slitth Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 I would like to hear about 40K project that you have , but cannot (for some reason) get or work finish. And I taking extreme project, not just the pile of shame that you never got around to paint. In my case I trying to can my old Space Crusade model so I can make them primaris size. Maybe giving them the option to have other shoulder pads and heads. (I would love to get them to use 30K shoulder pads) But the scanning isn't getting enough details in the 3d program for me to work with. Oh well, one can dream. So what is your crazy project? N1SB and VanDutch 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tawnis Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 I would love to turn my 1000 point Kroot force into a massive Kroot army, they are my favorite race lore wise and are so fun to play. I've spent the better part of this year building up the 1000 points I have and they are just great. :) Sadly, $ to points value is just way too much to be feasible. The old Forge World models cost an arm and a leg if you can even find them on e-bay, which you usually can't because they've been discontinued for so long. The Krootox and Hounds you can still get, but they cost more that a dollar per point (Krootox $30.00 for a 28 pt model and Hounds $30.00 for four 6 point models which really breaks the bank when you think of how many you need for a large army). Only the carnivores are a great value pick up, but you can only take so many Troop choices. I'd love to see the look on my opponent's face when I put 3000 points of Kroot on the table, but unless GW ever gives them a line refresh / brings back the Knarlocs, I just don't see it happening. Firedrake Cordova 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AenarIT Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 No question: buy, build, paint and play a game with a Tau Manta. Jolemai and Tawnis 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Strike Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 A full first company with Landraiders, Dreadnoughts, Veterans, and Terminators. BloodyB 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 A massive, detailed hive city gaming table with lots of verticality. Sadly space constraints make it pretty unfeasible :( Ielthan, MechaMan, Tawnis and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MechaMan Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 A massive, detailed hive city gaming table with lots of verticality. Sadly space constraints make it pretty unfeasible Ah yeah, like the oil rig they made for White Dwarf issue that launched Shadow War: Armageddon! Making a massive cathedral-like structure from the Sector Imperialis terrain would be awesome as well, something almost Dark Souls scale. Such a shame that kit went away and only the ruins remain, although I suppose that is appropriate in some ways. Firedrake Cordova and MARK0SIAN 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andes Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 6' x 4' Trenchworks board set. Built the three 2' x 4' base boards almost twenty years ago... they're still sitting down in my garage. Viridia, Metzombie and Firedrake Cordova 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 A full first company with Landraiders, Dreadnoughts, Veterans, and Terminators. My mind has been turning as of late to do something like this in 30k with SoH + Abaddon. I have been slowly converting + sculpting 40k Abaddon to Tartaros to make a Lt/ sub commander for him. General Strike and Viridia 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sothalor Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 Does getting a Fire Raptor kit to go together cleanly count? BLACK BLŒ FLY, Rejects of Anvilus and Viridia 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanDutch Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 Aeronautica / Titanicus diorama. Tau Tigersharks and Barracuda’s attacking Imperial Knights. One day! Viridia, Trokair, BloodyB and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Father Ferrum Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 I started doing the entire 4th Company of the Marines Errant (with 1sr, 9th, and 10th Company attachments) for the Badab War but it fell by the wayside because I just have so many other painting projects that keeping snagging priority. Someday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 (edited) A large Warhammer World style display (on 8 foot by 6 foot board), with 3 armies on - depicting a confrontation between the Legion of Taurus (with full support from Cultists, mutants, Traitor Guard and a Knight or two), and two DIY Loyalist Firstborn Chapters (Shadow Stalkers and Avenging Eagles). Approximately 4000-5000 points worth of miniatures per side! All of the loyalist Firstborn will be 'upscaled' with converted legs, so they match the size of the updated Chaos Marines. I have most of the miniatures I need to do this, but can't start until our kids have fully moved out - in which case I'll commandeer one of their rooms to build this in :lol: I've a feeling this is going to be my hobby project when I retire... :D Edited November 2, 2021 by firestorm40k andes 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
m_r_parker Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 When the Dark Mechanicum we’re first released for 30k I wanted to do a knight household that was at the forefront of binding daemons into their engines. Only that they got too greedy and bound Greater Daemons instead of regular ones. I wanted to do one Knight that was bloated with decomposing flesh in places, with the remaining metalwork covered in rust and grime that the adepts could not stop from spreading. I imagined it having the head collapsed from the chassis, but prevented from falling further than a couple of metres due to cables connecting it to the chassis. One leg would be fully flesh, making it walk with a limp and slowing it down. I would have eventually come up with ideas for all 4 greater daemons, and I even have a couple of boxes of Renegade to put this in action - but I never really started it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metzombie Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 A full Chapter of my "Shields of Dorn". I do not know if I will ever have the time and space for this but I am slowly working on it. A massive, detailed hive city gaming table with lots of verticality. Sadly space constraints make it pretty unfeasible I just need to build it big enough so you can live inside of it.^^ MARK0SIAN 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 Pure crazy? Complete an army... Ramell, Evil Eye, Halandaar and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Yellow Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 40k scale adeptus titanicus Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 (edited) So what is your crazy project? Pile of shame painted. Or more seriously, I'd love to do a patrol-sized force for all of the armies I like, and have a terrain-dense gaming table (think city fight) for each of the game systems. However, space is a problem. (doh) Edited November 2, 2021 by Firedrake Cordova Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 A full Chapter of my "Shields of Dorn". I do not know if I will ever have the time and space for this but I am slowly working on it. A massive, detailed hive city gaming table with lots of verticality. Sadly space constraints make it pretty unfeasible I just need to build it big enough so you can live inside of it.^^ I wonder if it would be cheaper to do that with GW kits or actual stonemasons and architects? I bet it’s close Firedrake Cordova 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halandaar Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 Buy/built/paint the entirety of a homebrew Space Marine chapter. including vehicles and support staff. After mulling this over for several years I have fully painted the sum total of 25 models. Firedrake Cordova, andes and Grim Dog Studios 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malios Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 Where to start... - Re-do my 3rd edition Dark Eldar army with the modern kits, but convert them to more of a Corsair or outer Commorragh region theme. Lots of individualised conversions etc. - 1 chaos gang for each god in Necromunda - 1 of each Necromunda gang - Really go deep into Inq28 / Inquisitor / Inquisimunda teritory and re-visit the late 90s era grimdark that got me into 40k in the first place - 1 of each warband type for GorkaMorka, including Muties and Diggas and Necrons for the endgame campaign. - Actually paint up and convert The Deff Skwadron - A splinter warband of the Emperor's children inspired by the audiodrama Perfection, where they look like perverse, angelic monsters with over-exaggerated efforts to be beautiful and perfect. ( Once again targeting down that Inq28 route) - An Angel's Vermilion or Angels Encarmine force where each Marine is individualised. - I go in cycles through the decades where I buy Orks then sell Orks. It's a love-hate relationship. And non-40k projects: - The Dreadfleet army of Count Noctilus - Grimgor Ironhide's Immortals from the Storm of Chaos - A Skaven Army from Clan Rictus - A Har Ganeth themed Dark Elf army compatible as a daughters of Khaine army for AoS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Eye Posted November 2, 2021 Share Posted November 2, 2021 I'd love to get a 3D printer and start designing my own models to share with people. Problem is I have minimal 3D modelling skills and as of this post not enough money to spare for a good printer. Bother. Tymell and Iron Father Ferrum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ielthan Posted November 3, 2021 Share Posted November 3, 2021 A full modular 12x6 cityfight table, but that isn't a grid system. Stylistically a mix of the old forgeworld terrain and loads of WW2 type ruins 40k'd up. Then have a huge Imperial Guard and Eldar armies fully painted to fight over it. I really miss when 40k was a bit more sci-fi WW2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Commander Ajax Posted November 4, 2021 Share Posted November 4, 2021 I want to do an Astartes launch bay table. Thing is every time I think about it I end up thinking of more and more complex ways to make it perfect. Maybe a Killteam board one day... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted November 4, 2021 Share Posted November 4, 2021 (edited) Making an Imperator-class Titan, like Blackadder is doing. Unfortunately, or fortunately for my mental state, I have neither the time nor the skills with plasitcard/pvc piping to try to get such a massive project off the ground. Hell, I haven't put together my Warhound I bought four years ago... Edited November 4, 2021 by Lord_Ikka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted November 4, 2021 Share Posted November 4, 2021 Full Sector Imperialis board with a good range of terrain, sadly with SI terrain not being readily available at the moment it will be a struggle abd I seriously hope it does make a proper comeback. The Chalnath previews made at least two mentions of the SI terrain being popular/requested so a man can dream. I'd love to create a Mechanised Guard Company with Kasrkin and Valkyrie support like in "Cadian Blood". Sadly the metal Kasrkin don't offer enough variety as I'd like a few squads (I know there's one in the book) and cost a fortune now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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