smaller that i dont think anyone will actually notice(especially since in this case will be hidden behind a shield except one arm)



As a little bonus my cousin's new puppy is sleeping in the background :)

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