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Mechanized infantry Black Templars


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Impulsors and Templars do seem like a match made in heaven.


They bring SPEED and firepower to units that want to drive up and then hold objectives. Including the likes of Sword Brethren, Bladeguard etc


There's even room for minimal squads and a supporting character.


You can probably play a pretty effective MSU in transports build with them, given the resilience the Vow and chapter tactics give them. Not to mention you can play aggressively, charging them into the opponent to block shooting.


Plus, if you keep them close enough to your troops they can enforce the -2" charge distance with the stratagem in a lot of cases.


They pay points for being a generalist unit, but that's not always a bad thing.



Primaris Marshal (95) - Sword of Judgement & Plasma Pistol, Heir of Sigismund: Master of Arms & Paragon of Fury

Primaris Castellan (75) - Teeth of Terra, Hero of the Chapter: Imperium's Sword


5 Incursors (105)


5 Sword Brethren (137) - 1x Twin Lightning Claws, 1x Thunder Hammer, 3x Power Swords

5 Sword Brethren (137) - 1x Twin Lightning Claws, 1x Thunder Hammer, 3x Power Swords


10 Hellblasters (330) - Assault Plasma


Impulsor (150) - Multi-Melta, Bellicatus Missile Array, 2x Storm Bolters

Impulsor (150) - Multi-Melta, Bellicatus Missile Array, 2x Storm Bolters

Impulsor (150) - Multi-Melta, Bellicatus Missile Array, 2x Storm Bolters

Impulsor (150) - Multi-Melta, Bellicatus Missile Array, 2x Storm Bolters


1479pts, 9CP



Hellies combat squad, then you've got four Impulsors to fill with 2x SB squads and 2x Hellie squads, and the two characters.

Hell yeah!


It can definitely work, target saturation of mid-level armour is definitely a winning tactic.


Sack off the incursors though, they're lame :wink:



Which Troops choice then? :laugh.: Could take a Vanguard detachment but then paying 3CP and needing to find a 100pt Elite unit which can transport itself... I think the Incursors might be needed!


Maybe just some intercessors with Assault bolters? just to lay down some covering fire as they move, though it would ruin the theme of "everyone in rhinos!"


I just had a thought. When disembarking from a vehicle, could a squad move 12 " with the devout push strat? 6" normal + 3" for disembarking +3" for the strat?

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turns out, that movement is only in the fight phase. I set up a whole strategy only to find that out before I committed! it would have been great if it was in the movement, as it would allow us to get into combat even faster.

Probably going to pull the trigger on a 2k game on TTS this weekend with one of my mechanized lists. Gotta see how bad the LRC is for myself, lol. if it is that bad, probably going to switch out for a rhino or jump packs for my VVets, though I still have no clue if I should bother to put an apothecary with them. considering how they can't follow as fast as the VVets

Thinking about this list

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars) [98 PL, 6CP, 2,003pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Chapter Selection: Black Templars

Detachment Command Cost

Gametype: Matched

+ Stratagems +

Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of Extra Relics

+ HQ +

Captain [5 PL, -1CP, 100pts]: Master of Arms, Power sword, Storm shield, Stratagem: Heir of Sigismund, Sword of Judgement, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, -1CP, 140pts]: 1. Litany of Divine Protection, 2. Psalm of the Remorseless Persecution, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Tannhauser's Bones, Wise Orator

+ Troops +

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist

+ Elites +

Apothecary [5 PL, -1CP, 110pts]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, The Crusader's Helm

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 180pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Vanguard Veteran Squad [13 PL, -1CP, 303pts]: Fist of Balthus
. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Champion of the Feast, Power fist, Storm shield

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Multi-melta
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Multi-melta
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter

+ Heavy Support +

Land Raider Crusader [15 PL, 290pts]: Multi-melta

+ Dedicated Transport +

Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter

Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter

++ Total: [98 PL, 6CP, 2,003pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe

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So may as well share another fun list. Not intended for competitive in the slightest, but I still wanna share because it looks fun and I think I have enough vindicators to do it, and it tests out an idea I had for another one of my hair brained “elite hammer” squads I been building lists around.


++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars) [103 PL, 2,000pts, 5CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Chapter Selection: Black Templars

Detachment Command Cost

Gametype: Matched

+ Stratagems +

Revered Repositories [-1CP]

Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of Extra Relics

+ HQ +

Primaris Captain [5 PL, 100pts, -1CP]: Master of Arms, Perdition's Edge, Stratagem: Heir of Sigismund, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord
. Auto-flamer and Master-crafted power axe: Auto-flamer, Master-crafted power axe

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts, -1CP]: 1. Litany of Divine Protection, 2. Psalm of the Remorseless Persecution, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Tannhauser's Bones, Wise Orator

+ Troops +

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist
. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist

+ Elites +

Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 135pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [11 PL, 155pts, -1CP]: Icon of Heinmann
. 3x Bladeguard Veteran: 3x Frag & Krak grenades, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 3x Master-crafted power sword, 3x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant: Champion of the Feast, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Sword of Judgement

Primaris Apothecary [5 PL, 115pts, -1CP]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, The Crusader's Helm

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Multi-melta
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Multi-melta
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter

+ Heavy Support +

Vindicator [7 PL, 140pts]: Vindicator siege shield

Vindicator [7 PL, 140pts]: Vindicator siege shield

Vindicator [7 PL, 140pts]: Vindicator siege shield

+ Dedicated Transport +

Impulsor [7 PL, 135pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Multi-melta

Razorback [6 PL, 110pts]: Twin heavy bolter

Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]

++ Total: [103 PL, 5CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe


overall though, I am actually close to my intended 1000 points army I’ve been wanting to play, and would just need another… 15 bolt pistols and Chainsword s to convert most of my dudes to crusader squads with double power fists

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, mentioned it in the 9th Ed thread but I need to ask here for a better focus…


If I want to have an apothecary follow my big vanguard squad into combat, how do I really ensure that he can keep up and not get totally left out in the open? Same thing for a captain. Do I keep them towards the front and charge them in first? Do I just run my apothecary ahead of the team and pray the others get into close combat?  I mean I could take front line commander, but I like having my captain be properly Killy with his stacking warlord traits

also, slowly learning that if I have every squad in a rhino to move forward, I probably will miss out on a backfield objective. Having an  intercessor squad on the back objective would help, or I could have one squad get out and stand on it, but it almost ruins the feel of the theme I am building of a blitz of tank infantry.


what the heck should I do?

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He can’t really keep up unless you’re willing to reduce the rate of movement of the vets. That’s why he works better with a brick of BGV or terminators.

True, though I am more worried about a land raider or drop pod delivery than a jump pack one here, especially off a charge

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I can’t remember the last time I saw a landraider. :smile.:

that's why I wanna play casually lol. kinda the whole point of this thread is to learn tactics to play a better game without going all the way into minimum-barebones tournament style armies. I am going to suffer for it for sure but dang it I wanna run a land raider.

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I've run an LRC or two in friendly games in the past (8th ed), and they get shot off the board pretty quickly. The good thing was they did survive long enough to get the embarked units into better field position and the units luckily didn't suffer too much as a result of the destruction of them. The other good thing was that while they were being shot at, the rest of my army was able to get a decent position on the board also. It created a "distraction carnifex" for a turn and a half. I eventually lost that particular game, but made a good showing in the meantime.


Just don't expect to have this particular model on the board for long in game. If you want to up it's survivability, take a techmarine with it to give it back a few wounds here and there.

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I've run an LRC or two in friendly games in the past (8th ed), and they get shot off the board pretty quickly. The good thing was they did survive long enough to get the embarked units into better field position and the units luckily didn't suffer too much as a result of the destruction of them. The other good thing was that while they were being shot at, the rest of my army was able to get a decent position on the board also. It created a "distraction carnifex" for a turn and a half. I eventually lost that particular game, but made a good showing in the meantime.


Just don't expect to have this particular model on the board for long in game. If you want to up it's survivability, take a techmarine with it to give it back a few wounds here and there.

that is what I figured, yea. I am hoping with black templars that the extra invuln save will let them last even longer, especially if I use smoke screen. It is there to absorb fire and to deliver 10 VVets / 5 terminators and heroes. It worked in small scale games with my rhinos already (for the most part) and would give an ablaitive buffer against wounds while also giving some anti-infantry fire. I don't expect it to survive past turn 2, but It allows my hammer units to be on the board turn 1 and react to situations.


would it be nice if it got the -1 damage? yea.



Also... I am slowly starting to think it would be worth it to give my commander a relic blade or thunder hammer, storm shield and adamantine mantle instead of the sword of judgement. 

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I can’t remember the last time I saw a landraider. :smile.:

that's why I wanna play casually lol. kinda the whole point of this thread is to learn tactics to play a better game without going all the way into minimum-barebones tournament style armies. I am going to suffer for it for sure but dang it I wanna run a land raider.

The principles at play in keeping armor alive:


Survivability - toughness and armor, including invuln save and wounds. Black Templar benefit here from having the 5++ vow. You can also use grimaldus' 6+++ I believe.


Saturation - the enemy will have anti-tank weapons of some sort. If you have more targets than they have weapons, they can not effectively destroy your armor. This is what is at play when everyone chooses the cheapest transport. Marines generally struggle with this, because our transports aren't cheap. This is also why de raider spam is so difficult.


Offense - you can either have weapons on your tanks, or guys with weapons in your tanks. Either way, your vehicles are delivering a payload. That payload needs to be decisive enough that you will gain a strategic advantage once it's delivered. IE getting your guys in to assault or shooting your tanks needs to do enough damage to win you the mid board. Otherwise, you'll get overwhelmed.


So, making the magic happen:


Have as many transports as you need, with sufficient durability, to deliver the payload to achieve decisive advantage.


If you're really trying to make a land raider work, I'd have 1 supported by multiple cheap transports. Carry something big enough to justify it (assault terminators or centurions), and keep enough infantry that you won't lose from someone killing the raider.


Tarantula turrets can screen out your back field and hold the home objective while you're main guys assault.

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I can’t remember the last time I saw a landraider. :smile.:

that's why I wanna play casually lol. kinda the whole point of this thread is to learn tactics to play a better game without going all the way into minimum-barebones tournament style armies. I am going to suffer for it for sure but dang it I wanna run a land raider.

The principles at play in keeping armor alive:


Survivability - toughness and armor, including invuln save and wounds. Black Templar benefit here from having the 5++ vow. You can also use grimaldus' 6+++ I believe.


Saturation - the enemy will have anti-tank weapons of some sort. If you have more targets than they have weapons, they can not effectively destroy your armor. This is what is at play when everyone chooses the cheapest transport. Marines generally struggle with this, because our transports aren't cheap. This is also why de raider spam is so difficult.


Offense - you can either have weapons on your tanks, or guys with weapons in your tanks. Either way, your vehicles are delivering a payload. That payload needs to be decisive enough that you will gain a strategic advantage once it's delivered. IE getting your guys in to assault or shooting your tanks needs to do enough damage to win you the mid board. Otherwise, you'll get overwhelmed.


So, making the magic happen:


Have as many transports as you need, with sufficient durability, to deliver the payload to achieve decisive advantage.


If you're really trying to make a land raider work, I'd have 1 supported by multiple cheap transports. Carry something big enough to justify it (assault terminators or centurions), and keep enough infantry that you won't lose from someone killing the raider.


Tarantula turrets can screen out your back field and hold the home objective while you're main guys assault.


that is all fair! I unfortunately cannot afford tarantulas yet, but in the mean time take a back field holders. How many rhinos or vehicles would be good? so far in most lists I got 2 rhinos full of 10 men each, 2 dreads with a redemptor and venerable, and since I have a few laying around 1 vindicator. think that is enough?

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Enough to insulate the LR? If that is the question, then it comes down to what your opponent is willing to or wanting to shoot their AT weaponry at. Unfortunately, it's usually the LR, as it's a big and scary vehicle. The other thing is, and I said this before, while they're shooting at that, they're not shooting at the Rhinos or the Vinicator. 

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I can’t remember the last time I saw a landraider. :smile.:

that's why I wanna play casually lol. kinda the whole point of this thread is to learn tactics to play a better game without going all the way into minimum-barebones tournament style armies. I am going to suffer for it for sure but dang it I wanna run a land raider.
The principles at play in keeping armor alive:


Survivability - toughness and armor, including invuln save and wounds. Black Templar benefit here from having the 5++ vow. You can also use grimaldus' 6+++ I believe.


Saturation - the enemy will have anti-tank weapons of some sort. If you have more targets than they have weapons, they can not effectively destroy your armor. This is what is at play when everyone chooses the cheapest transport. Marines generally struggle with this, because our transports aren't cheap. This is also why de raider spam is so difficult.


Offense - you can either have weapons on your tanks, or guys with weapons in your tanks. Either way, your vehicles are delivering a payload. That payload needs to be decisive enough that you will gain a strategic advantage once it's delivered. IE getting your guys in to assault or shooting your tanks needs to do enough damage to win you the mid board. Otherwise, you'll get overwhelmed.


So, making the magic happen:


Have as many transports as you need, with sufficient durability, to deliver the payload to achieve decisive advantage.


If you're really trying to make a land raider work, I'd have 1 supported by multiple cheap transports. Carry something big enough to justify it (assault terminators or centurions), and keep enough infantry that you won't lose from someone killing the raider.


Tarantula turrets can screen out your back field and hold the home objective while you're main guys assault.

that is all fair! I unfortunately cannot afford tarantulas yet, but in the mean time take a back field holders. How many rhinos or vehicles would be good? so far in most lists I got 2 rhinos full of 10 men each, 2 dreads with a redemptor and venerable, and since I have a few laying around 1 vindicator. think that is enough?

I've been playing with a similar idea but primaris only. I'm looking to run 1 repulsor and 2 impulsors moving forward, with crusaders and a redemptor on my main field.


That's 3 assault units, 1 big crusader block with grimaldus, a dread and 20 crusaders with tarantulas screening my back field. No games yet but I expect it to work.

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I can’t remember the last time I saw a landraider. :smile.:

that's why I wanna play casually lol. kinda the whole point of this thread is to learn tactics to play a better game without going all the way into minimum-barebones tournament style armies. I am going to suffer for it for sure but dang it I wanna run a land raider.
The principles at play in keeping armor alive:


Survivability - toughness and armor, including invuln save and wounds. Black Templar benefit here from having the 5++ vow. You can also use grimaldus' 6+++ I believe.


Saturation - the enemy will have anti-tank weapons of some sort. If you have more targets than they have weapons, they can not effectively destroy your armor. This is what is at play when everyone chooses the cheapest transport. Marines generally struggle with this, because our transports aren't cheap. This is also why de raider spam is so difficult.


Offense - you can either have weapons on your tanks, or guys with weapons in your tanks. Either way, your vehicles are delivering a payload. That payload needs to be decisive enough that you will gain a strategic advantage once it's delivered. IE getting your guys in to assault or shooting your tanks needs to do enough damage to win you the mid board. Otherwise, you'll get overwhelmed.


So, making the magic happen:


Have as many transports as you need, with sufficient durability, to deliver the payload to achieve decisive advantage.


If you're really trying to make a land raider work, I'd have 1 supported by multiple cheap transports. Carry something big enough to justify it (assault terminators or centurions), and keep enough infantry that you won't lose from someone killing the raider.


Tarantula turrets can screen out your back field and hold the home objective while you're main guys assault.

that is all fair! I unfortunately cannot afford tarantulas yet, but in the mean time take a back field holders. How many rhinos or vehicles would be good? so far in most lists I got 2 rhinos full of 10 men each, 2 dreads with a redemptor and venerable, and since I have a few laying around 1 vindicator. think that is enough?

I've been playing with a similar idea but primaris only. I'm looking to run 1 repulsor and 2 impulsors moving forward, with crusaders and a redemptor on my main field.


That's 3 assault units, 1 big crusader block with grimaldus, a dread and 20 crusaders with tarantulas screening my back field. No games yet but I expect it to work.


That is very nice! While stubborn on certain themes, if something doesn’t work I may change it. Like, if the land raider really flops I am building my vanguard vets and my captain with jump packs to be accompanied by a jump pack chappy and / or bike chappy, while freeing up 290 points to upgrade the captain to a chapter master (with thunder hammer, Adamantine mantle and shield), bring a predator annihilator and possibly a whirlwind, 2nd venerable dread or vindicator. 


two lists for your perusal


jump packer list

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars) [96 PL, 1,998pts, 7CP] ++


+ Configuration +


Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)


Chapter Selection: Black Templars


Detachment Command Cost


+ Stratagems +


Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of Extra Relics


+ HQ +


Chaplain [6 PL, 115pts]: 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Jump Pack, Litany of Hate, Power fist, The Crusader's Helm


Chapter Master [8 PL, 180pts, -1CP]: Adamantine Mantle, Chapter Command: Chapter Master, Jump Pack, Master of Arms, Storm shield, Stratagem: Heir of Sigismund, The Imperium's Sword, Thunder hammer, Warlord


Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts, -1CP]: 1. Litany of Divine Protection, 2. Psalm of the Remorseless Persecution, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Tannhauser's Bones, Wise Orator


+ Troops +


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]

. 3x Initiate: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades

. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]

. 3x Initiate: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades

. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]

. 3x Initiate: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades

. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]

. 3x Initiate: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades

. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist


+ Elites +


Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 180pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon


Vanguard Veteran Squad [15 PL, 333pts, -1CP]: Fist of Balthus, Jump Pack

. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer

. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Champion of the Feast, Power fist, Storm shield


Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Multi-melta

. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter


+ Heavy Support +


Predator Annihilator [8 PL, 170pts]: Two Lascannons


Vindicator [7 PL, 140pts]: Vindicator siege shield


+ Dedicated Transport +


Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter


Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter


++ Total: [96 PL, 7CP, 1,998pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe


“Broke crusade” list, where I am closest to running on the table


++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars) [97 PL, 1,998pts, 6CP] ++


+ Configuration +


Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)


Chapter Selection: Black Templars


Detachment Command Cost


+ Stratagems +


Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of Extra Relics


+ HQ +


Captain [5 PL, 115pts, -1CP]: Adamantine Mantle, Master of Arms, Storm shield, Stratagem: Heir of Sigismund, The Imperium's Sword, Thunder hammer, Warlord


Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts, -1CP]: 1. Litany of Divine Protection, 5. Fervent Acclamation, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Tannhauser's Bones, Wise Orator


+ Troops +


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]

. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades

. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]

. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades

. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 110pts]

. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades

. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power fist

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Power fist


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Initiate: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Boltgun


+ Elites +


Apothecary [5 PL, 110pts, -1CP]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, The Crusader's Helm


Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 180pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon


Vanguard Veteran Squad [13 PL, 303pts, -1CP]: Fist of Balthus

. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer

. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

. Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Champion of the Feast, Power fist, Storm shield


Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Multi-melta

. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter


+ Heavy Support +


Land Raider Crusader [15 PL, 290pts]: Multi-melta


Vindicator [7 PL, 140pts]: Vindicator siege shield


+ Dedicated Transport +


Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter


Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter


++ Fortification Network -1CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars) ++



++ Total: [97 PL, 6CP, 1,998pts] ++


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I spend a lot on pre game buffs I know, but I love every upgrade! Dunno if I should bring out another rhino of dudes or not, but I think this is good. Also hard to find room for turrets

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