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The Crusade of the Righteous - More Terminators !

Sir Clausel

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Posted (edited)

I painted a filthy deamon! Luckily its a dead one as i tried to put the "brutal" in brutalis !







This was "it" for now. I think at some point i will add another aggressor squad and maybe another inceptor squad. Mostly to have other weapon options. If there comes some new Vanguard Veterans i will definitely get those! 

If you have any suggestions to what else i could add im all ears. Except if its phobos units :p not a big fan of that armor :p

Edited by Sir Clausel
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Time for more aggressors ! This time with less flame but more boltrounds :p

Really dont like the way the guns were put on the powerfists in such a weird angle. But clipping them off and reattach them as underslung was acutally pretty easy. Just a bit of milliput and they where done. Never was a big fan og the large ammo belts but i think they work without them anyway.






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9 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Brother your industrial pace puts my own painfully slow advancements to shame.

I have always been a fast painter. This army may not be the prettiest i have done. Im using all the tricks and hacks i have to speed it up. Like airbrush, drybrush, sponging and washes to do most of the work. And most importantly i paint in batches. Do all the washes in one sitting so they can dry completely before i move on during the next painting session. I had planed it out from the start so i could keep them all looking alike. 

That being said im still happy with how it looks. Especially considering the time i spend on them.

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23 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

Good effort, as always. I like the old Jump Packs on Primaris bodies.

Thanks. I had them lying around from a previous project that never became anything. I think they add to the "veterany" look :)

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Helbrect 2.0! Wanted a legal version of him. So had to think about how to deal with the base. Since i have gotten a few dead bodies of my gaming groups armies it was decided. So the bodies are painted in their scheme. Also tried some damascus effect on the blade. Quite happy with him overall!







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19 minutes ago, SWORD BROTHER RYAN said:

That is one diverse warzone the High Marshal is in! So many purging options,,,

He is where he want to be!

But i actually wanted to add more bodies to the base. But it would be too crowded :P

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